AuthorTopic: [Alternate CCS/SO/ST/ORG]Mark of the Catalyst  (Read 13452 times)

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[Alternate CCS/SO/ST/ORG]Mark of the Catalyst
« on: January 14 2006, 04:44 am »
A storm was brewing just north of the Kinomoto Household. Lighting spouted here and there, striking the ground in a thunderous clap, another strike occurred, this time louder and caused Sakura to fall out of her chair

"I've never seen such a strong storm." She said as she looked out the window. Lighting fired every five seconds, it was a never ending loop, and apparently others had taken interest. Rain fell and pelted the ground, harder than most of the storms they often got

She saw her older brother riding his bike and quickly ran down the stairs, he opened the door. "Onii-chan?" Sakura said

"It's a down pour out there..." Touya said as he grabbed the towel that Sakura had taken off the counter. He dried himself down and looked back out, "I've never seen a storm like this..." he said and closed the door; the thunderous clap was strong enough to shake the house with each passing boom. Touya glanced down at his younger sister, he wondered if she was nervous, possibly afraid at what was going on

The rest of the night was filled with the storm getting slightly worse. By the next morning, it was impossible to tell weather it was really morning, or still night. Sakura's cloaked blinked and showed "7:30 am" she stretched and got up and walked over to her closest, as she put her uniform on another bang occurred causing her to jump. Kero looked outside. "I wonder what’s causing this..." he asked himself. Sakura just shrugged and went downstairs

When she got to the kitchen she heard something on the TV, and noticed that the newsman was talking about the storm. She ate her breakfast and grabbed her backpack, then put her skates on. As she opened the door she could feel the rain even before actually going out

She skated to school, arriving just before the bell had rung. This was her last year at Tomoeda Elementary, and only three months left, she wasn't to sure if she should feel glad, or sad, perhaps a little bit of both.

Another bang could be heard, and she looked up.

----Above the planet----

In orbit above the earth, a battle ragged between two warring factions. Apparently one faction wanted this planet; while the other did it's best to protect it. Neither side realizing that there actions where causing untold seismic and environmental catastrophe’s on the planet

As the battle ragged, a ship exploded and began to head toward the atmosphere below. A ship appeared from gravitic warp

"Captain! One of our ships has lost there port stabilizers, there heading toward the planet, at the rate there going they'll crash into the southern continent." One of the officers bellowed as she brought the ships main weapons online.

The captain stood there, he knew that destroying the vessel was the only means of preventing a massive explosion on the planet, not due to the ship crashing but more so due to its gravitic warp core, which would blow the planet out of its rotational alignment.

After some thought about it he nodded to himself. "Prefer to fire the creation cannon, target, our disable cruiser." he said with eye's closed, the officer glanced at him for a second they all knew that they had no choice in the matter, or else millions, perhaps even billions could die from the ship impacting the planet. They all went back to work after several seconds the final order was given. "Fire"

Particles of red light appeared along the starboard bow of the Federation ship "Ulysses" the particles collected along the lateral lines just below the cannon's fixed position. After several seconds a beam shot out, then fattened, it took only a mere second for the beam to cross space and connect itself with it's intended target, vaporizing most of the ship, what wasn't destroyed however plummeted to the surface below

The captain snarled, he wanted to destroy the WHOLE ship not bits and pieces

----On the surface----

Sakura and the rest of her classmates all heard it before they saw it, a slight whistle in the air like something was falling they all got out of there chairs and looked outside, there teacher scolding them but finding she couldn't really do much about it. The ground shook and everyone was thrown to the ground, Sakura fell and almost hit her head, but missed the desk by several inches, she looked back up. What is going on here?? she asked herself

Another explosion, this one closer, shook the girl and blasted the windows, several students screamed in pain as the shards of glass where blasted into them. Sakura felt several pieces of glass find there way into her arm as she held it up to protect her. She felt the blood run down her arm as she looked outside. Fire rose from different parts of the city and she could see emergency crews running around, after several minutes she and several of her classmates where taken to the health clinic

----Back in orbit-----

The battle was going astray for them. There enemy, a strange hybrid of some sort of ship, was launching attack after attack on them. When they finally managed to get the number of enemy ships to one, something occurred

"SIR! Massive energy spike from that ship!" An officer's yelled, panicked

The captain turned and glanced. The ship's lateral arrays where pointed at the planet. "STOP THEM!" the captain yelled and his ship opened fire

The enemy ship, however, wasn't going to take it; and soon fired its own weapon on the planet itself

----On the surface----

Sakura was being attended to by one of the paramedics who had been assigned to the school. "Man.. what the heck happened." One of the medics said as he bandaged another student up. "These kid's are lucky, I already heard about what happened at another elementary school just a few miles from her, the school got hit by something and collapsed."

Her eyes went wide when she heard that. "Yes, but apparently this isn't happening just in Japan. I heard that it's happening everywhere."

