CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Funimation has Tsubasa.

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i don't live in america! i can fansub...oh wait i don't know japanese or how to encode :( and where do i get the raws? oh yeah dl-ing them...but i can't encode and i don't know japanese....i tried :(

If Tsubasa is popular enough, I'm sure someone will keep subbing it... Detetive Conan was licenced in many parts of the world yet its still been subbed (in numerous languages)... hopefully, it will be the same for Tsubasa...

Hmm good and bad news. The good think is usually when it's licessesed it meands dvds will come out (though hella expenisive). Personally I would have perfered another group to pick them up but better than Pioneer (now known as Geneon whom RUINED Card Captor Sakura!!).

I just heard live-evil is dropping TRC, that's too bad. I mean I wish they'd do this liceses thing season by season (as someone had suggested earlier). It was so nice to watch the fansubs right after it airs in Japan. And if they're going to drop it, that means they're going to drop subbing the movie right?

I hear the TRC movie is coming out soon on dvd, it's already up for pre-order. I kind of wished they did what FMA is doing with their movie which is providing english sub-titles in the limited edition. But from the info it looks like the TRC movie is only in Japanese and I don't know enough Japanese to follow convos.

You know ... anime companies in Japan ... would make a lot of money if they added english subtitles to their dvd releases (some have done that like with the upcoming release of FMA movie and I think an editon of Howl's Moving Castle did too). Most the time (no offense or anything) people don't like dubs or would perfer subs over dubs. If they had English subs included, they're make a higher profit than they already do since it is an international language ... but that's just my opinion and wishful thinking on my part.


--- Quote ---Personally I would have perfered another group to pick them up but better than Pioneer (now known as Geneon whom RUINED Card Captor Sakura!!).
--- End quote ---

Whoa, hold on there.

Nelvana runied CCS. Pioneer is just who they chose to release CCS on DVD uncut.


--- Quote from: KatanaJon on December 10 2005, 11:14 am ---Whoa, hold on there.

Nelvana runied CCS. Pioneer is just who they chose to release CCS on DVD uncut.

--- End quote ---

Quoted for truth.


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