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What does your bedroom look like?

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I love all your anime pictures Genki-chan! XD
This took a while to upload...But I did it!! ^-^
^ This is my bedroom door from the outside. Has all the awards I've gotten so far...
^This is really what you see when you first enter. Messy ain't it? xD
^ My clothes hanger is just behind the door.
^ And beside it...Is my closet full of...clothes ^-^;
^ My darling desk full of clutter! And my parents wonder WHY I never use it.
^ This isn't in my room all the time..I just need to find a place to put them first! Right under the desk is their home for now ^-^
^Across the room is my dresser!
^ Meet the moutain of stuffed toys I still need to get rid of.
^My unmade bed with yet more stuffed toys. Above it, I have anime posters, that I didn't take pictures of -_-
^ Or next stop on the tour, my bedside table. I wake up to Haru's (cow) smiling face every morning ^-^
^ My most prized possison: My stack of manga. No one touches them, not even my friends or family xP
^ And this is just the second pile of manga.

You guys have cool rooms..... Strawberry your room is WAY too clean and organized. I'll post pictures of my room as soon as the dust bunnies migrate back under the bed and my piles of laundry find their way back into the hamper. Heh, as soon as I clear the floor of debris....

Lol! I agree with you Crystal-chan, Strawberry-chan has a very neat room >.<
I feel so...messy! I think I'll go clean my room now...*cough*

Director of Music:
XD Vex your video is I'll get pics of my room sooner or later...


--- Quote from: VexNet on December 22 2005, 12:58 pm ---Pikai.. YOU HAVE A HUGE ROOM!!!
Man I wish I had a room like that.. It would be Heaven... I'm so Jealous.

--- End quote ---
Actually it gets quite cold. ><;; And I used to share it with my sister, so there had to be room for both of us. ^^;;

Moezy-chan, you like dolphins too? ^__^ I used to have at least 3 dolphin posters up, plus an orca one... and all my little dolphin figurines and knicknacks. ^^;; I love ocean stuff.


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