Sakura got up and walked toward the exit, a medic was about to stop her when she said she was going out for some air. He nodded and let her out. She made her way to the roof, the storm was still fearsome but had settled down a little bit, the cloud's where beginning to clear, it was when they began to clear is when she saw something that terrified her. Something was breaking the atmosphere, the air around her burned of ozone and it made her gag. A beam of red light shot out from the cloud's, vaporizing them in its path; the beam found its mark at the center of town, exploding and vaporizing the center, the buildings there toppled inward

She got up and took out the shield card she truly wasn't sure if it would help or not. She summoned the card and a barrier around, not around the city, but around the planet


"Captain, I've detected some sort of barrier folding up around the planet. It's... got a magical property?" The officer said slightly confused

"Symbolic magic perhaps?" Another officer said

"No.. it's property don't match Symbolic nor Ruinograhic magic. It's something we haven't heard of." Yet another officer said

The captain wasn't interested in the techno babble his officers where creating. What he was interested in was how the barrier had been blocking all the shots of the enemy ships weapons. "That’s a strong barrier, but if it's being created by a single person, that won't last long."

"Detecting another power build up...."

The enemy ships lateral, starboard, port, and dorsal line's lite a bright red and focused on a center point of the barrier, directly above the northern and western continents. The ship then fired several beams of purple energy that slammed into the barrier with enough force to send shockwaves through space. The barrier shimmered a few, then shattered, the beams impacted both continents, wiping them out.

Everyone on the bridge just stared, there was nothing left of the two continents that there enemy had targeted it, one of them being the biggest on the planet, the other being slightly bigger. He snarled and when they looked back, the enemy ship was gone. "Did they leave?"

'Negative, I'm being up bio-organic reading; it seems they just broke up after they fired on the planet."

"Sir? There's untold destruction on the planet. Normally the UPC would prevent us from getting involved... but if my scans are correct; two of the most important countries on that planet where just wiped out in a blink of an eye." His science officer said as she stunned the planet more. "That barrier was created in... hey... this can't be right..."

"What’s wrong?" The captain walked over to her station.

"According to these reading.... the barrier was created above a country called 'Japan' "

He raised his eye-brow. "That’s not possible.. at least.. it shouldn't... only Japan i know is the one back on Earth. Is it possible two earths exist?"

She shook her head. "I don't know, only that we need to supply aid for these people."

He nodded. "Get a message back to command, inform them of our situation. In the meantime we'll commence landing procedure"

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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Mark of the Catalyst

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Re: [Alternate CCS/SO/ST/ORG]Mark of the Catalyst
« Reply #1 on: January 15 2006, 02:06 am »
great write!

the front part before you introduce the 2 warring factions.. it resembles one of the CCS episode. :keke:

interesting CCS sci-fic~ cant wait to read the next chapter... im also interested to know why are there 2 Japans :okay:

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Re: [Alternate CCS/SO/ST/ORG]Mark of the Catalyst
« Reply #2 on: January 15 2006, 07:12 am »
The captain stared out across what remained of Tomoeda, he learned about the cities name after there ship landed just 6 kilometers from the center of town, which was nothing more than a crater now.

"If not for the attacks, I'd say this would be a perfect view, of a beautiful city." He said as he stood there watching out

The Pangalactic Federation had responded faster than he thought, already medical frigates and aid transports had arrived in system; the Federation had also set up a sort of blockade around the planet to defend it in case the enemy returned. Japan wasn't the only city to sustain a lot of casualties

When his recon flight returned he thought they where all high on something, but when he checked it out himself he found out they where very much right. Germany, England, France, Italy, Iran, Iraq, and several other countries had been completely blown away. America, and Canada where also gone; leaving only Alaskia and South America remaining. Although South America was relatively untouched

He wasn't feeling very good, roughly half a billion people where killed. He felt if they had arrived sooner more would've made it. But, that wasn't what was on his mind

"Japan...." he said to himself on several occasions. "How is it that Japan resides here... and Japan resides on the Federation Home world." He pondered that question for several minutes, finally not coming up with an answer


The captain turned around and looked at the officer who spoke to him. "We found the person who casted that barrier, but she's unconscious and in critical condition, request permission to bring her aboard one of the medical frigates."

He thought about that for a second then nodded. "Take her aboard then." he said as he folder his arms and looked over.

----4 hours before the Federation Landed on the planet *IE, FLASHBACK*----

Sakura stared toward the sky and continued to pump her magic into the shield card, but as time went on she felt herself growing ever weaker with each passing second. "What....." she snarled as she fell to one knee as her magic grew weaker. It wasn't until the barrier shattered when she felt it, and fell to the ground. Blood came from her ear and she barely got herself to her feet

The ground shook violently and Sakura fell back again, banging her hand up against the ground and knocking her out

She was found roughly an hour before the Federation landed by her friends, Tomoyo, Syaoran, Rika and Chahiru. They wanted to move her but Syaoran wasn't in agreement with the idea, Rika went to get one of the doctors and soon returned with not just one, but three medics’, who checked her over and found that if they did move her, she would die.

