AuthorTopic: [ORG]Mark of Bachi (Complete)  (Read 7585 times)

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[ORG]Mark of Bachi (Complete)
« on: December 13 2005, 06:20 am »
Bachi - Curse

Story so far:

Kalshion and Katarina found themselves in a world where the magic was limited to just there spells and defensive postures, but when a ruthless enemy attacks a city that they had spent over 50 year's creating and running, the two twins decide it's about time to leave

However, something come's wrong with the escape and they are thrown into a world much more different than what either of them had expected

Sunlight filled Kalshion's vision as he laid there, something pelted his face, it felt like rain. Rain? Sun? he said to himself as he tried to open his eyes, but the pain that swept across his whole body pervented him from doing much of anything

As he laid there he could also feel a breeze, it was cool to the skin and shoothing as well thanks to the rain. He tried to speak to his sister, since the two had an ability to speak telepathetically, but having not heard a word from her he determined that the two had been thrown away from each other in the transfer

After a couple hours he was able to move his arms and legs, he pushed himself off the grassy nole and sat up, a tree was near by so he leaned up against it. He opened his eye's, it wasn't sunny anymore, had he fallen asleep? It was night time, but in the distence he could hear thunder and could also see some lightning. "Beinging under this tree won't help me much." he said, but then he noticed something odd, his height. He could've sworn he was 6 feet 7 inchs, but upon looking at himself he discovered he had someone gotten smaller, by estimate, he was now 4 feet 9 inchs. "Great...." he said and pushed himself upward even more

He thought for awhile and started chanting a spell; the spell allowed him and his sister to control there height, making it so they can appear as an old man, or as a 6 year old child. They mostly prefered, however, to appear between 15 and 19 year's old. After several minute's of chanting he discovered that he couldn't cast the spell. He looked toward a rock and outstreached his hand. "Hi Tama" he yelled, but nothing happened and he looked at the palm of his hand. "This just ISN'T my day." he laid his head back against the three. My magic is gone... I can't even cast a Hi Tama, which is the most simpliest spell to cast. a tear came down his cheek which he quickly rubbed away. "No time to cry now, I gotta find out where I am." he said and got up, it was then that he noticed another striking discovery. His clothing was torn in peices, his once majectic robe was now nothing more than a torn up peice of crud

He walked on the grassy plains for what seemed like hours before finally stopping to take a breather, it was raining hard right now and he could hear and, to some degree, feel the heat from the lightning around him. "At least I retained my ability to feel the climate and to survive intense heat and cold" he said as he laid back and spread himself across the grass. He soon fell asleep and had a dream

He looked around and saw his sister, she was clad in black and held a short weapon of sorts. He could see her fighting, from his stand point, for her life. He could see others like her, or rather, females also fighting. He saw someone from her side move in for an attack, and before the attack hit-

"SIS!" he yelled and sprang up from his sleep, he was still on the grassy plain but it was sunny out. The smell put his mind at ease and allowed him think of something else. "Where am I? I don't reconize this place at all, and we've been to several dimensions before." He got up and glanced about. Not a city in sight, in fact, he wondered if he had landed on a world with no life. But that made no sense, there teleport abilitys and dimensions shifting allowed them to traval only to worlds that where inhabited

He watched as the cloud's go by and felt the cool breeze, he was about to get up when his hand touched something; it felt like water, when he pulled it away he saw blood. Quickly, and frantically, he searched himself and soon found where it was coming from. "I must've injured myself without realizing it." he said and got up, clamping his hand on the lower left side of his chest. He looked around once more. "I gotta find some herbs or something, but this place is just a grassy expanse, nothing here except a few rocks."

After deciding on a direction, he started walking. He felt himself getting weak and tired, but shok off his disorientation and kept walking. A shimmer in the distence caught his attention, but with him lossing blood, he chucked it up as him being dilussional. After some time, he couldn't keep himself upstraight and fell forward, his right hand hit the ground and he breathed heavily, he falling onto the ground itself. His eye's stayed open briefly, he could see the image of his sister, his family, before falling asleep
« Last Edit: January 14 2006, 08:10 am by Kasawa Lanford »

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Mark of the Catalyst

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Re: [ORG]Mark of Bachi
« Reply #1 on: December 13 2005, 01:23 pm »
~Chapter 1~
~New Life~

He could see her again, his sister; he also saw his son and daughter, his other kids; his family. Where am I? Is this hevan? Am I dead? he asked himself as he saw the image's before him. Sis? Is that you? he said as he saw his twin sister. She was looking around, as if lost in some forest now; he could see tall trees and bush's everywhere. He could also see something behind her; as he saw the image blend into her's he yelled

"SIS!" he shouted as he stood up, grabbing at nothing but air. He flexed his hand a few times but not before realizing that it was air he grabbing. "Huh?" he felt something soft, like a bed. He felt around a few more times before grabbing a pillow. "A bed? Pillow?" he said and opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a room, looked like a hospital room from how things where arranged, although he noticed a destinct lack of medical instruments that he would normally find in a hospital room

He glanced about and found a window. He got up and out of the bed, noticing right off the bat that he wore a white gown. He could see threw it slightly and noticed the bandage's over the left side of his chest. Someone found me and bangaded me up... but I don't understand... my specie's self heals, so why wasn't my wound already healed up? he asked himself as he walked over to the window. Again, the height of the window reminded him of how short he was thanks to his lose of magic. He pulled himself up and onto the window sill and looked out, he could see the grassy plains, along with a ridge of trees. It appeared to him that someone must've travaled far and wide to have found him. Because just from his point of view, it appeared where he was had been surrounded by trees

"Enjoying the view?" he heard a voice behind him and quickly turned his head. A female stood in the door way, she wore what appeared to him to be red robe, it was sorta nun like only without the hood. "How are you feeling?" she asked him as she walked over to the bed he had been sleeping in, and sat down

He looked at her for a moment. "I'm feeling ok, thanks. Who are you?"

She smiled. "My names Akita, I'm a doctor in this village." she bowed. "Whats your name?"

He was about to say it, but knew better than that. Both his sister and him always used another name, it was eaiser to hide there identitys. "Kastin." he said

"Where's your mother and father?" Akita asked

Kastin shook his head. "I don't know.... did I ever have one?" he said; truthfully he never had one, both him and his sister have been alive for over nine hundred years but in this case, he didn't have much choice since he didn't have any of his magic and thus, couldn't hope to survive without some sort of life line

She shook her head. "Poor thing." she said and got up off his bed and walked over to the window; she looked out and pointed. "What DO you remember?"

"Appearing in a grassy nole, I walked around for awhile before I passed out." Kastin said

She nodded. "A couple kids from the local academy found you passed out."

"Some.. kids? but... I don't remember ever seeing a building.. or tree's..." Kastin said

"The academy they came from is not to far from here. The kid's from that academy tend to practice there magic and sword fighting skills away from the Academy, to pervent any injury I guess." she shrugged.

She heard a knock on the door and walked over to it. She opened it slightly, then fully. He saw three kids standing there, they where slightly taller than him but what he noticed more so. Was that the two female's wore the same thing, the male wore something slightly different. He also saw that the male was carrying some clothing and had handed it to the doctor

The two females walked over to him. "How are you feeling?" they asked

Kastin blinked before getting down from the sill. "I'm feeling ok, thank you." he smiled slightly at the two females. "I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't of found me"

One of the females giggled slightly. "Are you able to leave?" she said and looked at the doctor

Akita placed her hands forward, and a keyboard appeared, as well as a view screen. This caught Kastin by surprise. Swords and Magic? Yet she was using technology that could only mean there race was high advanced, capible of crateing space craft even. He was tempted to ask, but felt he should keep his vast knowledge to himself just to be safe

After a couple minutes the view screen vanished. "He's ok, although I do suggest you take it easy. I don't know if you even understand, you did ruptur a blood vessel where that bandage is. I don't want you to rupture it again. You almost died back there and that was frightening as is." she said

Kastin nodded. "I'll be careful." he said

Akita smiled. "Then, put this on. It's better than that gown your wearing, and eaiser to move in." she handed him some clothing, the same clothing that the male kid had handed her

He walked over into what he figured to be a bathroom. He spread the uniform out, it was exactly the same as the one that male was wearing. "I wonder why there the same, I know she said that they came from an Academy of sorts" he shrugged and put it on. He liked the design very well, it wasn't a sailor type outfit as most of the uniforms he was used to wearing. It was sorta 17th century like, although the top part of the uniform was sailor like with the flap in the back and the underneaths coming down over his chest. He noticed though that the bottom part of the jacket extended just above his knees

The pants was a no brainer, they where black and the shoes he noticed where also normal. He put the uniform on and glanced into the mirror near by. He had to admite, he felt he looked better in this than in those other outfits he used to wear at the other schools

He walked out of the room, Akita glanced at him. "Now, how does it feel?"

