CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

mekyo or hyuu?

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Sailor Yue-chan:
i like HYUU~! now that i discovered it i can make that sound now, i used to beable to whistle but i cant any more. also, im a HUGE fai fan so HYUUU~~!

MEKYO all the way!!!!!!!  Mokona's eyes are so adorable when he "mekyo"s!  haha it makes me laugh... :okay: :rotflmao:

mekyooo!!! it has more of a fantasy feeling cuz hyuu is like a whistle (what can i say i like fantasy)

I whistle a bit too often, so it's "Mekyo!"

"Mekyo!" I remembered I used to say that when I found something...o.o; Not out loud, but in my head. XD


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