It wasn't until the Federation ship landed did they feel she could probably be moved without much difficulty. The ship's doctors had been assigned to different parts of the city, lucky two where assigned to the school where many of the students where either injured, or worse.


Syaoran went with Sakura as they boarded a shuttle. "Will she be alright?" Syaoran asked one of the doctors. The doctor stayed silent, not sure what to say to him, and stayed silent for the whole trip to the frigate. Not surprisingly, a young man, Yukito, went with them to the frigate

The doctors on board did several scan's to figure out what had happened. She had a blown out lung, and was bleeding in the brain, at first the doctors felt she wouldn't survive, but something was indeed keeping her alive and they didn't know what it was

----Back on the planet----

The captain had just got off the comm. with his superiors, apparently other instances of different worlds had appeared around the universe, other earths, other planets, it was almost as if a merge was occurring

There ships where spread thin as is, thanks to the war that occurred several months ago. Over the past few weeks they had strange appearances of those ships, it wasn’t until this planet appeared did those ships commence there attacks. This earth wasn’t the only planet attacked, three others Earths had appeared, but out of the four, only this one managed to make it out in one piece, but not without casualties

He took a shuttle down to the center of the city and surveyed the damage. Just as he had expected, there was nothing left except for the top parts of the buildings that had managed to escape the massive beam that pierced the sky and blown the hole

There was more damage that could be seen, apparently an underground subway system had been developed in this town, but due to the attack it was collapsed and apparently a train was going through the center at the time. No doubt they would have to search it as well, his main concern however was how the enemy targeted educational and military facilities, it was unheard of before in war, most of the time an enemy would target a military facility only and leave the civilian population alone. He couldn’t help but think about it, something was missing from his puzzle

He decided to return to there ship, the Emperor of Japan was thankful for the federation’s assistance and asked them to stay, although under normal circumstances the UPC was often sought after; and in this case, this world was in pre-warp state. “How’s are the doctor’s doing?” he asked his communications officer

The officer turned in her chair and looked at her commanding officer. “They’ve found several other people buried, some under the school, others found in area’s that apparently became weak during the attack and collapsed.”

“Sir, the president wants to talk to you.” Another officer said

He nodded and took the call. The president, or rather, the Emperor, was interested in some information about what they planned on doing. Naturally they where going to stay there and help the wounded and dieing, perhaps even save a few people. It was the next question that had him thinking

“We don’t have any educational facilities left in the country, so we can’t teach our children. Is… it possible for you to lend a hand?” The president asked

The captain thought about it. “I might be able to.” He said to the president and asked him to wait. He got on another line and sent in a request to his superiors, which was answer in under an hour. Masser V was one of the planets colonized by the Federation and had most of it’s education facilities, after some time they authorized it’s use as a temporary planet for the children and families of Japan

Several transport vessels arrived and helped ferry people from the planet to Masser V. Tomoyo and Syaoran was on the same transport, but apparently Sakura wasn’t there. “I wonder where Sakura-chan is?” she asked herself while looking around

Syaoran was equally as concerned; finally after some waiting Sakura entered the room they where in, she was in a wheel chair which was something Tomoyo never thought she’d see Sakura in. “Sakura-chan!”

“Ohio, Tomoyo-chan.” Sakura said rather sheepishly. “Sorry to worry you, but the doctors here wanted to make sure I was ok.”

Touya entered that room, along with Fujitaka, Sakura’s father, the two of them sat down on a near by sofa. “How are you feeling today?” Touya asked

Sakura smiled. “I’m feeling fine thanks.” She turned the chair and wheeled herself toward a view port. The stars flew by as the ship they where on had entered gravitic warp and flew toward Masser V. “Never thought I’d see the stars this up close.” Tomoyo said as she stood next to Sakura and looked out

Elsewhere on the ship a doctor was checking another type of scan he did on Sakura. “Interesting… her magical properties are off the scale.” He said and turned toward the view port and smiled

They where in warp for about two days before finally arriving at Masser V. The transport landed at one of the many spaceports and disembarked it’s passengers, apparently the Federation felt the people needed a familiar sight in order to stay in high spirits, so the federations construction branch had completely recreated Tomoeda and several surrounding cities, although it wasn’t completely right, it was the best the construction crew’s could do considering how beat up there city actually was.

When they got off the ship and where heading to one of the house’s that there father reserved, both Tomoyo and Syaoran noticed just how beautiful the city was. “I wonder how they managed to do all this?”

There answer came to them. “Most of the city is a hologram.” A police officer, who was actually a Federation Soldier, said. “Only the buildings are real, everything else was made holographic.”

