General Discussions > The "What" Board

What are you afraid of?

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Let's see...
-Ghosts(can't do ghost stories)
-Spiders, beetles, and moths.
-Getting lost
-Moving somewhere unknown to me
-Losing someone I care about

Star Wings:
I'm afraid of :
losing someone I love
natural disaster
the deep ocean
spiders and other creepy bugs
ghosts and evil spirits (pray every night before I go to sleep)
getting lost (happened once when I was 6 and it took me at least and hour to find my way)

Syringes. >.<
Making an idiot of myself
Calling people on the phone


--- Quote from: babypigggy on December 14 2005, 07:28 am ---but one thing, i think mushrooms are scaryy :cry:

--- End quote ---
awww... my friend got sick from eating a mushroom sandwich once.
I don't like feeling all alone in the dark at night...too many horror movies!!!!

iM aFRAID of.....
+Losing  Family members or friends
+ Being left behind and not ahead.
+ Dying at an early age
+Clowns,Harlequins or any  white faced figures.
+ Being lost.
+Embarassment or Humiliation (Who doesn't?)


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