General Discussions > The "What" Board

What would you do on a day without TV & Internet?

<< < (3/20) > >>

Read. And hang out with friends. The power has gone out for a whole day before without me noticing, and I was home the entire time. I tend to be pretty okay at entertaining myself or finding something to do.

Cardcaptor Takato:
I would sleep, eat snacks all day, listen to my cd player, read manga and books, play my Game Boy Advance (that doesn't require the TV ^^ ), angst about not having the Internet or TV, and maybe write fics and stuff.

I'd read, write, hang out with friends, do homework, practice lots of things that I need to improve at and talk on the phone.

Walk to my grandma's and take over her computer and TV. :D Okay, just kidding. TV I could live without, but I'd be missing internet after a while. But I'm sure I could draw, read, go out shopping, eat, do some cleaning (if I got desperate), take a walk outside (if it isn't freezing)..........

Read manga, listen to CD Player/radio, Play PS2, computer, play with my nekos/konekos, draw, daydream, sleep, stare :keke:


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