He smiled sheepishly. "Umm.. pretty good actually."

She nodded. "Merlin, he doesn't seem to have any family, can you take him up to the Academy and ask your headmistress if she knows anyone who can take him in? Temporarily?"

Merlin, one of the two females, nodded. "I can ask her and see what she says." Merlin smiled and grabbed Kastins hand. "Come on! It'll be night fall soon, and they don't like us staying out after night."

Kastin nodded but before he could say anything Merlin ran toward the door, dragging him along. Oh well... guess I'll have to expect this type of treatment... maybe living a normal life isn't so bad after all, at least for awhile, until I can find my sister he smield at himself

Merlin, along with her friend, dragged Kastin into the forest; after sometime she stopped running and started walking. "This place lights up at night, wanna see?"

"Huh? But I thought you said the headmistress would get mad at us?" Kastin complained

Merlin shook her head. "She's get mad at me, since I'm the oldest of the group, and senior. Cause I'm suppose to know better, but I felt you should see it because you've never been here before." A smile appeared on her face, which caused Kastin to blush, for reasons he didn't know

They waited around for a couple minutes, before tiny dots of light began to appear in the forest; Kastin reconized them as being fire flys. "I don't know what they are.. but aren't they pretty?" Merlin said

Kastin nodded. He didn't feel like saying anything to her, he watched the fire flys fly around some. Merlin was trying to catch them but everytime she thought she had, they would fly away. "Darn it!" she said several times

He began to laugh at her, she fell down several times while trying to catch the flys. But as he did so he heard something in the forest. "Um... I think we better get going." Kastin said, Merlin's friend agree'd with him. She folded her arms at first, but after sometime agree'd with them

They ran back to town. The forest itself made it seem like it was nightfall, but in reality it was still light out. Several towns people waved and said "hello" to Merlin, it seemed she was well known. After a few more minutes they arrived at a building, it was a rather large building, spread across on both sides. It looked similer to Dyhokan Academy he built in that other dimension. "What is this place?"

"Kibou Academy or, Hope Academy. I don't really understand it since the adults used such tough words. But it's a school for those of us who live in this kingdom." Merlin said while trying to think up of a way to explain it

"I understand." Kastin said

"You do?" She looked puzzled. "I didn't expect you to because-"

"I look rather young?" Kastin smiled. "I remember much before I passed out, I just don't remember if i had a family or not"

Merlin smiled. "Come on" she said and both her and Kastin went inside. Her friends told her they'd be outside playing somewhere

They walked several flights of stairs before arriving on the top floor. Merlin knocked on the door. "Come in." Merlin opened the door and walked in. "Mistress Althena?"

A lady was standing near the window, the same window that was overlooking the entrance, so Kastin already figured she had seen him. "Senior Merlin, how are you?"

Merlin bowed curtiously, grabbing teh two ends of her skirt in the process. "I'm fine thank you, Dr. Akita asked me to bring Kastin." She glanced over at him. "Over her to talk to you"

Althena smiled. "I see. Well, I welcome you to Kibou Academy." She smiled
« Last Edit: December 13 2005, 04:25 pm by Kasawa Lanford »

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Mark of the Catalyst

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Re: [ORG]Mark of Bachi
« Reply #2 on: December 13 2005, 04:24 pm »
Chapter 2
New Life Abold

Althena walked around the room some; asking him questions every now and then. He'd been in her office for over two hours now. After some time she stopped. "So, you don't know where your family is?"

Kastin had been sitting in a chair near her desk, the question made him think for a little while longer. "No, I'm afraid." he was, however, worried. Althena had been probing very close

She walked back over to her desk, a keyboard and view screen appeared just above it. Curious his placed his hand in front of the screen, and it went through, he quickly pulled his hand back. "Odd...." he said; again he knew what technology was being used but he had to act like a kid in order to hide his true identity

Several more minutes passed before she nodded, a beam of blue light, segregated into 6 smaller beams, washed over him. He reconized the tiggling sensation, it was a magi scanner that he knew a lot about. "I see..." she began to type but soon stopped. "You've got potentional, but for some reason your powers are hidden." she said and continued typing

"Um... what are you going to do about me?" Kastin said in a worried tone

She smiled. "I'm going to ask the Hanbatsu family about taking you in." she said and looked over at him. "Merlin, the girl you came in with, is the youngest daughter of that family." she stopped typing after a few then glanced out the window. "Somethings you should be aware of about this Academy," she began, "we keep students here until close to night fall, then we send them home. You'll be class from early morning until the middle part of the afternoon. Once that's done you'll be able to move about the Academy freely. However, most students prefer to practice there swordsmen skills, or, like in Merlins case, there magi skills"

Althena got up and walked over to the window. "Since your Magi skills are apperently locked away," she said, "I'm going to place you in a swordsmenship beginners class"

He nodded. "What class will I be in?"

She looked to her left and small window appeared near her. "I'm placing you in the fifth grade, class A."

He snarled. I hate this small body, always have to place someone in a grade school level

"If Merlins family agree's with me, you won't have to worry much about getting here. Since Merlin is in the same class are you." Althena said; with that Kastin left

He ran down the hall and toward the stairs, before actually going down he watched Althena leave her office, he then went downstairs and exited the building. He found Merlin along with a few of her friends near a pond that was located some distence away from the Academy.

"I see your in my class now." Merlin smield

Kastin stared at her. "How'd you know?"

She pointed toward a tag on his left arm. "Our uniforms display our name and grade, along with class number." she said and laughed when Kastin lowered his head in embarrassment, Althena had just told him that to. He walked over to the pond, he noticed some steam rising from the surface. "Interesting." he said to himself, he felt it first before he actually knew what happened, and then landed in the pond. He was soaking wet and Merlin was laughing up a storm

"Got ya!" She said in between laughs

He sighed. "Now my uniforms all wet...." he said

Merlin shook her head. "No it's not."

He blinked and looked down at his uniform, she was right, it wasn't soaked. "I don't understand." This was one thing he didn't understand at all

"I don't know much either, exact that I was told that our uniforms where made so that they can't get wet, they are also don't get dirty either." she said and helped Kastin out of the water. "Our uniforms are also able to change, we don't need to take them off in order to change into something different." she gestured toward Kastins right ear, he felt around it and soon found an earring. "When did that get there?" he asked himself

She put her hand on her earring, and her uniform changed to a swimsuit, then to night clothing, and then into some reguler everyday clothing. "You change into the uniform whenever you get near the Academy, but away from the Academy you can change your clothing into anything you want. Like me, I prefer a skirt and shirt while away from the academy."

Kastin placed his hand on his earring, and after thinking of something, his clothing changed into a pair of boxer shorts and no shirt. Merlin, along with her friends, screamed. He blushed and quickly changed back into his Uniform, "SORRY!"

She laughed after finally settling down. "It'll take some getting use to. When you go to class tomorrow you'll be taught how to control that earring."

Kastin nodded and sat down on the edge of the pond. It was already night fall, and he could tell his uniform was glowing. "Why am I glowing?"