Tomoyo didn’t understand what the officer was talking about, but nodded anyway. Later that night, when Sakura and her family where about to head to bed, they got a card in the mail from the educational department on the planet. Sakura was indeed assigned to Tomoeda Elementary, but it wasn’t that that caused her to get mad, it was her grade. “HUH?!” she said in surprise

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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Re: [Alternate CCS/SO/ST/ORG]Mark of the Catalyst
« Reply #3 on: January 15 2006, 10:29 am »
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Re: [Alternate CCS/SO/ST/ORG]Mark of the Catalyst
« Reply #4 on: January 16 2006, 04:13 pm »
The runs rose on the southern part of the city as it rose it casted a orange heu across the ground. As it rose it laid it's gaze upon a graveyard. People stood there placing flowers and other items on the grave sites of there loved ones

Sakura and her friends and family where there. Syaoran was placing a flower on the grave of his mother and sister. He was trying hard not to cry but it could be seen that it wasn't helping. Rika and Chahiru where doing the same to there family's graves. Sakura was choked with tears as she placed a flower on the grave stone of her Grandfather. She wiped a tear away from her face but they still fell and she finally stopped and just let them fall

As the day wore on the graveyard filled with people a priest from the Pangalactic Federation attended the funerals, allowing the spirit's of those who died to rest. Sakura and her family left later that night. Syaoran and Tomoyo joined them, Tomoyo had lost her mother and had no other family to return to, so instead of having them stay with temporary parents, the Kinomoto family decided to have them stay with them. Although Touya didn't exactly like having Syaoran but Fujitaka said it would be alright

Night fell over the grieving city and the sun disappeared beyond the horizon, Sakura was still upset about finding out there grandfather had died, but soon fell asleep. When the next morning arrived, it was raining outside. She opened the windows and breathed in the air, it smelled good and lightened her spirits

She put on some clothing and walked downstairs. Again that card she got in the mail was sitting there and she picked it up and looked at it. "I wonder why they put me in that grade..." she asked herself

Touya shrugged. "I don't know..." he said as he flipped some pancakes. "You completed that grade three years ago, maybe they feel you need to be a lower grade?" he shrugged

She looked back at the card. "But the 3rd grade?!" she said in a slightly angered tone then but the card back down. She had found out that Syaoran and Tomoyo in the 4th grade, Rika and Chahiru where in the 5th grade, and her brother, Touya, was in the 12th grade. It was confusing, why was she repeating a grade she had completed three years ago? But then it dawned on her, she didn't notice it before and apperently neither did her friends and family. "Ummmm.... " she said and checked the card's height. "Wait... this height is the same height i was back in the 3rd grade..."

"But.. that was impossible" she said and checked her height, but discovered she was indeed, that height. "HOE?!"

Later that week they got an answer for why they had shortened in height. The commander of the facility addressed the city, in what seemed like a concerned tone

"We can't explain it." He said. "But when you where all transfered to this facility, you regressed three year's in your life, althought whatever you learned over those three year's you still recall, it still happened." the commander looked slightly puzzled. "I'm sorry I don't have a straight answer, only a thoery, we believe the regression had something to do with whatever it was that attacked your world."

Sakura didn't understand it. But didn't ask any questions as to how to understand it.

hit writers block, will update tomorrow

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Mark of the Catalyst

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: [Alternate CCS/SO/ST/ORG]Mark of the Catalyst
« Reply #5 on: January 17 2006, 05:05 am »
Maskis walked through the corridor that connected the two halves of the science station "Ralroost" that had been set up around the earth, or as command had happily called it, "sight 1"

"What is it that you found?" Maskis said to one of the scientist who had been studying a rather strange phenomena. "We found something in that atmosphere that might explain why most of the refugee regressed in age." The scientist said but then shook his head. "Correction, why most of the children regressed in age. For some reason adults remain unaffected."

He accepted the pad and looked at the information. "You used two people?"

"Yes I did, I asked Dyhokan Academy if we could have two people come here, a student and a teacher." The scientist nodded to the film. "The first student was a 14 year old grade-schooler, and a teacher who teaches that class, look at this." he gestured toward the monitor

He watched the image, which had been time lapsed and speed up, the kid regressed in age to about 10 year's old, while the teacher remained her height. "Although the kid's can remember everything that they had been thought, some things are forgotten." the scientist shook his head. "Unfortunately, there is no cure that we aware of"

"Does Dyhokan appreciate one of there students regressing in age?" Maskis said to the scientist. "Actually, this student had been causing them quite a bit of trouble, and they where trying to find a way to punish him, they have a technique that allows them to reverse a persons age, both kid and adult, but since the headmaster and mistress aren't around, they can't use."

