CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Funimation has Tsubasa.

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--- Quote from: Sohru-san on January 18 2006, 06:07 am ---They HAVE to make a second season soon! Although, I heard that it's coming in like...April or something. I don't want to wait anymore!

--- End quote ---


It will run from April until August, and the third season will follow.

Is that only on TV or will it be available to download? I don't live in Japan so I have to download the episodes...I hope they'll show it on Adult Swim if it ever gets dubbed!


--- Quote from: KatanaJon on January 18 2006, 06:17 am ---Correct.

It will run from April until August, and the third season will follow.

--- End quote ---

Wow that's really cool. I can't wait! I didn't know there was going to be a third season. I heard about a second season though.

If there's going to be a third season, why would they announce it when they're working on a second season? If there's going to be a third season, which I hope there will be, they most likely won't announce anything until after the second is finished and probably that there was enough viewers.


--- Quote from: Sohru-san on January 18 2006, 08:20 am ---If there's going to be a third season, why would they announce it when they're working on a second season? If there's going to be a third season, which I hope there will be, they most likely won't announce anything until after the second is finished and probably that there was enough viewers.

--- End quote ---

Hm.. good point.


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