"It has something to do with our uniforms, it makes it so that if we get lost the people from the academy and village can find us." Merlin said, just as they where about to get up Althena, along with Merlins older sister showed up

"Big Sis!" Merlin shoutted. "What are you doing here?"

"Headmistress Althena wanted to speak to me" she said

Merlin was confused. "About what?"

"You tell her." Althena said

She cocked her head to one said. "Tell me what?"

"Kastin is now apart of our family." Her big sister said

Merlin stared at her for a second. "Really?!"

"Yep." her big sister said. Merlin jumped with joy then turned around and pounced on Kastin, taking them both into the water. Kastin had banged his head against a rock. "OW!" he yelled. "Sorry!" Merlin grabbed him and lifted his head. "Ow ow ow ow ow!" Kastin said; his head hurt from having it hit the rock. She felt the back of his head and found the bump, it wasn't reallying hear hand that discovered it, it was his sudden yelp that caused her to find it. "OW!"

Later that night

Kastin was in bed, he was in Merlins house now and noticed just how extravagent it looked. His uniform had changed into night clothing before he even thought about it. His night clothing was exactly the same as his academy uniform, only lighter in both weight and color, he soon fell asleep

He didn't dream at all, and soon he woke up; but it was really Merlin that woke him up. His door slammed up. "Lil Bro! Wake up!" she said. Kastin rolled in his bed, trying to ignore her. "BRO!" she yelled. "We'll be late for school, and I'm sure you don't want to keep our sensei waiting"

Kastin sighed and got up, he blinked a few times; boy was he tired. "It's so early....." he said; apperently time was something that this dimension didn't know anything of. But thanks to his left eye being slightly altered than his other, he could see what time it really was. "8:30...." he yawned once more and got up. He touched his earring and his night clothing changed into his uniform

He walked down the hall and into what he considred was the kitchen, but was slightly smaller than what he was used to. Merlin was there, her big sister was no where in sight. "Where's your parents?"

"They work in the big city, so I hardly ever get to see them." She looked sad to him and was about to drop the question when another game to him. "What about your big sister?"

"She takes care of me from time to time, but she's raised me so taht i can take care of myself, so she can stay away for awhile without me worrying. Although most of the adults in this village do come and help out." She smiled slightly at him

The two of them ate breakfest and soon left for the Academy. He was carrying his bag over his shoulder, "So... " he was to say something when it left his mind. The two of them walked down the village center

"Morning Merlin!" yelled a shop owner

"Morning!" Merlin yelled back

"Heading to school today?" Another shop owner asked

"Yep!" Merlin said

"Today?" Kastin pondered

"Whos that Merlin?" Someone from the local militia asked

She placed her shoulder around Kastin's neck, and hugged him. "He's my little brother, I'd like you meet Kastin." she smiled

"Ummm... Hello" Kastin said rather nervously

"Nice to meet you, if you need anything let me know." The Militia man said

"Will do." Kastin smiled sheepishly at him. "I wonder.. why does our Academy have grades when this village is so small?"

"Because, where the only Academy located within the kingdom, our Academy has a strange teleport pad that allows kids from other villages to attend. Our class is small, but thats because there are three other classrooms." Merlin said

The two of them walked by several other people. "This is a friendly village." He said

Merlin nodded. "Everyone here is friendly, even though they don't know you, they'll protect you if someone from the Eimin clan comes here."

"Eimin?" Kastin knew what the word meant. Death? he thought to himself. Must be a local bandit group of something

Two of them soon arrived at the Academy and walked in. Kastin and his sister made it to the classroom, which was on the fifth floor. The sensei there, also female, greeted him. "Althena told me we had a new student"

Kastin bowed. "Nice to meet you."

She bowed in response. Kastin walked in and saw several other students, including the male who he had greeted back at the doctors office. They heard a bell and the students took there seats. Kastin stepped over to the sensei's desk, after she had taken roll call she gestured to him, telling the rest of the class that they had a new story... class? There was only fifteen people here. "Please introduce yourself" The sensei

Kastin bowed curtisouly. "My name's Kastin Hanbatsu, I'm 11 year's old." he said. "It's nice to meet you," he smiled at everyone
« Last Edit: December 14 2005, 05:56 am by Kasawa Lanford »

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Mark of the Catalyst

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Re: [ORG]Mark of Bachi
« Reply #3 on: December 14 2005, 06:36 am »
Chapter 3
First day of school, first day of troubles

Kastin had taken a seat near a window, most of the students where curious about him. He wasn't tall after all and most figured him to be in a lower grade than the others, Merlin was easily a foot taller than him but he didn't care

He was expecting something a little lower to be taught in this class, something he had come to expect seeing how him and his sister already hide themselves within a school or academy. But what was being taught was something more pointed toward swordsmenship and magic

It wasn't long before class ended, the sensei had taught him how to use that earring a little better than Merlin had. As he was leaving the class room Merlin walked up behind him. "Shall we check the cafeteria?" she asked

Kastin nodded.

The two of them walked over to the cafeteria, others students where there either eating or getting something to eat. He glanced about the large room; it was larger than he thought, and as he expected, a lot of the students in there glanced at him. "I get the feeling I'm being watched...."

"Thats because they've never seen you here." Merlin smiled slightly, then patted him on the back. "Come on" she said

The two of them walked out of the building and into what appeared to be a court yard, no other students where there but some of the adults where. "What are we going to do here?"

"Just felt like coming out here, it's quieter." Merlin said and sat down under a tree. Kastin joined her and also sat down, slightly confused about her actions but deciding against saying anything. "So, how'd you like it?"

He blinked, then smiled. "It's.... different..." Kastin said as he placed both his arms around his legs, tucking them close to his chest. Its different alright.... wonder how a world like this can survive like this... both technology... but there housing and form of living is all 17th century

"You have swordsmenship basics right?" Merlin asked

He nodded.

"Well then, your class starts in awhile." Merlin got up and grabbed Kastin by the hand and helped him up. She couldn't show him where the class was, so instead, she told him

Kastin watched as Merlin ran off, possibly to her own Magi Class. He folded his arms, a slight smile appeared. "I would normally hold back." he said and began to make his way to class. As he expected it was outside, but what he wasn't expecting was for it to be out in the open. His uniform changed to something far lighter than his normal Academy uniform. He walked up to the sensei, bowing curtiously. He nodded and gave him a training sword

"I want to see how well you can wield that." He said

Kastin glanced at him. He didn't have the streangth he would normally have with his magic, so he took on an attack stance, which he could tell by the look on the senseis face that it wasn't a stance he was used to seeing. He lept forward, swung, then landed. For a couple seconds everyone wondered if he had even HIT it, but then the training dummy slide apart into four seperate peices.

"Not bad..." The sensei said. Kastin was about to hand the training blade back to him when it, too, broke into several peices. The sensei laughed, "I guess it wasn't tough enough for what you just put it through"

Kastin sighed, and then shrugged. "Guess not." he said and took a seat under a tree and watched the others train. It was obvious by how the sensei hadn't said anything to him that he somehow impressed him. Because the others he was training weren't doing so good, some had already cut themselves and others had let go of there training swords, which promptly flew into the training pads that lined the course

He got up and continued to watch, someone was indeed watching him and he could feel it. He turned around and looked toward the forest and began walking toward it. As he got closer he felt it, although he didn't have his magic he could still feel the presence of someone in there; he glanced about.

Someone is here.... Kastin said to himself as he looked around. He jumped over a fallen tree and stepped on a twig, he looked down in time to get his leg caught in a rope. Throwing himself up into the air and hanging there. As he hung there he took out a small knife he carried on him and cut the rope, hitting the ground hard enough to almost knock him out, after a couple minutes he got back up and looked around, putting the knife back in it's holder. Someone had to of set that up

He heard something else and peered through the tree's. Someone was chanting a spell, and he could reconize the lyrics from it. "How the heck does a spell like this get into this world?" he wondered several people where around the man chanting the spell. He sighed and clicked this earring, to his amazement his clothing wasn't the only thing that changed, but a sword appeared near him as well. It was real.

