General Discussions > The "What" Board

What would you do on a day without TV & Internet?

<< < (11/20) > >>

Read manga

wow...good question! ummmm, i'd either by at university, studying or reading. but most of my day is on the comp, lol =P

WHAT?!.......this is what i would do...i would get a flame thower and burn everything... :violent5:

I love to play tennis so I'd probably go out and play. I would probably read and if I had money, I would definately shop!

Suffer from withdrawal symptoms, like questioning myself what good stuff I have missed, pulling out almost all my hair... (the list can go on forever.) XD But I'll try to forget I'm not on the internet (TV I can forgo, but internet is practically my life. :P) by reading manga or playing with my yo-yo.


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