Okay continuation
3) Stellar + Shinn + Lunamaria: Um, I added Lunamaria in there because she's with him in the new op, and I can sense some type of conflict between her and Stellar ^^, but before I can get into that, I think I should breifly yeah rite >_> summarize the pairing.
Stellar, EAF pilot, extended human, enemy of ZAFT, likes the beach and dancing >.<, and is promised to be protected by a ZAFT pilot, weird, sorta....deja vu, definetly. Okay, so in ep 21, Stellar was about to drown *some pilot (scoffs)*, while Shinn, saves her, without being angsty *for once*, and he promises to protect her, and she says "protect....stellar?" aloooot of times, but I guess being extended takes away a bit of common sense too. Anyway, shinn, being the handsome hero he is, promises to see her again. And yes, this promise, as far-fetched it may seem, is kept, and he manages to complete hurt her in the process. Nice protecting Shinn ^_-. Anyway, this shipping is very undeveloped right now, but lol, which shipping is ^^, so how does Lunamaria, the athrun-fangirling stalker come into this, well, it's simple really. In the op, she is with Shinn, like for two shots, and we know how improtant ops and endings are in Gundam SEED/DESTINY, so I'm just giving a random theory, um, if this is off-topic, gomen, but it is a problem, ne? For all those S/S, shippers out there ^^
I guess Lunamaria is totally being ignored by Athrun, since he is with Cagalli, because of something, that happened, or maybe he is feeling up Meer, or Meyrin perhaps, but the point is that she feels left out. Now, she turns too Shinn, who is in love with the enemy, I mean in the preview he is carrying Stellar, and we saw how mad he is at EAF, so how the hell does he help a enemy, apparently love ^^, anyway, maybe Lunamaria is mad that Shinn fell in love with the enemy, and thus a love triangle is born, surpise! *cough* You guys can totally comment on this, it's so far-fetched that I hardly believe it ^^
I guess that's all I can come up with now, lol, so maybe after I think of other pairings I hate/love/fantasize about I'll list them with my ramblings ^^