Kastin took the sword and brought it up. It's real alright, guess this earring has a mind of it's own. It seems to know when I need something. He sprang forward from his hiding spot, plunging his sword into the chest of one of the guards there. He jumped backwards, the sword still in his hand and even before the guard he had attacked hit the ground, he was already attacking the one near him. The sword moved, dislocated the other gaurds legs, sending him to the ground in intense pain

He turned around to meet the other four, but quickly brought his sword up when he saw what was coming. An Axe. He blocked the blow but couldn't keep his footing, Man how I wish I still had my magic... a blow like this would be nothing he went flying, and hit the front of a tree, the blow was enough to send the sword in his hand flying away from him. He laid there in pain and two of the guards walked toward him. "Stupid kid" one said

Both guard's raised there axe's. "Time to die.... pathetic worm."

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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Mark of the Catalyst

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Re: [ORG]Mark of Bachi
« Reply #4 on: December 14 2005, 04:18 pm »
Chapter 4
Life Risk

Shougakusei - Grade School Student
Shimo Kago - Frozen Cage
Shimo Bakuyaku - Freeze Blast
Hi Tama - Fireball

"Hi Tama!"

Kastin covered his face, expecting to be hit by an axe or sword, but instead he felt a rush of heat and heard the pains from the two guards who had been in front of him. He opened his eye's to see a girl standing in front of him, his uniform glowed hot pink, and it was hot to the touch, it then cooled itself and turned back into it's normal color

"Stay down!" the girl yelled. He hands raised in the air and came up to her mouth. "Shimo Bakuyaku!" she yelled as ice spewed from her finger types and permeated the ground, turning it into a frozen bed. The last two guards tried to attack her but fell flat on there butts. "WITCH!" one of them yelled

Kastin was watching this and noticed a sudden twitch in the girls movements. "Witch?!" she snarled at the word and looked toward the guard that had said it. "Shimo Kago!" four pillers of ice appeared from the ground and encaged the guard. The guard made every attempt to move around, even as far as striking the ice with his sword. She grinned at him, throwing off her cape and then snapping her fingers. A scream of pain could be heard as the ice cage shattered into a thousand smaller peices. The other guard must've taken a hint, because by the time she had turned to engage him, he had already fled, leaving behind his sword and a distinct odor. "Pathetic..." the girl sighed in disgust and looked at the sorceror who was still standing

"Who are you?" the Sorceror readied a fireball, but the spell was canceled out by the girls own magic power. The man kept himself right back into a tree, cornered now he looked around, trying to figure out which way to go. She knelt against him, her face level with his. "Attacking a child, how pathetic...." she said to him. "Now... go...." she waved her hand and the tree, along with the sorceror, where blown away by some powerful wind spell

She stopped and looked back at Kastin, a pool of blood next his left side told her he was not ok. "Lets get you back to town." she said and placed her arm under his shoulder and lifted him up, he mumbled something incorherent before passing out. "How can this kid survive with so much blood loss.... I found this same pool a couple miles from here." she walked a few before putting Kastin down and taking out a compact datapad. She ran it over his body

------->Subject Name: Kalshion Dragon
------->Age: 948 (Current Age on this world: 11)
------->Occupation: INF Agent
------->Current Status: MISSING
------->Current Body Status: Body has gone through a radical change, magic power is locked away for reasons that cannot be explained. It it advised that you escort him (Kalshion) back to the INF for recovery, if that is not an option, then the best thing to do is to figure out what happened. Priority is given to his return

She nodded at what the pad said. "I was told he went missing a year ago... but damn... talk about being thrown into a bad world." She sighed and picked him back up. "His body would reject my healing nano's, so I guess I'll have to relie on this worlds medical technology, which is quite advanced really."

It took her about an hour to get back to the village, telling by the constant. "Kastin!" she heard it was no doubt in her mind that her commander, Kalshion, had already made contact with these people, a violation of the INF Protocal that he had helped established

She walked over to the edge of the village. "Is there a doctor here?!" she yelled, Merlin ran over to her and looked at her brother, also noticing that her chest wound had burst open once more. "Follow me." she said in a haste and lead the girl to Dr. Akita's clinic

"Akita!" Merlin yelled. The doctor walked own the hallway, he was about to ask why she had yelled when he saw Kastin, and the open wound. "Bring him over here." the doctor said as the girl brought Kastin over to a bed. Several hour's would pass, the girl was leaning up against the wall, her hands clasped behind her back and her head was kinda low

"Who are you?" Merlin asked. The girl looked at Merlin she brought her hands up to wipe something off her mouth when she noticed just how blooded her hands really where. "My names Rika, Rika Muzo" she said as she took a wet cloth and wiped the blood off her hands.

"Rika? Your one of the Magi Guards from the castle." Merlin said

Rika smiled. "That I am, so you've heard of us."

"Only that you possess immense magical powers." Merlin had that glee in her eyes, which made Rika smile slightly. A young girl with a dream, I wonder if I can help her obtain it. she smiled at herself then looked toward the room. "How long have you known Kastin?"

"hmm... a couple days now?" She was slightly confused

"I see he's a shougakusei. " Rika said, she noticed instantly that the word confused. "Grade School Student"

"Ah...." Merlin looked away from Rika and folded her arms. "Is that bad?"

He's 900 something years old, he has more knowledge than everyone here put together, was something she wanted to say, but couldn't in fear of exposing his true identity. "No, it's not bad. Just odd, because where he come's from he was home taught and knows more than your average grade schooler." she folded her arms

Merlin walked around her. "Hmmm... your my height...."

"I'm also the same age..." Rika said with a smile. "But, unlike you, I'm not in school. I was raised at the castle and, well as you can see, I'm a Magi now"

She sulked onto the ground. "I wanna be that....." Merlin poutted. Rika knelt down and patted her on the shoulder. "It takes practice, even I'm still learning." she comforted the young girl before hearing the doors open. An hour had already passed and she didn't realize it. "How is he doc?" Rika asked

The doctor sighed. "I feared that would happen. His chest wound is infected now." The doctor rubbed his chin. "I bandaged the wound back up but unless he visits a Magi Doctor back in the main city, he will die."

Merlin grabbed the doctor. "You can't do anything?!"

"I'm not a Magi, my herbs and medicins aren't working. I can only suggest that a Magi can help him." The doctor said to Merlin

"I will take him tomorrow at first light." Rika said. "How long do you suppose he has?"

"A couple days?" The doctor guessed. "maybe longer if he doesn't do anything extensive."

Rika nodded. "The citys a good two or three days from here."

"Why not just use the teleport pads back at the Academy?" Merlin said with a glee in her voice

She shook her head. "The doctor already knows why we can't use the teleporters." she said. The doctor nodded. "the wound will travel faster if he does that."

Merlin sighed. "I see.... well......." she began to say but couldn't figure out what to say exactly. Rika walked over to her. "I think you better get some sleep, don't worry about your brother, I'll take care of him ok?" she smiled at Merlin, Merlin smiled back at her, reasured. Merlin opened the door and then looked back, "take good care of him... please..." she said and then left

Rika walked into the room where Kastin was in. She sat in the chair, "I hope you don't mind doctor"

He shook his head."I don't mind at all, just becareful out there. By the way, WHAT happened?" he asked her. Rika sighed and looked out the window. "He ran across a group of bandits, apperently they didn't take to lightly to him attacking and killing two of them." She said

"He killed two bandits? How?" The doctor was curious

"He had a sword with him, but the guards over powered him and almost got him; but I intervened and.. well.. here we are." Rika said to the doctor. "I guess that explains why his wound reopened, it seemed the stitchs I put in got stressed to there limit, almost like he-" the doctor said."-hit a tree so hard to almost knock you out?" she finished the sentence for him

She slept in that chair for the rest of the night, by the time first light hit her eyes she was already up. She looked on the bed and noticed that Kastin was still asleep. She walked around the bed and into the living room of that Clinic. The doctor was asleep as well. After a few more minutes Kastin was awake and well, well, except for the bit of pain he was feeling from his infected wound. "Rika-chan." Kastin said with a smile. "What are you doing here?"

