CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
mekyo or hyuu?
Sailor Yue-chan:
--- Quote from: Toge-chan on October 04 2006, 10:29 am ---I voted for both. However, I rather hear "hyuu~" than "MEKYO!" randomly. it might scare hell out of me. D:
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especialy if randomly pronounced by a talking floating white meat bun:
(if it doesnt show up, let me know ><)
Hyuu hyuu!!
Right now I think I'd like to hear more "mekyon" than "hyuu."
I like hyuu better ^^
--- Quote from: Sanmine on July 25 2006, 05:49 am ---I've spent years trying to whistle in vain.
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Me too ^^;
i'm more of a "hyuuu~" person. XD
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