General Discussions > The "What" Board

What are you afraid of?

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aww thnxs Cherry t. i know what you mean.
hey tou shouldn't be afraid of not achieving. it happens sometimes.
i'm afraid of dying head first. like jumping of a builing and landing
on my head. stuff like that

Something new added to my list of fears: Serving Jury Duty :dodge:

there are some things are afraid of : losing someone I love such as best friends(already happened!) and being home alone in the night (you can't blame me! well you don't know the crime rate in this country!)

- Losing my parents
- Losing my imoto-chan. (I'd die, if I did)
- Getting into a bad high school
- Not being able to afford college
- Earthquakes
- House fires
- High places
- Failure in life



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