"Your sister got ahold of me, Katarina, and told me you didn't appear with her and the others." Rika said. "So I went searching and found you here, although you seem to have sealed away your powers." she sighed

He looked away from her. "I don't know why, it might have something to do with me over using them when we where teleporting out of that one world. But I don't know...." Kastin said as he hoped down from the bed when he landed on the ground he almost fell over, Rika caught him in time. "Becareful, you don't haev your magic so your prone to simple injurys."

Kastin snarled. "I know.... already feeling it." he waved her hand away. "So, what are you doing here?"

"The doctor asked me to take you to the Magi Doctors back in the city, perhaps they can help you." She said to him. "I see...." Kastin said and opened the door. "Lets get going then"

"Kastin, that body of yours is still that of a child. So I suggest you take it easy." Rika said. He nodded, "I'll remember that." he said. With that the two left the clinic, there destination: The Holy City of Cora

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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Mark of the Catalyst

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: [ORG]Mark of Bachi
« Reply #5 on: December 15 2005, 05:17 am »
Chapter 5
Journeys Begun

Mado - Window
Kara - of
doji ni - time
shoyu suru - possess
kusari - tether (chain)
ori - cage

"So," Kastin spoke up. "How far is the castle?"

Rika stopped and looked around. "A good two days walking." she said. Kastin nodded and continued walking. He was still wearing his uniform, but it was slightly different in color, it was also a lot heavier now. He also had a belt on which his sword was attached her. "This earring seems to have a mind of it's own, seems to know when I'm not near the academy and when I'm out here"

She nodded."Your sister told me she was already starting up a new academy on another world. I sent the specs of that earring to her, she hopes to enhance it."

"What dimension is she building the new academy in?"

"Omega 9" Rika said and looked around

"Starocean? Interesting... I thought we locked that dimension after my two kids had a run of a mock in it?" Kastin said in a curious tone

Rika glanced over her shoulder. "You did, but apperently there's another one in the same node."

The group walked through a dense part of the forest, a waterfall could be heard in the distence and the smell told both of them that it was fresh water. "How about we camp near the waterfall?"

"Sounds fine to me." Kastin said as they both sat down. Rika took out a small capsule and was about to use it when Kastin spoke up. "INF Protocal forbids the use of that type of technology in this world." Rika smiled. "That may be true, but you yourself already violated that same protocal when you made contact with these people"

He snarled; she was right, but did he have a choice? "So, you here to lecture me?"

"Nope." Rika gathered some wood and set up a tent. After the first one she set up a second one for Kastin. "I'm going to bath, so watch the are for me ok?" Kastin said

Rika nodded and follow Kastin to the waterfall. He took off his cloths and went in, all the while Rika was observing the area; making sure no bandits where near by but as she expected there was some near by apperently from the same group. "Kal"

Kastin stopped and glanced at her. "What is it?"

"We got company...." Rika said as tightened her grip on her staff

He sighed. "Again?" Kastin got up out of the water. The earring pulsed and his clothing reappeared on him, along with his sword. He jumped out of the water and landed on a near by rock

Six men appeared from he forest, two of them carried swords while the rest had axes. "Worm...." one of them said. "You'll pay for killing our master!"

Kastin shook his head. "I guess it's only natural that killing is common place in this world." He said with folded arms. The wind blew through the forest, no one outside could hear what was happening, but both of them knew what had happened

Next Day

"Did you have to pin them under that water fall like that?" Kastin said while his hands where clasped behind his head

"They smelled. So I felt they needed a bath." Rika looked around while thinking about that fight. Her ears where listening to the birds chirping in the distance. "I also noticed you had some of your magic back"

He smiled. "Some of it... but not all of it." Kastin said with a sigh. "Simple defensive spells are all I can cast it seems still."

"Be thankful you can cast any." Rika said with a nod. "We'll be passing through an industrial town, they don't normally allow kid's because of all the heavy machinery there. So stay close to me and you should be fine."


The group came across that very town. A guard at the gate stopped them, "No children are allowed in here unless there guardiens or parents reside here." the guard spoke in a harsh tone

Rika dug her hand into her side pocket and pulled out a seal, which caused the guard to take a 'gulp' and step aside. "Next time you speak to a Magi in such a harsh tone, I'll do to you what I did to some bandits not to long ago." Rika said, this time in a harsh tone.

The guard nodded and opened the gates. The two of them walked into the village and the smell almost caused Kastin to gag, Rika took a hankerchief and handed it to him. "The smell our probably not used to. Being here for a couple years kinda makes you get used to it."

He put the cloth over his mouth and nose. "I wouldn't have to worry about it if i had my blasted magic." Kastin retorted. The group walked through the middle part of town, but it was the silence that bothered Rika the most. "Whats wrong?" he asked

Her eye's where darting from left to right and that worried him. "There are no guards here, thats not normal. I usually see about six or seven guards walking around."

"Normal?" Kastin sounded confused. "The town doesn't allow children remember? However they do have kids sneak in from time to time." she said as they came across a wide open expanse, thats when they saw where those guards where, along with most of the townsfolk. There lined up against a wall where ten people, or rather, children. Blind folded and tied to stacks

"Whats the meaning of this?!" Rika spoke in a loud tone to the commanding guard. "Release them at once..."

The commander there looked at her. "And who the heck are you?"

"2nd Class Magi from the Holy City of Cora," Rika spoke up. "Now, release them."

"Mado kara doji ni"

"Unless you bring with you a 1st class Magi, I'm not listening. For you have no jurisdiction in this area"

"shoyu suru"

"I ORDER you to release them NOW... by order from the holy city, if you disobey my order I am authorized to use force." Rika took a stance in front of the commander, neither of which noticed the glowing green light that encircled Kastin's body


"Remove yourself child! I don't take orders from children." The commander took out his sword


A green light blinded the inhabitants of the town, as the ligth died down. The commander, along with his subordinants, where frozen in time. Rika stared at him for a second, he may be frozen, but he could still look around. Kastin walked toward. "Idiot." he said to the commander and walked toward those who had been tied up, and freed them, the kids nodded in thanks and took off, most running toward the gate while the others ran to there parents. Upon seeing that it became pretty obvious what was really going on. "So, you tie them up, and accuse some of them of breaking the law, where in fact they hadn't" Rika said with folded arms

He could see the commander was trying his hardest to get out of that hold. "Dont' struggle, it just makes the cage hold you further." he said, even though he had some of his magic left it still wasn't going to be enough to hold him there and already he was getting tired

Rika must've noticed, cause she was already heading toward the exit. "We have nothing else to do here, I'll just report what this idiot did to the queen when we get to the holy city." Kastin nodded and snapped his fingers, the cage's shattered and the commander, along with his men, where able to move now

Death must've been on this commanders mind. Cause he instantly charged Kastin, probably thinking he would be easy pray. But a spin on the hell and a punch to the gut proved that he wasn't an easy target, the man fell to the ground cluthing his chest. "How.. can a child... have so much streangth...." the man said

Kastin just grinned and followed Rika out of town. "Where shall we stay?" he asked her. "How about we just keep walking, it was a mistake actually to enter that town. It may be industrial, but they don't take to kindly to children. Even there own"

"And it doesn't help that my clothing represents a grade schooler from Kibou city." Kastin sighed, wanting to take it off and put something else on. But he didn't really have that option.

"Actually, did you notice that no kids in that town had that earring?" Rika asked

Kastin blinked. "Your right, why is that?"

