General Discussions > The "What" Board

What would you do on a day without TV & Internet?

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I would draw, listen to music, read, make amv's, watch anime, maybe study, hang out with friends and family etc.... :D

Watch tv, draw, continue writing my dropped stories....there's alot to do without an intenet. But if I didnt have internet, I didnt know how to draw, no sense of making good stories, busted tv, no phone line, confiscated cellphine, grounded and just plain no civilization.. then I'd die!^_^'' ~~not that I'm happy about it

Lately this is unlikely since my job involved TV and the internet.... :XD:

^lol... my current university course requires computers and the internet... so it's a bit hard for me to live without it. :P

I would cry myself to sleep...wake up...and cry again...^^


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