AuthorTopic: Gundam Seed Destiny  (Read 147059 times)

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Gundam Seed Destiny
« on: April 11 2005, 09:26 pm »
for some reason, i kinda hope that kira gives athrun a talking-down for forsaking his twin sister~ :P thats juz me~ :D & i think that athrun & cagalli are really ment for each other since SEED coz both of them really cares about each other deep down inside

if you've seen mulan 2 by disney, you'd know the yin & yang thingy that makes up the white & black beads respectively of a tao symbol, yin & yang are both opposite fr each other, but together, they can attain harmony.

i really believe that cagalli & athrun is like that, cagalli the straightforward gal who needs some1 to talk her troubs to & athrun the gentleman who'll put up with cagalli's straightforwardness~ :P
« Last Edit: April 28 2005, 03:28 pm by lumizstar »

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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #1 on: April 12 2005, 07:32 am »
well.. u see firstly none of the AA ppl like kira, cagalli.. no about the girl problems he's having..

haha they don't even no that 'lacus' and athrun are still engaged.. LOLZ!! haha.. wonder wat happens if kira and lacus find out.. hmmm...

yea but athrun and cagalli are i guess meant for each other.. i don't like them but i prefer them over the other 3 girls.. HAHA

we all no kira and lacus' problems.. as a BIG fan of them.. hehe i totally say... MOVE ON!! show us more of ur relationship... *sigh.. man if u put me in GSD.. i dunno how but u just do.. i will b like pushing them towards each other.. HAHA!!

shinn and stellar.. hmmm ppl saying that they won't get together.. but i found them so cute together in epi 20 was it??? wen the epi wen they were in the cave together.. *sigh.. that was such a good epi.. HEHE!!!
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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #2 on: April 12 2005, 08:41 am »
I just say Athrun, if he doesn't like those girls he should tell them straight down he has a girlfriend or scare them off, but I doubt he could do that, since he's so "nice" -_-

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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #3 on: April 12 2005, 08:59 am »
haha.. yea i dun get it.. or mayb he just can't tell that those girls like him.. HAHA!! *sigh.. boys will b boys after all.. no matter how old they are.. LOLZ!!

i dun think athrun can tell that meer, meyrin, or lunamaria like him.. *sigh.. so sad..
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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #4 on: April 12 2005, 12:14 pm »
coz all of them have been so friendly to him and are on plant's side of the war which is the same as him, i doubt that he'd like to break it to them and cause a conflict like what happened when lunamaria saw meer in his room. yeaps, i guess athrun was not worrying about if they "like" him, rather if they "hate" him.

imo, meer is scary and a li' twisted in the head such that she thought being the fake lacus would mean that she owns everything lacus owns, eg. athrun. meyrin is quite competitive of her sister, lunamaria and she thought that after luna beat her in the academy and became and elite red-suit soldier, beat her in waistline (i remember meyrin trying out luna's uniform skirt--its inda stupid if you ask me...she seems like a spoilt li' girl), therefore, she must not lose out to meyrin in winning athrun, other than that, i'd think that meyrin is juz taken back at athrun's accomplishments like luna. for luna, i cant quite pcture that she's in love with athrun or something base on all the phases...coz she quite seems like a younger sister to athrun...i think that luna holds quite a high lvl of respect and some suspicion for athrun since he the top student in the academy once, became a special defense force member and almost as soon, labelled a traitor who later became one of the heros in stopping the war, disappeared for 2 yrs and now reappearing to serve zaft + is a member of FAITH, thats it. if i was luna, i'd be juz as curious and will like to dig out some theories... :D

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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #5 on: April 12 2005, 12:42 pm »
yea.. i dont' find luna bad.. but sum ppl find her annoying and stuff.. i like luna..she's cool..

her sister is just annoying.. i dun like her.. she reminds me of FLLAY.. i mean like her hair and there's this model of her and she looks exactly like fllay.. man it's scary.. LMAO!! haha all she wants to do is get more attention from athrun than her sis.. that's y she's trying to get athrun to like her.. ARG!! she doesn't even like the dude..
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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #6 on: April 12 2005, 12:58 pm »
at first, during the first few phases, i thought meyrin was ok, now, i kinda loathe her coz what lika-chi said was bulls-eye. what i felt really funny now speaking of luna, is that for several times, she was like a add-on, like on the 1st or is it the 2nd phase (?) her zaku warrior busted outa commission juz before the commercials and theres another scene i cant quite remember~ :P

if the theory of meyrin's alikeness to fllay is true, theres quite a high chance that she'll not make it in the end...