"Because the town is rebelious, the queen ordered that all children, from age seven and up, where to attend Kibou Academy. But that town spoke against her and said they weren't sending there children to that school." Rika rubbed her arm, it was sore due to that little skirmish

"Any idea's why?" Kastin asked

"Nope." Rika sighed. "Only that they don't like kids, espically grade schoolers for some reason. Grade Schoolers are children just like you and I"

"It MIGHT be that us 'grade schoolers' are smarter than those taught at home. We have better access to reading material, plus where taught how to weild a sword and magic" Kastin said.

"My.. you sound as if you've attended that Academy all your life." Her eye's where narrowed, as if in a sarcastic manner

"Rika, I've been living the life of a child for over 900 hundred years remember? When ever we enter a dimension, my sister tends to put us in a grade school because she believe's it's easier to hide out."

"What do you think?" Rika asked

"I still believe if we put our selves in a high school it'll be equally as easy, but I see her point. No one would suspect a child of having such abilitys as magic and swordsmenship skills." Kastin said with his hands clasped in front of him. "Where to next?" He asked

"We have four more towns to go through, the next one is more friendly toward us." Riak said. Kastin couldn't help but wonder. Was it the fact that she was a Magi to be the REAL reason that town was against them? Not because they where, basically, kids?

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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Mark of the Catalyst

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: [ORG]Mark of Bachi
« Reply #6 on: December 15 2005, 11:16 am »
Chapter 6

Kastin and Rika had gone through two towns already, one was the industrial city located not far from Kibou. Another was a small sea side town that handled imports and exports from this kingdom to the next

The two of them had been on the road for over two days now, stopping here and there for food and water, but the most painful of the adventure was the pain that Kastin was feeling. It had grown even worse now due to no treatment of the wound. Over those two days Kastin had managed to get back some of his magical abilitys, being able to cast mosto f the simple spells, as well as time stopping spells just to name a few

"How are you feeling?" Rika asked as she took a bit out of her food

His face was grim, and Rika could tell he was in immense pain. "I'm ok...." he said while taking in some water. "How much further?"

"Just over that hill there." She pointed at mighty big hill, which should've really been a mountain considering it was more rocky than a hill. "Ok... make that a mountain." she corrected herself

Kastin smiled briefly and got up. "Come on, we need to get going." he said as he stepped a few feet, then collasped. Rika moved and caught him, noticing that he had passed out, mostly from the pain. She put him over her shoulder and began to walk, she felt something roll down her shoulder and checked, it was blood and more than likely from Kastins chest wound

She hiked up the trail for a few hour's before finally stopping. She was tired and carrying Kastin was even more tiring, it was also stressful to. She laid him up against a rock, and took out a pack of food from a pocket dimension; she then began to heat it up and once satisfied she started eating. She couldn't figure out what it was that was effecting Kastin so baddly. Even without their magic power's they're bodys where reinforced to withstand disease's and other foreign elements

That night went by with no problems. Although some moaning could be heard, she was able to sleep. The next morning it was raining, a thunderstorm had arrived in the mountain area. She was tired of dealing with the weather, but couldn't fight it. She looked at Kastin. "Are you awake?" she asked, but got no answer. She checked his pulse, it was very weak, in fact, if he was a normal human he'd probably be dead right now

She lifted him up and over her shoulder again, and started down the mountain. A smile came over her when she saw the enormous wall that streachs for miles on end. Within the wall was the Holy City of Cora. It was an enormous city, and technologically advanced. That was evident by the wall mounted weapon systems. "Strange how those outside this city use swords and shields, yet the wall had laser cannons and such." She shook her head and approuched the gates. A magi guard glanced at her and noticed she was carrying someone. "Get me a straight line to the castle," she ordered. The guard nodded and opened the doors

Rika ran down the streets of the Holy City, people glanced at her from time to time, she rounded one corner, then another and another and finally came upon the castle. The doors already open she rushed in. Two Magi Doctors where already there, apperently someone had already informed them. The two doctors took Kastin and brought him into some room, Rika couldn't go with them so she stayed behind

"Mistress Rika." Came a voice from behind her

"Ah! 1st Class Fikan," Rika bowed, "how are you?"

"I'm fine thank you, I see you found someone who needed some help." Fikan said

"Hai, I found him in the Kibou village. He was already in a lot of pain, apperently no one there could help him and he must not have known about our facilitys here. So I brought him here in hopes we could help him." Rika said was she rubbed her arm again. "Although, with the way he collasped back there in the mountain, I fear it might be to late"

Fikan shook his head. "he'll be fine. We have a more pressing matter, can you please come with me." he said and walked toward the stairs. "There's something we must disguss with the other Magi"

"Huh? Um... sure" Rika ran and caught up with the Magi Master. Something was telling her she wouldn't like what was about to happen

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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Mark of the Catalyst

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: [ORG]Mark of Bachi
« Reply #7 on: December 16 2005, 05:09 pm »
Chapter 7
Death Blossum

Rika was sitting naer the master, the table was big, and roughly thirty people sat there; wondering what the meeting was about

"We have to act." One of the magi's spoke, breaking the silence that had loomed for over three hours

"But how?" another magi said as she twirled a key around her finger. "We have very few Magi, not enough to stop a whole army"

Another magi stood up and began to address the other magi. "But we can't just sit here on our butts doing nothing. Already I've received a report that Kibou Town was attacked"

Some moans and shourts of surprise could be heard. Kibou town was considered a sacred place. It was the only town that held the Academy of Magi Arts, or, 'Kibou Academy'

"How many died?" another magi said with clasped hands, his head was leaning on his clasps hand

"over seven hundred, don't forget. That town had 340 children, we have no reports that any got out." A soldier reported. "The academy itself was left in ruins, the most unfortant part though was that we can't reroute the teleport rings which-"

"-Means any of the students unware of the attack will teleport right into the middle of that mess." Another soldier finished the report

The Magi's all sat there thinking. "There has to be something we can do."

"About the teleport? Or about the enemy?" Another Magi spoke up

"Both." A magi said

Rika sat there, she was feeling kinda small, considering the other Magi where a lot older than she was. "Um," she spoke, "Why not just send an exhibition to Kibou, and see if anyone survived?"

"Thats not a bad idea," One of the magi said, "We'll send one Master and a few apprentice's along with her."

"Why so few?" Rika asked

"We need to keep the majority of apprentices who do have experience here to help protect the other towns. I want you, Rika, to go with Master Sharia." The Magi Master said

"Ok" Rika said

"You brought a kid in right?" The same Magi asked

"Uh huh, his name is Kastin. He's an eleveen year old from Kibou town. Apperently he was found some miles from the town a couple days ago, the doctor nursed him back to health and he was taken in by a family there. He has an.... unuasl about of magical powers, which makes me believe he may be able to be a Magi." Rika said

"But he's just a child.... a grade schooler for christ sake" A snooty Magi said

Rika glared at him. "I'm only ten... your point?"

"Well.... uhh...."

She grinned. "The only reason he's was a grade schooler was because the town didn't KNOW of his unique magical properitys, if we had scouted him out sooner; he'd have been brought here to the castle and raised here"

The snooty magi was annoyed; apperently he didn't like being bested by a kid. "You have a point. Where is this 'kid' anyway?"

"Being treated by some of our doctors." A soldier said


"Because he was infected with a disease, rather rare to be honest but life threatening none the less." The doctor who was treating Kastin said as he walked in. "He'll be fine, although it's best if he doesn't use his magic for awhile."

Kastin was behind him, he poked his head out. "Good Evening." he said and stepped out from the doctor

"This is akward, but I felt I should introduce him." The doctor said. "His name's Kastin Dragon, He's 11 year's old and has a lot of magical powers. In fact, we almost blew up the medical ward." the doctor looked a little sheepish when he said that

One of the Magi grinned. "That must've been the small tremor we felt an hour ago"

The doctor had his finger near his chin then nodded. "Yep, that would be correct."

