General Discussions > The "What" Board

What are you afraid of?

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let's see now

-speaking in front of a crowd
-used to be scared of i squash them for fun....muhahaha :lol:
-my pc crashing and losing my 800 pics :sweatdrop:

i'm afraid of small spaces...=( it really freaks me out a lot! and i'm afraid of caterpillars as well...

spiders!! I hate them >.<

Ah! Yuki just remembered one of the things she's afraid of: People breaking into her house! XD Last night I heard a noise down stairs, and I shot out of bed and I was soooo scared, but I just marched right out of my room and yelled "Who is there? " in the loudest bravest voice I could, and I looked down just to see that my cat had knocked down a pan I left on the counter... *sweat drop* Yuki was so scared...

In the past week from being away from here, I found out that I'm afraid of my bed; more specifically, I'm afraid of falling asleep. When I fall asleep, I get attacked in my dreams. Burglers, perverts, my brother. My dreams creep me out. That explains the insomnia. I'm even afraid of my bedroom. My lovely bedroom with all my dolphins, and I'm afraid of it. That's certainly mental.


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