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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #7 on: April 12 2005, 02:44 pm »
Okay, to avoid this becoming some messy....thing, I think I should make a list for each respective couple, or character ^^ Oh yeah, spoilers to the max ^^, so if people don't want spoilers, um.....dont read or skip like 23 lines or something ^____^

1) Athrun + Cagalli: Okay, first of all, this couple is nice, it reflects all the angst and pain in war, and how hard it is to get over diffrences to become a couple *my god soo corny, fisah >_>* They both have diffrent views on war, who is right and wrong, and how they should go about the problem, also both of them are in war so beliefs and views is a big thing. The uniqueness of this couple is the fact they can be together peacefully without mixing in all that war stuff ^^ Until, Destiny that is....

Destiny totally butchered this shipping, all the problems, angst, everything was just put aside and a whole new couple was born >_>", don't get me wrong, I loved how Athrun pratically proposed to her, but my god, that was it, and then after that, all these fangirls and blue mullet freak(s) come along, and so the drama begins. But ep 25 was when I totally knew this shipping is not going on the right track, at least for now. Okay, in the op, u see Cagalli, pratically naked, just standing there, while Athrun walks off to his gundam...can we say Kira/Fllay, anyone? Not only that, Athrun totally ignores all the stuff he went they went through in SEED, it's like Deja Vu, Athrun being the perfect poster boy, and giving off the "you don't get it!!!" vibes, what I hated the most, was the fact he said that kira killed some many lives, but Mirrilaia (sp? ^^) was standing there, looking angsty because 
 he killed her boyfriend. LIke come on, talk about hipocrissy >_>

2) Kira/Lacus: A paring I happen to adore, yet it gives me mind-numbing problems, because nothing....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happened between them since SEED, except the occasional hugs and touches and "I'll be alright" lines ^^ I just wanna a see a kiss or some type of proclamation of love or something, maybe even a propasal *gets shot by Fukada* obviosuly that's not gonna happen tilll a loooooong time >.< But I still like em, they are teh cutest, so I will love em till forever, so even if they don't kiss, that's fine at least they have a higher chance of being together....unlike some couples >_>

Okay continued on the next post, because, my fingers hurt, and um, I think I exceeded the words limit ^^
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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #8 on: April 12 2005, 02:57 pm »
Okay continuation

3) Stellar + Shinn + Lunamaria: Um, I added Lunamaria in there because she's with him in the new op, and I can sense some type of conflict between her and Stellar ^^, but before I can get into that, I think I should breifly yeah rite >_> summarize the pairing.

Stellar, EAF pilot, extended human, enemy of ZAFT, likes the beach and dancing >.<, and is promised to be protected by a ZAFT pilot, weird, sorta....deja vu, definetly. Okay, so in ep 21, Stellar was about to drown *some pilot (scoffs)*, while Shinn, saves her, without being angsty *for once*, and he promises to protect her, and she says "protect....stellar?" aloooot of times, but I guess being extended takes away a bit of common sense too. Anyway, shinn, being the handsome hero he is, promises to see her again. And yes, this promise, as far-fetched it may seem, is kept, and he manages to complete hurt her in the process. Nice protecting Shinn ^_-. Anyway, this shipping is very undeveloped right now, but lol, which shipping is ^^, so how does Lunamaria, the athrun-fangirling stalker come into this, well, it's simple really. In the op, she is with Shinn, like for two shots, and we know how improtant ops and endings are in Gundam SEED/DESTINY, so I'm just giving a random theory, um, if this is off-topic, gomen, but it is a problem, ne? For all those S/S, shippers out there ^^

I guess Lunamaria is totally being ignored by Athrun, since he is with Cagalli, because of something, that happened, or maybe he is feeling up Meer, or Meyrin perhaps, but the point is that she feels left out. Now, she turns too Shinn, who is in love with the enemy, I mean in the preview he is carrying Stellar, and we saw how mad he is at EAF, so how the hell does he help a enemy, apparently love ^^, anyway, maybe Lunamaria is mad that Shinn fell in love with the enemy, and thus a love triangle is born, surpise! *cough* You guys can totally comment on this, it's so far-fetched that I hardly believe it ^^

I guess that's all I can come up with now, lol, so maybe after I think of other pairings I hate/love/fantasize about I'll list them with my ramblings ^^
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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #9 on: April 13 2005, 07:32 am »
blah.. i'm to lazy to read the 2nd post.. blah.. HAHA!! but yea i just watched the subbed of epi 25 and it was cool.. EW ATHRUN MUST DIE

that loser.. if i were cagalli.. i would slap him and take the ring off and throw it in the ocean.. MUAHAHAH!! that evil person.. he doesn't deserve cagalli.. blaming kira and cagalli for EVERYTHING.. i wanna kill him.. *struggles against ppl holding lika down LET GO OF ME NOW!! so i can go shoot that bastard (can i use that word??) LMAO!!

neways.. yea.. athrun totally doesn't get it.. ok he got the lacus being a target thing big but blaming kira for not trusting ZAFT!! overboard.. say nething bak to kira i will kill u!! *evil glare.. and saying how cagalli sound tell ORB to stop being wit the EA.. omg.. that dude seriously needs a new brain!!! ARG!!!

