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What are you afraid of?

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--- Quote from: moezy-chan on February 12 2006, 08:55 am ---In the past week from being away from here, I found out that I'm afraid of my bed; more specifically, I'm afraid of falling asleep. When I fall asleep, I get attacked in my dreams. Burglers, perverts, my brother. My dreams creep me out. That explains the insomnia. I'm even afraid of my bedroom. My lovely bedroom with all my dolphins, and I'm afraid of it. That's certainly mental.

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yeah i'm like that sometimes. i'm very superstitious so sometimes i get scared of falling asleep coz i think that spirits might start attacking me. and sometimes i have really really really freaky nightmares :S thank goodness it doesn't happen very often though. nowadays i get too tired that i don't get any of those freaky dreams or attacks.

i'm terrified by knowing i'm afraid because then i feel like all these monsters and spirits and stuff might attack me.
and also bugs, i'm very very frightened of bugs

I am afraid of the dark, bugs, and my step mom when she is angrey.

High place and frog (I had phobias for that two), and falling in love

Hikari B.:
I'm afraid of death and animals that can kill you like lions, tigers, sharks... And heights.


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