General Discussions > The "What" Board

What would you do on a day without TV & Internet?

<< < (13/20) > >>

I would most probably wail until the end of the world O___________o

nah, kiddin' :heh:

-Hang out with my beloved PSX and PS2
-Spend time with Mr. Paper and Dr. Pencil on some sketches
-Lay around like a cat *meowin'*
-Read whatever article lands on my grasp
-Just look at the ethereal sky


Umm.. I think I would go crazy O.o Lol nah, I might just hang out with my friends and draw some sketches :D

I would probably sketch and draw mini mangas, play my Nintendo DS, go play basketball against my brother, read a book, or watch or read the anime and manga I downloaded to my com...  or play PS games on my laptop's emulator.... hang out with my friends or look at the sky, daydreaming, like I always do....  :sweatdrop:

like I said before. I'll die

im curently experiencing it now at our house..
-i've been sighing all day
-watch TV
-read manga
-sighing again


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