CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Funimation has Tsubasa.
WHYYYYYYY???????? I'm shock with the news and I wanna cry T_____T!!!! :cry:
I have read LE News and the Funi email and I cant believe it.
For the first time I was watching brand NEW anime and I was very happy, like others said, I had the 'TRC Sunday routine' too, and NOW I will have to wait until it gets on DVD and buy it??
where Im from its REALLY HARD -and I mean it- to find that kind of stuff 'coz there are not such things like a 'comic store' and the 'video stores' doesn't sell anime DVDs. (Can you believe it!!!) The ONLY solution I have, is through the 'download system' unless you have enough money to buy through internet sales. Good thing: You have quality and an original product; Bad thing: Its very expensive, 'coz our money system is poor if I compare to dollars or euros, so I cant afford it U_U
but well .............I'll stop the (who cares)bla bla bla. I only have 2 wishes: 1. I hope that someone fansub the last 2 TRC seasons or at least the raws (now I have to learn Japanese jejeje XP); 2. I hope Funi can do a good work dubbling/subbling TRC.
jejeje I should start to save money, maybe at the end of the next year, I could buy all TRC DVDs ^__^
PD: Sorry my grammar mistakes, I know it sucks :dodge:
--- Quote from: KatanaJon on December 10 2005, 11:14 am ---Whoa, hold on there.
Nelvana runied CCS. Pioneer is just who they chose to release CCS on DVD uncut.
--- End quote ---
Gomen ne, I thought they were related companies, my bad.
maybe live-evil could just sub the episodes without actually releasing them! i mean, just provide the text and we get our own raws :P
Thats actually not a bad idea! if worse comes to worse- tho hard to flip frm txt to media player! :hehe:
im trying to keep a positive atmosphere- no official anouncements- and thanks to someone reminding me above- "they didnt say all seasons rite?"
didnt think of that! :sweatdrop:
hopefully not- fingers crosed!
Robin Sena:
It's a good way to expose this anime you see.
Though it's a double-edged sword.
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