w00t, ya know it! LOL
I feel so sorry for Shinn, they way he had to give up Stellar....erm, she is already dead, but yeah, he's like holding her and stuff, LOL, I was feeling so sorry for him >.<
Oh no, Kira is mad, because of Gilly's speech. That means he'll lose concentration and get owned by Shinn! I also noticed that Shinn is not being driven by his madness! In fact, he is thinking rationally, and finding info about Freedom! I feel bad about Athrun too, no matter what he does, people are angry at him. But this time, it was so sad. He didn't want Shinn snooping around Freedom's info. And Rey is a bad *** and so gay for Gilly. NEW OTP BABY!
Lacus, yay, I swear to god, she had the same facial expression in GS, cept the fact she is wearing new clothes. Remember when she was commander in the Eternal, and she was sitting in her commander chair and...yeah, in short, it looked like deja vu.
LOL, Meer, gets some pants!
Im starting to like Lunamaria again, she is being the only sensible on in the MInerva so far. And Cagalli is using something called a brain lately too! Wow, I really like this episode ^^
Did you guys see Dijbril's expression? OMG, I was laughing so hard, it looked like his eyeballs were gonna pop out! HAHAHA, man, that was...*wipes tears* HILARIOUS!
Of course, this info is based on screenies, random rants, and some stuff flying around forums. If I do get the cahnce to see the actual epi, then I will comment better ^^