CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Funimation has Tsubasa.

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Some news:

--- Quote ---Funimation - Shinsen-Subs Follow-up (2005-12-08 20:36:50)

There has been some misunderstanding regarding the events surrounding Funimation's enforcement of its intellectual property vis-a-vis Shinsen-Subs. The fansub group was actively making available several titles that Funimation has already publicly announced. Their copyright infringement was not limited exclusively to unannounced properties.
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...ooh! they should still fansub the unannounced anime still ;)

Robin Sena:
On the filpside, FUNanimation is the way for TRC games to be released.

Hmm....unless FUNi makes an official comment and announcement about it, its really hard to confirm it  :( Especially for the BC license, people have been wondering whether its true or not, since lamer_de from Animesuki said:

--- Quote ---Now that shinsens site is up again and you can rad the C&D, there is no mentioning of Black Cat at all. Also, the "certain large anime fansub torrent site" still has torrents for Black Cat from other groups and only removed the ones from A-Keep. I'm sure mxs would've taken the other versions down as well if there were factual evidence Funi really licensed BC.

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Its really a mystery of what happened behind the scenes now.

As for fansubs, I believe even if most of the fansub groups might drop it, there will still be underground groups that would do it  :sweatdrop: Just like GSD, 3 groups continued to sub is after it got licensed.

--- Quote from: sanlyn on December 09 2005, 03:28 pm ---think positive! its good that fumi got trc, but doesn't mean no one will fansub it anymore. Let's stay calm and wait til it air next year and see if someone took the risk. In worst case, we could always d/l raw version or chinese sub at least.

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Yep. In the worst case, we still have raws to stick to :)

Little Wolf:
I guess it's time to remove the episode downloads...

I sincerely hope some non-US-based fansub group will continue subbing it next year. It was fun being able to download the episode right away after it aired in Japan...


--- Quote from: Little Wolf on December 10 2005, 02:45 am ---I guess it's time to remove the episode downloads...

I sincerely hope some non-US-based fansub group will continue subbing it next year. It was fun being able to download the episode right away after it aired in Japan...

--- End quote ---

I guess we have to pray for underground groups to appear :sweatdrop: Or a few may even want to risk continue subbing it, like the GSD fansubs. But I still have one question in mind, is that does this mean FUNi gets allthe 3 seasons of Tsubasa? Most of us are assuming it is, but....lets hope its not  :sweatdrop:


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