AuthorTopic: Very angry at a friend.... (Rather, feeling very betrayed)  (Read 4839 times)

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Very angry at a friend.... (Rather, feeling very betrayed)
« on: December 15 2005, 02:23 pm »
I'm trying very hard to refrain from typing out curse's here, but after the treatment I got from a friend of mine today.... having already been taken to a hospital ONCE for a heart attack (and surviving) and then having my blood pressure go up to a point where the doctor is already worried that one more spike like that will KILL me....

You see... I have this friend... well.. he's an online friend rather.. I've respected him and his choices, after he became an admin for SakuraMB (A message board that WAS devoted to Card Captor Sakura, been around since 1999) his attitude changed from being someone I could trust, to be an annoyance

A couple days ago we got into a rather heated arguement, it ended with me having a heart attack (Stupid huh?) well.. the thing is; as some of you know, I create storys and fanfiction. I'm a writer with a pashion that goes about my day doing NOTHING but writing (even games don't bring me enjoyment, only writing does)

Well, there's a story that this friend, myself, and one other have been writing for a couple years now. We decided to remake it, thats fine since at the time we had a general idea of what to do. Well, he's created this website for us to put all our character information on, including spells, general locations, and the likes. It's a very cool website, something that I PERSONALLY have been looking forward to

Then today, I find out he hasnt' created an account for me, yet he was logged in all day creating information for his own characters. After several IMs of him ignoring me I finally got feed up with this .... errrr....

I really do believe he's playing my emotions.. but he doesn't seem to realize how fragile I've become... the doctors already told me that my aggressive instincts and my easily able anger will kill me one of these days (he calls it a rare disease.. whatever THAT means)

Today it came real close to me actually punching the wall in shear anger, lucky I punched the pillow instead (still ruptered the pillow) the only reason I haven't blocked the guy on my MSN list is because it won't HELP... he'll take it as an attack and I'll be WITHOUT a computer (he's capible of hacking computers, and I already KNOW he has a backdoor into my system)

God... I feel like someone leashed in by him.... errrrrrrrr..... man I want to beat him to a pulp right now and show him that messing with someone who knows how to use swords, can do even worse things with the knowledge of jujetsu, as well as japanese martial arts...  is a really big mistake... grrrrr!

(this post is more so pointed at Moezy-chan, since she's often calmed me down and helped relax my soul, but I really don't mind if anyone here wishs to help)

My father is fully aware of this .. and he's already getting tired of him playing my emotions and my anger...

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Re: Very angry at a friend.... (Rather, feeling very betrayed)
« Reply #1 on: December 15 2005, 09:53 pm »
this post is more so pointed at Moezy-chan, since she's often calmed me down and helped relax my soul, but I really don't mind if anyone here wishs to help

That is very sweet and I'll be more than happy to help in anyway I can. First off, I would like to point the attention at you, and not your so called friend. As you've stated, you have anger issues, which are understandable, but you anger gets so out of control that your health is compromised. This can become very dangerous, and I would listen to your doctor about controlling your anger.

First, I'll give you an ultimatum. I myself suffer from anger issues, and it often gives me panic attacks, and upsets my ulcer. Long story, so I won't get into it, but for my remedy, I use healthy ways to release my anger. Such as writing. You say that you love to write, so put your thoughts down on paper. I would suggest paper and pencil instead of the computer. And when you get very mad, do 1 of 2 things.

1) Rip up the paper and throw it in the air


2) Crumple it up and throw it away

This will help.

Now to the main problem. From the information you've given me, it sounds to me that your so called friend has intrapersonal intelligence. If you know what this is, then you don't need the definition, but I'll state it anyways. Intrapersonal intelligence is when a person is in full understanding of themselves. They focus on them, and nothing else. When this happens, it's like the world is nowhere close to them. They are in a completely different world. I also have this type of intelligence.

If I'm right, not saying that I am, your friend is unaware of your feelings. He's too absorbed in his own. He may not even realize that he's doing it. This is where you come in. Type out a long, mature, reasonable e-mail to him. Tell him how you are feeling, and that you feel you are being used.

If I'm wrong, then he's simply a jerk and doesn't care about others feelings. In this case, you can take you anger out on me in a healthy way. I will be more than happy to talk to you. I have many lines of communication, and in this case e-mail is the best one. You can even take your anger out on me, because I won't feel offended. But keep in mind, you need to let this go. Your health and physical well-being are on the line, and that is more important than winning a fight. Try to relax, and if it doesn't work, I'll be more than happy to be your punching bag; so to speak.

I hope this helps, and that you'll feel better. Hang in there and pull through. And most importantly, Zettai Daijoubu Daioh! Everything Will Definately Be Alright!