The other Magi's shook here head. "Please take a seat then Kastin." the head Magi said

Kastin nodded and took his seat near Rika. "So, what are we to do about the invading army?" one of the magi continue the discussion

"Kibou's gone. The industrial town near there might be gone in a matter of hours, I say after we send in the exhibition, we should also send in an assault team." Another Magi said

The meeting continued uninterrupted for the next five hours. Most of them agree'd to assault the Empire of Khlania, the ones responsible for the assault on there sacred realm

Kastin was walking through the castle's many hallways. Inside he was thinking about what to do, outside though he was acting more his age; again, he didn't want to set off any warning bells. "This is a nicely built place," he said to himself, "I wonder how long it took them." he stopped in front a window and hoped up onto it's sill, looking out over the sacred city and it's majestic beauty. "Kawaii...." he said as he looked out. It seemed this Kingdom always had rain, cause it was raining again and the ran smelled very good

He jumped down from the sill. He landed on the ground and looked around, someone was watching him and he could feel it, no doubt one of the Magi's where following him. He grinned and walked around one of the corners, vanishing a second later; like he had suspected a Magi rounded that corner and looked around. "I just SAW him.. where'd he disappear to?!"

Kastin reappeared behind the Magi. "Looking for someone?" he said

The Magi jumped, literally, five feet high. "H-how'd you do that?"

He smiled. "One of my abilitys."

"Didn't the doctor tell you not to use our magic?" The Magi asked with both arms folded

Kastin turned around, his arms clasped behind his back, he skipped down the hallway then stopped. "That ability doesn't require magic," he said and then smiled and ran down the hallway

The Magi shook his head. "He seems strong and intelligent, but acts childish... how could HE ever be a Magi..."

Kastin rounded the corner and went up the stairs, having ran up several flights he soon found himself on the roof. The rain pelted his face and washed away the blood that was still on it, apperently from his ordeal the day before. He walked over to the edge of the roof. "This city if very majestic, makes me wonder how we haven't made an agreement with them." he said

"Perhaps because they don't possess warp technology?" Rika said from behind him

He closed his eyes and smiled. "Good point, that WOULD be a problem" he turned on his heels and stared at her crimson eyes. "Still though," he glanced over his shoulder, "we can't let this kingdom fall, nor can we let the Holy Cora be destroyed."

"You think if this kingdom falls, it'll mean the destruction of this dimension?" She asked him. "I thought that wasn't possible? That only KEY people had to be killed, and those key people could very well be year's, hunreds, maybe thousands, from appearing."

"Your forgetting." Kastin said


"The dimension is currently in sync, the only way our teleport could've missed our intended destinaton, was if this dimension was to become synced with the teleport route." Kastin said in a rather technological matter, making it a little confusing for Rika to understand

He shook his head. "I don't expect you to understand"

"I guess in this case the Magi are right. You and your sister recruited me from my world ten years ago, yet in another year I'll have to return to Dyhokan Academy to continue my education." she said

He smiled. "Once the new Academy is built, it'll be better than the old." he said and turned right back to her. "Where's our master?"

"Sharia?" she said. "She said to get a nights rest and we'll start our journey BACK to Kibou tomorrow."

He nodded. "Do I have to keep wearing this thing?" he gestured to his academy uniform

"The Magi's think it's best to keep that on."

"Why? It's makes people think I'm a -" Kastin complained

"I know, but we can actually use it to our advantage." Rika said with a grin. "You see... our enemy doesn't kill women or children, well, they take children who aren't apart of that acadamy."

"Why?" Kastin asked

"Because, those who aren't apart of that Academy are beleaved to be outcasts, at least in there opinion. More than likely all the students there where taken to a labor camp and are working. I think we can use your uniform and your looks to find them." She grinned at him

He waved his hands at her. "Oh no! You are NOT going to use me as bait!" he said

She giggled. "I'm not, but the master magi might. Just don't worry about it for now ok?"

"Fine." Kastin said and walked over to the stairs. "Shall we get going? It is night."

"Yep." the two of them made there way down a few levels of the castle, and found there rooms. Kastin's room was just like Rika's, it was made for studying. "Remind me when I get back to my sister, to have us redecorate the house..." he said

Rika nodded. "Lets just get some rest, talk to you tomorrow." She said and closed her door. He nodded and closed his door

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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Mark of the Catalyst

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: [ORG]Mark of Bachi
« Reply #8 on: December 18 2005, 07:09 pm »
Chapter 8

Kastin awoke to a storm outside, it was rather windy, he could tell more so because of the window blinds that kept blowing away from the window itself. "Another ugly day." He said as he streached his arms and let them pay by his side, his night clothing changed back to his uniform and he walked out of the room. He made his way down the stairs and to the front of the building, there he found Rika who was sitting on the steps, watching the rain and lightning

"Enjoying yourself?" Kastin said with both hands clasped behind his back, a smile on his face

"I am," Rika said without looking at him, "it's because of the other Magi is why we have this weather, it helps keep the enemy at bay."

"You mean they can force the weather to strike anywhere?" Kastin asked

"Yep." Rika responded and got up. "Master Sharia is waiting for us at the gate, lets get going." she said and took off in a sprint through the rain

He smiled and ran after her, the rain felt nice to his skin, and it made him wake up. As they approuched the gate he saw there Master standing there impatiantly

"Took you two long enough, just because your kids doesn't mean you should sleep late." She said while tapping her foot

"Sorry." The two said in unison

She gestured for them to follow her and they left the city on horse back. They went through the two towns that lead the path to Kibou, both towns where deserted, made sense considering the enemy was near by. As they approuched Kibou they could see the flames still rising from destroyed buildings and tree's set to flame, Kastin's stomach turned; he had seen this type of act before and he wasn't liking it. The type of flame being used wasn't native to this world, and he worried about what there enemy might be.

"Spread out, see if you can find any survivors." Master Sharia said as she headed toward the destroyed Academy building.

The two of them nodded and split up. Kastin headed toward the building where Dr. Akita had been in. As he walked through he found a few bodys, nine children, and the Dr. himself, he turned away, the smell was unbearable and he quickly left the building. Rika was just walking up to it when he came out. "Bodys?"

"Yea..." he said as he cleared his lungs and nose. "Nine children, the Dr. is also dead."

Rika slammed her balled up fist into her palm. "Freaks... they kill innocents for no reason, but why those kids?"

"Before I left my earring glows red, which if I recall, mean't there was something in the air there. It's possible our enemy didn't kill them at all." Kastin glanced about before moving in the direction of the Academy. "Lets go see what Master Sharia found"

The two of them searched the Academy, it took them about thirty minutes to find there Master, who was on the roof, or what remained of it. She was looking out over the dead plains. "There." she said and pointed to a clearing to the north. "A labor camp, looks like there building siege equipment."

Kastin took out his binocs and peered through them. "There also using children and other adults from this town" he said. "It's to heavily defended, no way we can get in through the front."

There master nodded. "Which is why YOU will get in." she smiled at him

He glared at her. "How?"

"Your Uniform will tell them that you came from this academy, they always do raids against this school for children, they kidnap them and then try and brainwash them, often times doesn't work, but the students at this academy are very strong physically, but again, there just kids, they can't stand that much punishment." Sharia said and turned to Kastin.

He looked at her. "And how am I suppose to get there attention?" he asked, that proved to be a mistake, because Sharia grinned and slashed the ground with a power blade made out of magical energy, the ground broke apart and he fell to the 1st floor, instantly being covered in debris. "BLAST HER!" he yelled

Sharia nodded and both her and Rika vanished, reappearing not from the academy, but not close enough to be sighted by there enemy

Kastin struggled to get himself out from under the debris. As he began to succeed he hard voices, they where muffled, he also heard footsteps; it didnt' take long for him to know where both came from. There in the doorway where four men, clad in armor. One of the men walked over to him, "Yea.. he's one of them." the man said

"Get him out of there and lets take him back to the camp." another said

The other two men nodded and dog him out, then tied his wrists. "Your coming with us." one of the men said in a harsh voice, then hit him with some sort of baton, a shock surged through his body and instantly made him collasps, he got up and snarled at his captors, who just grinned back at him. "Boss will be pleased with this one, he seems to have some fight in him."

