-When Kotori dies(poor Kamui!!!)...
-And specially when "Subaru"(argh, that's not
my Subaru!

I have proof! But anyway...) wants to help Kamui come back from his coma, or what to call it... And he meets young Kamui.

-When Iniki dies, and then later reborn as a puppy! Oh, I cried!!!
-The ending... Kamui's words were pretty... And the last scene on Tokyo Tower where Fuuma stands alone, holding one hand over his heart, looking out at Tokyo...
And much more, can't remember now...
FMA when Nina is transformed into a chimera *ep 7* and Ed and Al found what was left of her on the wall
That episode... >.< I wanted to cry, but there was so many people looking at it as well, so I held my tears back... I felt the most sad when she/it looked at Ed and said "Ed...ward...


When Hamtaro sits on the roof, thinking he'll be taken by aliens... And he thinks about his friends... Whaaw~
Kagome stands in front of the tree and thinks for herself that she has fallen in love with InuYasha, and cries
Heh, I started crying while writing this...
Doesn't mangas count?... Oh well... Can make a thread like this for mangas too. Lalala~