He nodded. "Very well, so that explains why they regressed in age, but what CAUSED it?" he handed the pad back to the scientist. "I doubt it was always like that"

"No... and there's another issue.. we are already detecting trace amounts of the particles on Masser V, around the Tomoeda City." The scientist sighed loudly and sat down. "SOMEONE is radiating it out from there body but it's very hard to figure out WHO." The door's opened a doctor walked in. "Sir?"

"Yes?" Maskis glanced over his shoulder and at the doctor. "Something the matter?"

The doctor handed the report to Maskis, his eye's narrowed ever slightly. "Is this correct?" he asked

"Yes it is... she had a high magical count, much higher than the others... and it seems she's not alone. Out of three hundred thousand five hundred children who where evacuated from the planet, Japan alone, roughly five thousand are displaying signs of magical prosperities, but only ten are showing an acute raise in there magic, while only two show a slight dampening effect, ONE however has a magic count that bypasses anything I've seen." The doctor looked amazingly puzzled, which was new considering he had never been puzzled before about anything

"Who?" Maskis folded his arms and allowed the datapad to hand from his finger

"Sakura Kinomoto, currently age nine, but she was fourteen." The doctor shook his head. "Out of all the children there, SHE was harmed the most in the regression"

"And no cure huh?" The commander asked. The doctor shook his head and they all sighed. "Looks like we might have to prepare for the worst to, scanners picked up a slight moving toward Masser V, luckily it'll be a couple months before it arrives."

Maskis nodded and soon left the room he walked down a hallway that lead to a gantry crane that connected his ship to the science station. His ship moved away from the station and jumped into gravitic warp, destination: Masser V

On Masser V

Sakura skate through the park, it was the first day of school, well, it was December but the first day of school still. She wore the same uniform, which amazed her that the educational facility managed to copy the uniform color for color. "I wonder how they got all that..." she asked herself as she skated behind a few poles and throw the street. If it wasn't for the slight discoloration in the sky, it'd appear that it was a normal day. But the barrier that protected the city from any future attack was a reminder that they where not on there planet

She skated onto the school grounds and toward her locker, she took her skates off and put her shoes on, her friends greeted her and they began to talk. Mostly about what was going on, none of them talked about what grade they where not in, but they did hope it was temporary

Sakura walked into her class, 3/4, and glanced around ,she was surprised, most of the students there where the same students she had in the sixth grade, only one's missing where of course Tomoyo, Syaoran, Rika and Chahiru, but Yamazaky and a few others where still present. She took a seat and placed he hat and backpack on the slick clamp

After several minute's the teacher walked in, to her surprise it was Mizuky, and she looked slightly agitated, which might be because of all the problems that the teachers had been going through this past week. She introduced herself and the class clapped in happiness she walked around and asked the students what they wanted to do and it was decided on a game of soccer. The class mellowed out and went to a near by field where everyone began the game. Sakura sat by the side lines and watched

As the rest of the class played the game she looked up toward the sky. It was raining slightly but not enough to cause the teachers to pull the class back in, although the rain did leave a smell that brought a sense of closer to everyone; in fact, no one minded the fact that they're uniforms where soaked by the time eleven am arrived

Lunch happened like always and brought with some better food than the students normally had. "I wonder why the food here is better." A student asked as he filled up his tray

Sakura had brought a lunch with her and decided to eat outside under a tree, although the rain did make it slightly difficult to find a spot where the rain wasn't touching the ground, after some looking she finally found one. She wasn't used to eating without Tomoyo, or Syaoran for that matter, the two of them had been eating lunch together for two-three years now

As she ate lunch she heard a boom in the distence and glanced over toward the mountains, which where one thing that was infact real, most of the buildings had in deed been created, the plants where real and so where the buildings, the only things in town that where fake where the streets and lights, over the past week the construction beural had replaced most of the hologram tree's with real ones, figuring that it would bring a better peace here than having fake ones that didn't really mean anything

She got up and picked up her lunch box then walked back to class, some of the students where there and getting ready for PE. While others where talking amongst themselves, either about their day or perhaps about what has gone on. Sakura took her seat and glanced out the window. "Guess I can get used to this, at least until they find a way to undo what happened." she smiled

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Mark of the Catalyst

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: [Alternate CCS/SO/ST/ORG]Mark of the Catalyst
« Reply #6 on: January 18 2006, 03:07 am »
Chapter 2
The death of a dearest one, The beginning of Nightmare's Gate

Somewhere... in the distant part of space... a woman stood on a hill holding what appeared to be a wand of some sort.

"Ukemi ni tsuite no  hitotoki" the girl said although nothing was appearing, or so many of her followers thought. In space a ball of black matter appeared just above the planet's lateral sphere. Her eye's opened suddenly, redness coming out form within and blasting the ground with her gaze. "Kesu...."

A bang was heard, and the ball of energy exploded, over a thousand lines of energy flew out in all directions before stopping, then heading toward a point in space.