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Re: Very angry at a friend.... (Rather, feeling very betrayed)
« Reply #2 on: December 15 2005, 11:23 pm »
did your silly friend create an account for your other friend?

why not approach your other friend and both of you can set up the website instead? or unless both of you do not know how to..

sorry if i cant help much~

*breathe in.. breathe out*

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Re: Very angry at a friend.... (Rather, feeling very betrayed)
« Reply #3 on: December 16 2005, 04:20 pm »
Well... we just got into a conversation

Apperently, the reason he's giving me all these problems is because of something I said a year ago. Which I have no chat logs of, nor do I even RECALL saying it

But yea.. he has a grudge against me for something that happened a year ago.... am I the only person here who finds that a little.... stupid?

Oh well... concerning the site.. he says he doesn't want to create anything due to something he broke. I still won't forgive him for giving me a heart attack, that will forgive be a black spot on our friendship for quite sometime until be apologize's

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Re: Very angry at a friend.... (Rather, feeling very betrayed)
« Reply #4 on: December 16 2005, 04:46 pm »
If that's the case, I would try avoiding him. If he asks why, tell him the truth. It can only help. When you have nothing left to say, say the truth. It's the best weapon.

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Re: Very angry at a friend.... (Rather, feeling very betrayed)
« Reply #5 on: December 16 2005, 06:13 pm »
my two cents...

if I were you, i'd drop the project.

my reasons why:
1. bad for the health - prolonged exposure to the person is liable to give you more attacks. if this friend DOES create an account for you, what's your guarantee that that will be the end of all the animosity between the both of you? something can happen down the road which could really trigger a major attack for you.

2. the story has been created already - your story, as it is, was created ages ago, right.. so keep your good memories of it, but move on.

3. there is always a new story to tell

that's what i'd do, if i were in your shoes.

im guessing, based on your post, that you REALLY love the story that you guys collaborated on before... but maybe it's time to move on.  until he apologizes, and actually PROVES that he's sorry, you should stay away from him for awhile.

good luck in whatever decision you make, and stay healthy.

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Re: Very angry at a friend.... (Rather, feeling very betrayed)
« Reply #6 on: December 17 2005, 02:52 am »
your friend.. i assume he is a guy too? is so petty!!!

dont worry, new ideas will come to you soon!

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Re: Very angry at a friend.... (Rather, feeling very betrayed)
« Reply #7 on: December 17 2005, 04:25 am »

1. bad for the health - prolonged exposure to the person is liable to give you more attacks. if this friend DOES create an account for you, what's your guarantee that that will be the end of all the animosity between the both of you? something can happen down the road which could really trigger a major attack for you.

Strangely enough, I'm not bothered by this right now. The site was deleted on the server, strangely, after I asked him about it last night. Something tells me he intentionally deleted it but then again, it could've actually gotten deleted due to a software problem

2. the story has been created already - your story, as it is, was created ages ago, right.. so keep your good memories of it, but move on.

Thankfully, he isn't the one who actually thought up the idea, it was my other friend, who isn't like him, who thought of it.

3. there is always a new story to tell

Telling by how I have over one hundred different storys that I'm working on, that's true :tongue3:

To be honest, before I meet either of them, writing a story was the last thing the two had in mind. But after I meet them, became a member of the clan (we where a clan once, now where just a fansite) I started up a story based on the game and from that point on, it took off into several other areas. To be honest, I've been writing for ten years, have published one of my storys already, and have earned the credit from at least three publishing companys here in Nevada already. But I haven't been able to create a good story, at least in my eye, thats good for publishing (it's also partly because lately my storys have been based off other anime, like CCS, Starocean, ext...)

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Re: Very angry at a friend.... (Rather, feeling very betrayed)
« Reply #8 on: December 28 2005, 01:53 am »
To be honest, before I meet either of them, writing a story was the last thing the two had in mind. But after I meet them, became a member of the clan (we where a clan once, now where just a fansite) I started up a story based on the game and from that point on, it took off into several other areas. To be honest, I've been writing for ten years, have published one of my storys already, and have earned the credit from at least three publishing companys here in Nevada already. But I haven't been able to create a good story, at least in my eye, thats good for publishing (it's also partly because lately my storys have been based off other anime, like CCS, Starocean, ext...)

Have you tried to write your current situation into a short story? And if you DO make it a story, how would you end it?

Over 100 stories???    :noteworthy:

Good luck with the next 100, and hope you get through this, erm, event in your life in one piece.  :)

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Re: Very angry at a friend.... (Rather, feeling very betrayed)
« Reply #9 on: December 28 2005, 03:55 pm »
Sometimes... I wonder if the only way to resolve some events is to stay away

Does this friend still annoy me? Yea he does.....

I remember when I was in the Army for three months... I found myself rather at ease (before i broke my leg and was discharged medically) but before that I had a rather good time

Who knows what will resolve these problems.... I truely at at a loss

But, thanks :)
Hopefully I will complete these few stories BEFORE I start the next on hundred :tongue3:

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