*looks for gun!!!!!

neways.. ppl are saying how cagalli and luna r gonna die.. NO!!!!!!! ok that was a totally spoiler.. LMAO!! sry.. but they're just rumors.. cuz they're not NAKED in the beginning.. *sigh.. this isn't going to b good.. cuz i like luna.. and i don't mind cagalli.. haha THEY CAN'T DIE!!! no!!! the one needs to die are meer, meyrin (although like tune said.. if she's like fllay she's not gonna make it to the end MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!), ATHRUN!! ATHRUN ATHRUN and yuna!! haha i don't think i missed anyone.. o wait ATHRUN!! there we go

ok i will stop my bashing of athrun.. LMAO!!!
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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #10 on: April 13 2005, 08:53 am »
Athrun does need a serious bashing, he's been such an *** lately that I want to kill em myself, I'd like it more if Cagalli did ^___^. Kira totally owned in that ep, man he totally told Athrun off when he's like: "I don't trust ZAFT becuase they almost killed the love of my life who happens to be very smexy by the way....aren't I smexy too, and such a hottie?" *fisah swoons* Okay, he didn't say that, but he said something remotely similar *cheesy grin*

Holy shit, they said Luna and Cagalli is gonna die , dude, those are like the only two girls who can fight, without them were stuck with fanservice....FOIR GUYS *wails dramitcally* Oh well, we still got the nutcase a.k.a. Stellar ^^
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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #11 on: April 13 2005, 09:05 am »
hmm uh oh.. i have a feeling that mommy's going to get mad after hearing this.. stellar might die too.. *glup RUNS AWAY

ok i'm back.. lolz.. yea that's what i heard from people. but they're ALL rumors.. haha fisah is totally right..

kira is SO hot.. lmao.. and i would love it too if cagalli did something to athrun too..

man my friend is a TRUE athrun fan and sticks up to him.. lolz. me and her are having an arguement right now.. she's saying how cagalli and athrun are going to make up and that i bashed athrun too much.. haha but i like wat i did.. he deserves it..

and if cagalli does die.. i will kill athrun LMAO!! haha cause it looks like it's goign to be his fault!!
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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #12 on: April 13 2005, 09:23 am »
She might die of too much heartbreak, the selfless jerk totally abandoned her, GRRRRRRR, I know many people are fans of Athrun, but what he did was even worse than Kira's "supposed" murder of Heine, ppl were bashing him like crazy, but when Athrun is a mean jerk, people stick up for him...AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS?!?!?!?!


Stellar's GONNA DIE TOO?!?!?!, my god, can this series get any worse 0_o
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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #13 on: April 13 2005, 01:12 pm »
If Cagalli is going to die, then what's the point for Athrun >_< No!! She can't die!! If she dies, then forget it, I'm not watching it anymore since I know Kira and Lacus are going to end up together T_T

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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #14 on: April 13 2005, 01:21 pm »
no way mommy.. u're not the only one who finds this wrong.. LOLZ!! people are all bashing kira for 'killing' or causing heine's death..

ok i liked that dude too but don't blame kira!!!! ARG!! personally i didn't like athrun at the beginning but now i'm starting to hate him.. that bastard.. cagalli so does not deserve him.. for people not bashing him i'm gonna kill them.. maybe i should go up to a super popular forum and start bashing athrun and get yelled at!! LMAO!! hmm but then i need back-up.. hmm anyone??
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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #15 on: April 13 2005, 10:27 pm »
athrun deserves the beating up but we'd hav to spare a nickel for his thoughts, i'd say the 1 behind this is the plant chairman, and he's not plant's chairman for nothing coz he really "plants" plots imo...the FAITH, savior gundam, assigning to minerva, and all the cooing to athrun...ahhhh!!!! *angry* but after all athrun saw (the coordinators who wanna destroy earth, naturals being denied their freedom when they wanted to side with coordinators *this is a free world..what can i say?*, after cagalli fell behind his expectations (the EAF allience), and others including phase 25 *SERIOUS EWW, ITS JUZ NOT RIGHT*, those really twisted athrun's stand. but i kinda believe that he'll come around when the background puppeters pulling the strings of the war are finally revealed and he realizes that he made the wrg stand all along...i dunno...the way i see it...there's a chance that athrun might really die in the last few phases...coz that'll be really dramatic. athrun is juz too quiet about his troubles (his father's believes on the coordinators & such) & when he doesnt say them out to his pals to resolve the 3rd party's view (except the chairman), he sure got hooked, lined and sinkered by the chairman...i guess that the only chance that he might turn back to archangel & crew is that they salvage him fr plant or something like that (sounds familiar?), some1 knock him out in a fight (MS or whatever) and bring the TON of truth to his eyes in a wack (lacus being targeted by coordinators juz isnt enuff, bring it on him like bricks ppl~), and this is pretty unprobable but he could be a lookout in zaft & plant for archangel juz that he keeps his contact minimum and it juz isnt shown on the anime until the time comes or on his own search for the truth in zaft, the last possiblity that i can see is the 1st that i mentioned that he realizes till very late and probably dies...that i still dont hope to come true, cagalli WILL be wailing 1 way or another...