On Masser V

It had been two weeks now since they had been rescued and brought to this planet. Although Sakura was still feeling uncomfortable about a few certain differences it didn't bother her as much as it did those two weeks ago

Although most of the problems had passed already, Sakura was growing accustomed to her new world and the fact that she was slightly younger than she was back on Earth; but she did notice that Syaoran was agitated about all this

It was late at night when she felt it something approaching from somewhere far off in space. She got up out of bed and opened her window and looked out

Up in space

"Incoming anomaly!" yelled an officer from a near by observation station. "Whatever it is, it's fast."

"Bring all ships into position." Barked an admiral as he got up out of his chair and issued orders

Over twenty five ships moved to surround the planet and protect it from whatever was coming its way. The sudden wave of energy, however, overwhelmed there shields and blew the ships apart

"ADMIRAL! We-" yelled a captain before his ship was destroyed. Outside the Admiral watched as his fleet was ripped to shreds by something that they couldn't fight against, let alone see. His time came though when the forward view screen ripped apart and space lay beyond. He had accepted this position knowing one day he would die, and apperently today had been the day

The explosions could be heard even planet side and the people burst from there home's or office's to find out what the noise was all about. Several screamed in terror as the ground near them was struck by something they see people, other's screamed in pain as they where impaled, again by something they couldn't see nor understand

Syaoran ran through the streets toward Sakura's house. The house was remaining untouched by he could fell her power weakening with each strike. But before he got there he felt something go through him and he hit the ground, he brought his hand over to the side of his chest and it came away wtih blood, he also tasted it. It tasted like copper and steel, but he didn't care and just kept going another bolt slammed into him and he fell forward, this time however he could not get up, his vision blurred as he stared at Sakura's house. "S....s....akura...." he said before his vision went black

It struck her.. harder than she ever thought it would.. someone she loved.. someone she held dearest to her... "SYAORAN!!!!!" she yelled with such intensity that her magic spiked, a blue dome of energy shot out from her house, causing it to explode, her body was a float in the air, her magic shifted in color scheme's from green to red, then back to green again, emotions flaring, her eye's shifted from place to place until she saw Syaoran's lifeless body laying on the ground, a pool of blood surrounded him. A spark in her magic occurred again and the blue dome expanded to cover the whole planet

Somewhere else in space

The girl snarled, something was fighting her and she didn't know what it was. "How can anyone have such a high magic level?!" she protested as she feed more energy into her attack, but no matter how much energy she put into it it kept fighting and kept pushing her back. She cursed wildly and kept on pushing

Back on Masser V

Sakura continued to fight, and continued to push as well; whoever it was that was attacking her wasn't succeeding and was just using up energy. She finally shook her head, and put an end to the attacks. Off in the distance a star went nova, eclipsing the sky in a bright yellow hue

(FYI: To know what it felt like when writing this, play the following track: Tsuneyoshi Saito - Opening of Nightmare's Gate)

The dust settled around the planet, but the damage had already been done. She couldn't feel anyone, no life, nothing; she was alone and alone was not what she wanted. She glanced around, the dome she had created to protect her family and friends, had instead reversed and was slowly crushing the planet.

Her magic had been speaking to so many different levels, she failed to notice the sudden tears that occurred around her. She heard a voice behind her and turned around

"You have suffered enough..." said the voice. "you have suffered enough..."

She looked around more, wondering who was saying that; but before she could ask she was encased in what appeared to be a blue light crystal. "I'll send you back in time... to people who will help you... you will bring life back into your soul.. but.. you will not remember any of this... nor will you remember who you where or why you where sent there." the crystal shot up into the air and soon vanished. The voice disappeared and was then replaced by an older woman. "So much suffering.. a young girl like her doesn't need... perhaps they will help her... if only those two dimensional agents weren't away I'd have requested there help but they are away and there is nothing I can do" the girl smiled then she to vanished, the planet soon disappeared from known space, crushed under the weight of the barrier that had been erected for it

End of part one

(FYI: Play the following song while reading the last paragraph: Tsuneyoshi Saito - Separation)

*Both songs are from the Fafner OST 1 disk*

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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Mark of the Catalyst

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: [Alternate CCS/SO/ST/ORG]Mark of the Catalyst
« Reply #7 on: January 19 2006, 04:29 am »
Part 2

Dimension: Starocean

A young man walked along the river bank apparently looking for something. "Where'd I drop that blasted thing." he said as he looked around. As he did that a tremor shook the ground beneath him, throwing him into the river, thankfully it wasn't that deep

He picked himself up and brushed off the sand, but he'd have to change out since he would most likely catch a cold due to wearing wet clothing. He was about to leave when another tremor, this time stronger, shook the ground; he braced himself however and didn't fall, he looked around and up into the sky before sighting what appeared to be a storm on the horizon, only difference was that this storm didn't look natural. A star appeared from the center and went down slightly, then arched upward and disappeared

"Huh?" He said and wondered what it was. Near by the holy city of Aquios was apparently in an uproar about the storm, several of it's guards made there way outside of the city. As they did that a sonic boom could be heard in the distance, at first the young man thought it was perhaps a ship from where he originally came from, but in this case it wasn't: Whatever it was that excited the storm was now skipping through the atmosphere, after sometime it finally found it's way through and started spiraling downward toward the ground.

