General Discussions > The "What" Board

What does your bedroom look like?

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I don't have any photos of my bedroom but when you enter you can see my bed and my desk on your right ,on your left you can see my wardrobe and right in front of you there' a big big window.My bedroom is full of mangas,comics,posters,drawings,figurines of LOTR and animes.One last thing...For the moment,my bedroom is in total disorder!(lol)

A mess! Books and papers all over the place, not to mention clothes :D

Two shelfs,two scrolls on the wall,glowing stars,pictures me or my little sister drew on the wall,clothes in the closet

I have so much stuff on my walls now.... I bought a Tsubasa scroll that is totally awesome, but I couldn't fit it anywhere so I put it over my window.... light is so overrated.  : D

You're rooms are so cool! I don't have any pictures of my room, but I can tell you that it's green with a pink and green comforter, lots of teddy bears and plushies, a bookshelves full of books! and a pikachu and my night table. Sheesh, it's too girly.


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