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What are you afraid of?

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The only thing I fear is being Buried Alive

-horror movies
-my bed (yeah. I'm scared of my bed)
-the dark *shivers*
-my step-mom getting mad O_O *runs away*


--- Quote from: Capella on June 21 2006, 10:35 pm ---Syringes. >.<
Making an idiot of myself
Calling people on the phone

--- End quote ---

Same here to all of those except conflicts! I LOVE conflicts! XD

But I'm also afraid of seeming rude (I do this by accident a lot.. TT__TT), crossing over traffic on a busy day on a busy street, getting a scary illness, or having to go through any pain! XD I'm SO horrible with pain.. Dunno why! XD


--- Quote from: AkaiYuki on August 04 2006, 06:39 am ---Same here to all of those except conflicts! I LOVE conflicts! XD

But I'm also afraid of seeming rude (I do this by          a lot.. TT__TT), crossing over traffic on a busy day on a busy street, getting a scary illness, or having to go through any pain! XD I'm SO horrible with pain.. Dunno why! XD

--- End quote ---

im that way except in reverse...sometimes i enjoy MY pain..but i fear seeing others in pain

the people who I love
Getting a bad grade :sweatdrop:
every insects except butterflies :haha:
Getting lost
Not able to find the one :cry:


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