"With that type of trajectory...... it's going to hit the holy city!" The young man yelled as he glanced at the city, as if on cue the object slammed into the city, destroying whole buildings, before blasting through a wall and into the water below he did, however, get a good look at it. "A crystal...." he said and packed up his sword and shield and made off after it as it floated down the river, which soon disappeared into a cave

Down the cave some a young woman wearing what about to be a ninja attire walked. "The queen said I could find it in here." she said as she continued to search. Her searching ended though when she heard something brush up onto the near by shore line. She ran toward it, using a lantern to see, and noticed young girl laying there, apparently in her pre-teens. She picked the girl up and made her way back to the Holy City

The guard's at the gate didn't stop her, but she did notice an untold amount of destruction which caused her to stop. "Who attacked us?!"

"We don't know, something came out of the sky and went through the city, thankfully no one was hurt." A guard said as he looked around before noticing the young girl. "Whos that?"

"I found her while I was searching one of the caves nearby. She appears to be hurt." The girl said

"Take her to one of the inn's, I heard that one girl, Mirage, is in town and might be able to help." The gate guard said

The girl nodded and ran toward the inn, its door opened and, right there in front of the fireplace, sat a lady who looked to be in her thirties. "Nel?" the lady spoke and got up. "What’s wrong?"

"I found this girl while in the cave, if it wasn't for this right here." She pointed to what appeared to be a mechanical device attached just below the elbow. "I'd have thought she came from here, but."

Mirage nodded and gestured for Nel to follow her. The two of them went to one of the rooms, where another man, about the same height, was staring out the window. "Morning Cliff." Mirage said as she opened the door and gestured for Nel to lay the girl down on one of the beds

"Morning Mirage, whos that?"

"Apparently a young girl who needs our help." Mirage said as she soaked a cloth rag, then tightened it to drain it of all the water it had soaked. He brushed it across the girls wounds to take away the blood that was present, she began to apply some herbs to her rounds to help heal them. Her clothing was something that struck Nel as 'odd' but apparently Mirage had noticed her look. "What she wears is similar to what students wear when they are in grade school back on our world." Mirage said as she brushed away more blood and applied more herbs

Later that night Mirage had undressed the girl and put in more 'civil' clothing, her old cloths where so torn and tattered that she doubted there'd be a way to repair them. "Cliff, see if you can find Fayt and Sophia, they might know her considering the crest that was on that girls sleeve."

"You think the girl attended a school back on Earth?" Cliff said as he opened the door

"No doubt, she did, but the problem is that the school on earth used slightly different patterns, the pattern on her is of an old design." Mirage said, Cliff nodded and soon left

Nel looked up at Mirage. “What do you mean by ‘grade school’ ?” she asked

Mirage walked over to a chair and sat down. “Our culture educates our children in schools, like Fayt who is in College, which is a specialized school, and Sophia, who is in High School, which is a higher form of education.” She took in a breath. “Grade school, which is commonly referred to by older people, is also known as: Elementary School, or, basic education. Where the students learn how to read and write, draw, there numbers and letters”

“I see… much different from what we do here.” Nel said as she got up. “I’m going to report what I found to the queen.” With that she left. Mirage looked over at the young girl, she wondered who the girl was and wondered she had come from. She knew for a certain fact that the girl wasn’t native to this world, and was defiantly not native to this dimension. More so because of the clothing but also because of the mechanical device she had attached to her, which after examining it, was a cell phone. “Old Technology used back in the 21st century.” She said. She laid her head back on the chair and looked out the window and at the sky.

Several hours passed before Cliff returned, Fayt was with her. “Who do we have here?” he asked

“Nel found her in a cave near by a couple hours ago, she was bruised and battered but she’ll be ok.” Mirage said and walked over to the drawer where she had placed the girls old clothing. “Tell me Fayt, do you recognize this?”

Fayt looked at what remained of the girl’s uniform. “Yes I do… at least for the crest I do, the crest belongs to an Academy back on earth, a K-12 one that is. But the colors and patterns are completely different from what that Academy has.” He said

“Is it possible she came from there?” Mirage asked

He thought about it. “I know the Academy likes to take there students out on trips into space to other planets to teach them stuff, but this world is to far from Earth, and there’d be no reason. Plus I doubt she came from there because of that cell phone.” He gestured to what was on the table. “I’d say … she came from the 21st century…”

Cliff shook his head. “Whoa whoa.. .hold on.. You mean to tell me this girl traveled through time and came here?”

