General Discussions > The "What" Board

What would you do on a day without TV & Internet?

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Stalk forum people o.O haha, possibly.

Probably read manga, worship Syaoran at my Syaoran Shrine, listen to music, shop for CDs, some new headphones, and buy a new MP3. Or just do all the stuff around home I haven't gotten time to do (doing laundry XD, clean my room, etc). I'd also sleep, be a lazy bum, or just crumple up and die from being away from the forums (see first sentence).

Read a book and write some fanfiction.

Die!!! Naw, just kidding...

Read manga, read books, draw, play DDR. Really I would just hang around the house and become a lazy bum.  :sweatdrop:

Hang out with friends. I've gone without the internet in the past for an entire week or either just a few days. Personally I'm hoping to not be online as much as I am in given time. Especially once I get my license, have a little more freedom to go do things. ^_^;

Hang with friends, draw, write (on paper! Can you imagine?! :XD:)


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