I'm a really sentimental person and i cry almost for every thing, i cried in the first movie of pokemon! when ash turned into a rock, XD. well it was sad when all the pokemons started to cry for him! and pikachu >< kawaii!! i already said that i was a really sentimental person !!!!!
TRC: when Sakura wake up after finding the second feather and she said "who are you" to syaoran, well it was sad for me *pats to syaoran*
In FMA i cried so many times, i cried when Hughe die, so sad, and i cried more for what his little daughter was saying. And when nina died!!!! this anime has a lot of sad moments!! how ed try to protects with his live his little bro. ... sad

Chrno Crusade: It was sad when Joshua turned into rocks all the kids and i tear a river in the end And the azamaria story that was told in the episodes when they celebrate the xmas (don't remember the number) but it was so sad.. *drops a tear*
Inuyasha: it was pretty sad the story between inuyasha and kikyo! *hugs inuyasha*
The OVA of rouroni kenshin: it was so sad the part when kenshin killed the girl that he loved! *sigh*

How about you???