"Good, he may be of better use at base camp." The man said and took out a teleport ring. The group, along with Kastin, entered the teleport ring and they vanished. Before they did Kastin shook his head. This isn't going as planned and I have a bad feeling about this....

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
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Mark of the Catalyst

Offline Kasawa Lanford

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Re: [ORG]Mark of Bachi
« Reply #9 on: December 20 2005, 04:43 am »
Chapter 9
Final Fight

Kuitomero - Stave
Kare - of
Sono - the (often not translated, this is a very ROUGH translation)
Ryu - Dragon
Watashi - I
Koko de - here
Ni yotte - by
Shokan Suru - Summon
No translation  - Thy
Kuru - Come
ni - to
Watashi No - My
Engo - Aid

Seki - Barrier
Kara - of
Hogo - Protection

Kastin sat there on the bed, they had beat him up rather well when he tried to escape the next before. He already had a broken arm, but his body was already healing itself. He didn't like the notion of killing for no reason, but already he was told he would either have to kill his opponant, or BE killed

His opponant yesterday was a kid from this empire's home city. The kid was bulky and had obviously been traning for years, "they use there own children for there entertainment pleasure." Kastin snarled at the thought. "Pathetic... Barberic." he said and watched as another contender was brought out from the put, blooded and broken, he could tell this person wasn't going to last much longer

He had another fight today, he was going up against another kid, wasn't as bulky but he could tell this kid would most likely put up a challenge. The other one didn't last long, although he didn't kill him like the rules implied, he only stunned the kid, but they killed him anyway. He walked out of the room, he was armed with a sword and shield. His magic was slightly dampened thanks to some crystals that where cuffed to him. These things are doing a fine job of perventing my use of fly and jump magic, but everything else works. Kastin said to himself. He wore the same thing he always did, apperently the one's responsible for this event wanted them to see just how 'tough' an academy student was, and he was proving to them that he was quite strong. As he entered the pit he could hear the crowd, it was an uproar of both 'boos' 'yays' and 'kill' which all three made him feel slightly annoyed. His opponant entered the pit a minute later, the crowd looked at him as if they didn't even care he was a child, which worried Kastin. The fight started and his opponant rushed him, he spun on his heels and slammed the back of his palm against the neck fo his opponant

His opponant hit the dirt, hard, and slid a few. "If you want to get out of his alive, don't fight me." Kastin said to his opponant, the kid just snarled at him and attacked, Kastin became careless and suffered a chest wound from the attack. He double backed, dropping his shield but still gripping the blade. A grin could be seen on his opponants face. As the kid rushed him, he got back up and swung, the kid stopped just inchs away from almost being decapitated. He fell backwards and Kastin put one knee on his chest, the blade up against his throat. Again he didn't kill the kid, he just got up off him and walked away; but apperently this time they weren't letting him leave without killing his opponant, this he was tired of. For three weeks he had to do this crud, and for three weeks he was getting quite tired of it. He had fought and not killed a single opponant, yet now it seemed he would have to break the barrier, but he had also been working on another means

The crystals that where around his arms where a dark red, which showed that they worked. But it seemed when he was calm and collected, the crystals whiched to a green glow, which he later found out ment they where not suppressing his power.  After a week he found out how to control the crystals behavior, even down to the point where he was able to make it 'seem' like they where working. And in this instance, they weren't working to surpress his power. He sighed and walke toward the kid, he placed his hand on his shoulder, and the kid vanished, all that remained where piles of ashes in this place. In reality, Kastin had sent the kid to another location, somewhere farway from here. In fact, he sent the kid to the Holy City of Cora, they would mostly know what to do with him

That night he slept, or rather tried, the other gladiators where drunk and singing, or rather, what could be 'considered' as singing. It was then that he heard it, a thump --- no --- more like a bang, a second later the whole room shook so violantly that he was thrown from his bed and onto the ground. He heard something going on outside the doors and walked over to it, he heard someone on the other end yell. "Get Back!" he did so and the door's exploded. There standing in the door way was Master Sharia, by her side was Rika, the girl wasn't wearing what she had wore those three weeks ago. "How'd you?"

"When you sent that kid to us, he told us where you where. You did him a good deed, considering he was one of our children stolen from one of the citys a couple years ago." Sharia helped him up off the ground. "Lets get going" she said. Kastin just nodded and followed. A large battle was raging outside the colloseum, mage's from the Holy City and soldiers clashed against each other, fighting one another and trying to kill the other, it was plainly obviously to him which side was winning. "We need to get going, there is something else here you don't know about." Kastin said as he ran through the streets. Sharia and Rika followed him, when they approuched the gate is when he felt.

He wanted to curse, but knew better than to in the presence of a kid, he snarled and burst the crystals, allowing his magic to run free. "Hi Tame!" he yelled and the gate exploded, they ran through the ashes, outside where hundreds, perhaps thousands, of soldiers from the Holy City, Mages that had started the fight inside summoned flight magic and flew away. It seemed very apperent to Kastin that they TO felt it. As he ran toward the soldiers he yelled - "EVERYONE! GET BACK!! RUN!!! " - the soldiers looked at each other, before Sharia had the same things at them, the whole trio of soldiers made an about face and ran away from the city. He could feel the heat rising from the ground and stopped. "Kastin!" Rika yelled

He looked at her. "Just go!"



She had a tear in her eye, but closed them and continued to run. He smiled and turned arond. "Kuitomero kare sono Ryu-" he started off, his eye's closed, a pentogram appeared on the ground, glowing blue. "-watashi koko de ni yotte shokan suru thy-" the pentogram changed red and particles began to appear from the ground. "-kuru ni watashi engo!" he shouted. The sky split open as lightning shot out from the middle. A light spear headed it's way and into the ground. Kastin grabbed what was in the center and pulled it out. "Nice to see you again my friend." he said as he held his stave up high. The top part had the symbol of a dragon, the bottom was sharp, he slammed the bottom of the stave into the ground and went down on one knee

The sky erupted as something occured back at the town he had just been running away from. He could see the red hew that spread across the town and fastly approuched him

"Seki kara hogo" he said softly to himself. A barrier of pure energy appeared acround the entire city, and also around the mist that had already made it outside the city. A static electrical shock could be felt anywhere near the city; he felt it even more since he was the one keeping it in. He took a stance and raised his stave, it was held high. He swung forward and a massive amount of energy was released, the ground turned to liquad as his own power spread across the plains and toward the now contained town. He nodded to himself, the energy sepped into the containment area and began to defeat the mist. He knew it would take sometime for the mist to vanish, so he turned around, but before he could leave he felt another presence. He turned around and saw a man standing before him. "Children shouldnt' play with fire." the man said and fired a pulse of energy at him

He jumped back, avoiding the pulse, and landed on all fours. He reconized this person, "Chico.... and here I thought you where dead..."

Chico laughed. "It's taken me nine hundred years to finally find you." the man smiled at this. "I thought you'd be much older now, but apperently you still but a child."

Kastin just smiled back. He threw his hand aside and changed his apperence back to what it was originally suppose to be. "Luckily for you," he smiled," I have no changed a bit"

"Ahhhh... so there you are, Kalshion, and here I thought you had regressed."

"Nope," he said with both arms folded.

"Cocky fool you are." Chico said as he took a stance. "Now, you going to fight. Or shall I kill you now and get it over with"

Kalshion shook his head. "You just don't get it-" he took a stance "-do you?"

Chico just smiled, then lept forward

To be continued at a later time
« Last Edit: January 14 2006, 08:09 am by Kasawa Lanford »

Thank you bLuetopaz for Siggy and Avatar! ^_^
:Forum Family:

Imoto-chan: lika-chi
Imoto-chan: OniiChanTouya
Imouto-chan: Cherry-chan
Imouto-chan: Starfire
Imouto-chan: babypigggy

Mark of the Catalyst