General Discussions > The "What" Board

What would you do on a day without TV & Internet?

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Hmm.. I would probably.. clean and re-arrange my room /o/

I never do it, 'cause there's internet. 
In fact I don't do many things I would like to, 'cause I always prefer to sit before computer. Gah.

* emina *:
without TV or internet!?that cant be true...i think ill die!!
i can live without the internet but without TV?no way..

but if ever..i think ill do what Meza will do and also decorate our house..
but,ive never ever cleaned my room cause theres always TV and internet!and our house dun even have decorations yet!!
..and also,i will play a board with my siss..Millionaire's Game

Møon Li:

--- Quote from: Okamirei on December 12 2005, 08:35 am ---spend the whole day reading, what else? :sweatdrop:

--- End quote ---
Idem :keke: I depend on the internet... lol

and write, watch tv, do those things I have in my list of "pending" hehe.

Sugar Fairy:
oh, SLEEP, definitely SLEEP.

sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep, and did I mention, SLEEP?


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