and bout kira & lacus's relationship, i dont think that itz gotten dull, i think that they are juz sweet and tooooooo couple-like such that they dont feel uncomfortable with each other rather at ease and support each other's decision totally, that kinda trust and bond is ONLY found in the couple who's relationship passed all imaginable and with the strongest bond such that every thought that goes thru one of them is like telepathy to the other imo~ :)

and stellar dying is not the worse off situation, at least that shinn is not the 1 killing her by mistake but the worst imo is that stellar in destroy gundam with memory totally wipped out cleaner than a hard disk and vs. shinn in destiny & probably kira in nu-freedom/m, its juz irony...that kinda situation where the hero needs to hurt but cannot hurt the 1 he loves will juz tear him apart...

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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #16 on: April 14 2005, 06:06 am »
really good points tune..

but your athrun thing, i'm pretty sure that he's not an undercover person. and him dying is probably off too.. i just don't see him dying. i mean like he's the main main character in GSD.. him dying would just probably ruin the whole thing.. lolz.. (as if this series isn't bad enough) lolz

even though the series is starting to go up-hill for me.. i think that it could be so much better.

that plant chairman.. from the moment i saw him, i think, i knew he was trouble. i mean like why would a chairman want a fake lacus. he's up to something really big. and knowing athrun being athrun and not alex.. he's too good for that.. plus he gives me the shivers.. lolz also he smiles this evil grin. *shivers most of the times. making athrun join ZAFT again. having those guns.. hmm what's it called again??

he sounds so powerless making 'lacus' do all the talking to the citizens.. STUPID.. what chairman wants another person with all the power.. *rolls eyes.. BAKA!!

hmm my ranting for athrun has come to an end.. lmao.. but i still don't like him. wait maybe a little bashing is in order..

WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM?? blaming kira and cagalli ARG!!! haha i know that i mention these things already but he just makes me want to push him off a cliff.. *looks for a near by cliff.. how can he blame cagalli, the person he loves and wants to marry, about ORB joining EA?? i'm sorry to say but cagalli doesn't have the power to stop yunna and his father.. those two bastards.. ARG!!! cagalli doesn't see their real target.. to gain control of all of ORB.. cagalli doesn't know any better.. but athrun doesn't seem to notice. he doesn't even ask if she was ok about the wedding and stuff..

*prints out picture of athrun and starts throwing drats..

OK i'm calm now.. lmao.. i will try to calm down and hope athrun will become a new person and be SMART.. *sigh.. lolz.. i think i said too much.. but that just helped me with my angry and stress from this other person.. HAHA
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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #17 on: April 14 2005, 08:22 am »
I agree with everything you guys said, especially about the Chairman, I think it's the smirk that makes him evil, and maybe the fact that he's soooo interested in Lacus' well being *rolls eyes* Besides, in the first ep that Meer was introduced, he said "Lacus Clyne has a big impact on the citizen's of PLANT", If that doesn't show how evil and very determined that man is, I don't what would be ^^. I also love how you described the Kira Lacus ship Tune, it's such a good way for us fans to defend our OTP ^__^
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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #18 on: April 14 2005, 12:34 pm »
OTP?? what's that??

anyways. i don't have anything to say right now. i can't think of anything that i haven't said about the GSD people right now.

hmm just have to say that the chairman isn't all what he seems to be. there's more to him than we know. evil person. not to be trusted.
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Re: gundam seed destiny character probs~
« Reply #19 on: April 14 2005, 12:44 pm »
thxies~~*learns fr lika-chi ::makes a dart-board with athrun's pic:: :D *

the stuff bout the chairman is too-true, moreso that he majored in genetics and (oooooo...) the opening scene of him between neo & rey, and every1 trusts him xcept for the archangel crew(Y, Y, y?! he's fishy, really fishy, saltier than salted fish~!!) & there was once he asked athrun to inform him about the location of archangel if they were to contact i wonder y athrun didnt report the matter to the chairman (he's in faith so he has full access), maybe athrun has his own suspicions too?? but the chairman sure is no.2 in brainwashing (no.1 goes to EAF)........

what i still find intriguing of the left over fr GS is that i remembered cagalli & lacus using SEED in 1 of the final phases~i hope that the SEED matter in them will be resolved coz i got really confused to their usage of SEED~ :P i'd like to see them use SEED in action again~~ :D girl power~!!! weee~~~