CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

mekyo or hyuu?

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Hyuu gets my vote! I've spent years trying to whistle in vain.

i can whistle...and i mokona-chan's MEKYO used to surpise me when i was watching the anime (heh..guess i was paying enough attention) :haha:...i think its funny....but i do adore fai's'll go for both.... :tongue3:

Hyuu is so much cuter, I love to say it when I talk on msn...though non of my friends understand it... -_-

Oh, SailorYue-chan I love your banner!  :okay:

I love both! Fai is more adorable when he says his, I think, cause seeing Moko's eyes is kind of creepy, but the sounds are equally adorable. ^.~

"hyuu!hyuu!" that always i said when im very happy!!and then my friend who sit beside me said "what with that HYUU??!!"hahahaha.....i also said meow!!!!!!!!!!!!


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