General Discussions > The "What" Board

What would you do on a day without TV & Internet?

<< < (4/20) > >>

That's true, when you're with friends, tv nor computer is needed...xP

Kasawa Lanford:
Would practice my swordsmen skills?  :keke:

Director of Music:
Practice my clarinet for however long I'd have to until the computer and/or tv is back

I would:


Read books
Write poems
Listen to music
Attempt to make music with my guitar (not successfully)
Fix things around the house
Try to build something like a shelf

Outside in the winter:

Play in the snow (make snow angels or snowmen)
Go sledding

Outside in the fall:

Rake leaves
Mow the lawn

Outside in the Summer, Autumn, or Spring:

Go jogging
Take my dog for a walk
Ride my bike

Outside in the Summer:

Go swimming
Get a tan
Go to the park

i would probably take this opportunity to clear some things off my mind.. afterall, im a person who need some time for herself.


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