“Telling by her bruises, I doubt she came willingly.” Mirage said. “I have a feeling someone might be after her.”

“Oh great…. That’s all we need.” Cliff said

“Either way,” Fayt spoke, “When she wakes up it’s best we not tell her where she is, I can’t help but get the feeling she’ll freak when she finds out she is no longer where she used to be.”

“And HOW do we convince her of that?”

Fayt was about to answer when a young girl appeared before them. Cliff went for his blaster and Fayt for his sword, but the girl held up a hand. “This girl has no memories; she won’t know who she is nor where she came from. It must stay that way if she is to survive.”

Cliff shook his head. “And you are?”

“Someone who knows of several other entities who want her dead, right now they don’t know she’s here and it would be best to keep it that way.” With that the girl vanished

Fayt had that ‘look’ on his face. “Another adventure it seems.” He said

“Yea…” Cliff said

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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Mark of the Catalyst

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: [Alternate CCS/SO/ST/ORG]Mark of the Catalyst
« Reply #8 on: January 20 2006, 12:07 pm »
The sun rose above the mountains on this strange world. The sky was clear and you could see for miles on end. In the distance you could hear the shores as they crashed against the side of cliff's and walls that lined up the narrow canyons.

Mirage was tending to a fire in the inn, it was rather cold outside so she decided to make a fire and try and warm things up. Over the past few days they'd tried to figure out who the young girl was but apperently the federation hadn't a clue and neither did the school system, who tried every means of cross referencing the girl; although they did find some information related to her. Apperently, deep inside the databanks, was a missing persons report that somehow managed to keep itself alive despite the numerous wipes that the databank went through over the years

"Sakura Kinomoto..." Cliff said

Mirage turned around. "Huh?"

"Thats her name. Apperently she disappeared in the year...... wow...... 2003" Cliff said astonished. "Surprised they had this information. She's an eleven year old girl who suddenly vanished from her school without any word, numerous searchs where done but, after six months of searching, they finally gave up"

"Then how'd she get here... time warp perhaps?" Mirage asked

Cliff nodded. "It's diffinantly possible. In fact, I wouldn't doubt it." Cliff walked over to a chair and sat down. "However, what will we do once she wakes up?"

"Perhaps it's best we try and help her...." Fayt said. The two looked over and noticed him standing the door way, Sophia stood by his side. "That girl said that people where after Sakura right?"

The two men nodded

"Then, until a certain amount of time passes, we should protect her, perhaps even help her out in some way." Sophia suggested

As if on cue, the girls eye's blinked open. "Huh?" she got up and looked around and soon noticed that there where four people in her room. "huh? Who... who are you?" she said while tightening the grip on her sheets

Mirage got up. "My name's Mirage," she said whilst gesturing to herself. "This is Cliff, Fayt, and Sophia." She gestured to the three others in the room as she said there names. "Where not here to hurt you."

"Then... why are you here?" The girl asked

"We where asked to help you, protect you, and thats why we are here." Fayt said as he walked over to the bed and knelt down. "You don't have anything to worry about."

She looked at the young man, for some reason she felt she could trust him, as well as the other girl, who went by the name of 'Mirage' but the other girl and the other man... she just couldn't put her finger on the two

It was already late afternoon when she had woken up. Mirage decided the young girl probably needed some fresh air and took her outside. The moment the young girl stepped out she noticed just how.. beautiful the place looked. After some running around the girl finally came to the waterfall that brought such a majestic look on the city. "Enjoying yourself?"

The girl nodded and stared at the waterfall. "Beautiful..." she said. She was about say more when something came across her and she grabbed herself. Mirage was about to ask what was wrong when two figures appeared on the farside of the Waterfall. "Who are they..." she said

One of the figures vanished, only to reappeared behind Mirage. Mirage ducked and side stepped, then slammed her hand up against the back of the figures neck. He fell forward then vanished and reappeared above her

"Nice try...."

He turned to her and took out a blade, then slashed in the air, cleanly missing the older lady and just barely missing the younger girl. Before Mirage could react the air above them exploded with a force so strong Mirage could barely keep her foot, when the smoke clears one of the figures was nothing more than ash

The other one, who had been watching, stared in disbelief. "You where lucky..." he said. "But that girls power WILL be mine.." he said and soon vanished

Mirage looked over her shoulder and at Fayt and Sophia. "Seems we found who was after her." he said and looked at Sakura, who was shielding herself from nothing now

"I think it's best we leave this city." Maria said

"Good idea." Fayt walked away and toward the castle. "I'll inform Nel that we'll be leaving for awhile."

With that they left and started getting ready

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
:Forum Family:

Imoto-chan: lika-chi
Imoto-chan: OniiChanTouya
Imouto-chan: Cherry-chan
Imouto-chan: Starfire
Imouto-chan: babypigggy

Mark of the Catalyst