CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Funimation has Tsubasa.

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Umm.... Are you so sure Funimation licensed Tsubasa? I checked Anime news network and it doesn't have any news on Tsubasa being dubbed and usually they post it right away when they hear of an anime or manga getting licensed. I'll go check it again. Plus, I read an anime magazine that was only released recently and they had a list of anime's that are "2006 hopefuls" meaning they are hoping it gets licensed this year, and Tsubasa was on the list. Ah well.

It's too bad  DB-LE are gonna stop subbing! I really wanted to see season 2! ;_;


--- Quote from: KirakiraInu on January 16 2006, 01:48 pm ---Umm.... Are you so sure Funimation licensed Tsubasa? I checked Anime news network and it doesn't have any news on Tsubasa being dubbed and usually they post it right away when they hear of an anime or manga getting licensed. I'll go check it again. Plus, I read an anime magazine that was only released recently and they had a list of anime's that are "2006 hopefuls" meaning they are hoping it gets licensed this year, and Tsubasa was on the list. Ah well.

It's too bad DB-LE are gonna stop subbing! I really wanted to see season 2! ;_;

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As you see in my first post, they did something very unusual. They haven't really announced that they have it yet, but if the went through the trouble of telling people to stop subbing it, then I guess they have it.

Also, don't worry about season 2. Someone will sub it. Look at One Piece and Naruto. Still being subbed even though they are both licenced.

I hope it gets dubbed! I think Funi did Fruits Basket right? If they did....I didn't care for it as much as I did the manga. >< But I usually enjoy their dubs!

Official news this time!

--- Quote ---In the February issue of Anime Insider, FUNimation has announced the R1 license to both Production I.G's XXXHolic/Tsubasa feature film and Bee Train's Tsubasa Chronicles TV series. No mention has yet been made of Tsubasa's second season or the XXXHolic TV series yet
--- End quote ---

They HAVE to make a second season soon! Although, I heard that it's coming in like...April or something. I don't want to wait anymore!


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