General Discussions > Anything goes...

One thing about yourself...

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One thing about moezy-chan:

She is very upset right now!


--- Quote from: moezy-chan on January 13 2006, 05:26 am ---One thing about moezy-chan:

She's starting to lose her hearing again.

--- End quote ---

One thing about Arcademan...

I have about 40% hearing loss (due to video games: I've been in the business for over 25 has taken its toll on my hearing)

One thing about Soujiro_chi:

She is having a hard time understanding math. ^^"

One thing about Kitra:  :tongue3:

well...that she is very shy   :sweatdrop: and everyone thinks she is a freak.  :surprised:

One thing about moezy-chan:

She had to delete some pictures from her photobucket account  :cry: because she's almost out of storage. She really needs to buy the premium account!


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