CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Funimation has Tsubasa.

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Little Wolf:
Yep, I still haven't read any mention about Funimation claiming the rights for all seasons. But then, they didn't say too that it's only the first season they have the rights to release. :(

And about the subtitle scripts, that's actually not a bad idea. Not sure if that will also be considered illegal though... But I actually had wished for this during the first season... that some fansub group would just release scripts so I could use them with some media player that can use scripts together with a video. That way, I only have to download the raw video and the sub script. Not two videos which is just a waste of space considering the subtitle is the only difference between them.


--- Quote from: Little Wolf on December 11 2005, 03:59 am ---Yep, I still haven't read any mention about Funimation claiming the rights for all seasons. But then, they didn't say too that it's only the first season they have the rights to release. :(

--- End quote ---

If you knew about copyright laws, than you'd know when a company claims the rights to something, they claim the WHOLE thing, not just parts of it.

I don't see what's so wrong with this, it's not like 4kids got the liscense or anything. I'm VERY happy Funimation got the liscense. I've talked to alot of their voice actors before (I live by their Texas headquarters, and they come to all the conventions I attend) And they always do their absoulute best to suit the characters they perform as. They WATCH the animes they act in. And frankly all of their recent work (Fruits Baskets, Full Metal, and YuYu Hakushou) have been very well done. Dubbing is not a bad thing. People automatically assume.
"Oh well the Japanese voice actors are better! Becuase they're Japanese !"
When they don't even speak the language.

And as for the episode downloads, summaries and screenshots are just fine with me. I'd rather buy DvD's so Bee Train, and Clamp get something in return for their awesome work. I thought most of you didn't like the anime anyways, y'know? Since you're always complaing about it.

little wolf: i don't see how they can copyright "text" since it can be easily edited with synonyms and "accidental" i doubt they can copyright every word ever used in tsubasa just to keep us from knowing what they say...lmao, funny thought XDD  :rotfl: a lot of money spent though....just take tsubasa and go  :cry: at least legalize fansub's right to...fansub since some people prefer english dubs...and plus there are some people who can't read! so you only lost the reading-people audience and anyone who knows how to use a web browser, bittorrent, and/or that's only what...4000? 8000 people who know that...well that's what i see as a result of leech/seed counts for tsubasa)  :greengrin:

i kind of see why they stop fansubbing it...but as soon as the content is edited (ie taking part of the pictures out to leave room for fansub areas)...kind of technically that is NOT tsubasa...well that's it w/ a dub... :snore: :snore: :snore: just ignore me... :dodge:

NOTE: my username is also totosquirt on the Live-Evil chat boards  :noteworthy:

Gah, I hope there's some great, majestic (Overload on the adjectives..) group out there who would continue subbing. I would eternally bless them.

lol...even though the famous quote states "beggars can't be choosers"... i hope that fansub is good (gasp!)


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