General Discussions > The "What" Board

What are you afraid of?

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mirrors....they scare me to dead... really....-.-"
And not be able to study...that would be...uahh >.<

* My family dying
* Thunderstorms
* Failing in a major exam
* Cockroaches, lizards and all other creepy crawlies
* Being alone

adding to my list:

-being scolded

bie liao:
spit and homework...I am so completely phobic about spit, its not funny.

Hmm, that's odd.. I thought I posted here already... *shrugs* Whatever! Here's what Yuki fears (in no particular order):

- Needles
- Fire (not always, but a lot of the time)
- Moths, bees, wasps.. any of those annoying flying guys. 'Cept butterflies, of course! ^_^
- Losing someone I love
- Going through life without accomplishing anything
- Public embarrassment

Hmm, there are many more things I'm afraid of, but I can't think of them right now... XD Oh well..


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