General Discussions > The "What" Board

What does your bedroom look like?

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reviving this thread  :sweatdrop:

here's my room...covered with Tsubasa and books and work  :sweatdrop:
corner one
wall, manga lot
corner two, bed
corner three, bookcase
tsubasa bookcase^^;

don't want to see my desk  :sweatdrop: ...

Sugoi Okamirei-sama! I want your room!

Wow... everyone else's room puts mine to shame...  :sweatdrop:
I hardly have any anime dvds (only about 4 or 5) ...  :sweatdrop: i don't have any mangas... Imagine this: Pink room, All i have are a couple of plushies, video games, artbooks, a bed, a dresser, and a tv...
I need to buy some manga, but  :sweatdrop: i can't afford to right now... Hopefully, i can get some on my birthday...  :keke:
*too embarrassed to show pictures of room*

Anyways...  :sweatdrop: your room is awesome Okamirei! I wish i could have your room, too! ^_^

bie liao:
Waaaiii, Okamirei your room is so cool!  I wish I had all that stuff!  I just kinda stared at your Tsubasa stuff for a while and then promptly smacked myself back to consciousness.  And I really like the color of your room!  Mine's this REALLY vivid light blue.  Mockingbird blue.

Queensized sleigh bed and two windows with silk star and moon covered curtains, my manga filled bookshelf and a desk.  Radio on bookshelf and a bulletin board filled with random scribbles and drawings and a broken door hanging thing-a-ma-bob.

my bedroom is a small squared room.
with a blue bed with snoopy sheets ^_^
a desk...a closet, and yah, that's about it...xD nothing special


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