AuthorTopic: What does your bedroom look like?  (Read 33579 times)

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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #20 on: December 26 2005, 06:22 pm »
Mine? Okay...imagine this...

Double bed (I share with my sis) that's pushed to the wall in 2 sides. One side has a window, the other where the head of the bed is, is a wall I call my CLAMP wall containing 6 CCS posters, and 3 TRC posters. The side of the bed facing the wall with the window is my side. Below the window there's an X poster. Then there's that blank wall my sister and I unceremoniously filled with posters.

+ A CCS Wall Scroll
+ 2 Final Fantasy Posters
+ 2 Harry Potter Posters
+ One Fruits Basket Poster
+ 2 Chobits posters

Yup, then there's our very messy wardrobe with a mirror attached to the door (on top of it are some of our plushies, others go on the bed), and a small television, and a cabinet for our DVD's and Cd's.

Got all that? Good.  :tongue3:

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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #21 on: December 27 2005, 05:07 pm »
Click Images to see Larger Images

The Wallpaper Wall
My Chinese calander in the middle with my Spiderman posters up top and Di Gi Charat poster o the side and under that my Sonic poster and the DBZ Goku on the right side on my door. My bed is also visable.

The Mess On The Top Bunk
All my mess is on my bed. You can see my Naruto Orange and Blue T-Shirt on the left and just a bunch of mess on the bed with a ton of teddies on there too! My posters are on the wall are from the right: Red Faction 2, Time Map, Grand Theft Auto Liberty City, Eminem 2006 Calander.

My Bed
My Blue Bed, My Remote Control for the TV and bottom left is my FRIENDS boxset. and my Barenaked Ladies DVD and Neon Genesis Evangelion DVDs and all my other DVDs are under my bed in those Blue and Green Boxes.

My Entertainment Station
In the middle is my Large TV (only in my room for this week while my parants are in Prague), VHS/DVD Combo, Gamecube, PS2 and Games bottom right. If you can see, On the TV is my Naruto GameCube game.

My PS2 Center
My PS2. Above my PS2 is my Sketch Pad. My PS2 is on top of my box full of N64 Games, CDs, and Tapes. Under the box is a bunch of PS2 and GC games and if you look carefully you can see the box for my Naruto game "Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3" (awesome game aswell). At the bottom you can see my Water Bottle and my Bin. On the boxs to the right is my Headphones (which are connected to the TV so I can play my games and watch my DVDs without it being really loud. My Pencils and Pens. My Left Speaker is on top of an upside down bin (so it is same level with the right speaker) And that's it for this picture!

The Entertainment and PS2 Center combined
Here is a Wider Shot of the previous two pictures.

The Media Center
This is where my PC and Artwork generally take place. It also contains a lot of my vital objects needed... To Live. At the Top are my various Models and Figurines from the two Dirty Pair girls on the far left, With Rogue in the background and then Bart Simpson at front followed by Sonic and Tails (fallen over), Cyclops, 2 Spidermans, Mickey Mouse, Sonic Running, My Toothpaster and Brush behind him and then a bunch of my cards I got for Christmas (the Red One with the Snowman Holding a Heart is from Alaina (Starfire)). Then below that shelf is the top of my PC Desk. On the far left is a photo of myself from a few years back, My MP3 Player (20GB Creative Zen), Bluetac, Christmas M&M (from Alaina too), Middle Speaker, Ruler, Money and my Microphone (they look like Headphones but they Headphone part doesn't work so I just use them for the Microphone that's also on it).

The Media Center Up Close
A closer look at my Media Center. In the Top Lef is my Clock and behind that is my Wallet. Then under my Wallet and teh next two sections down it's just full of Manga (I don't have tons like some of you, But I have what I really like). Just below that to the right is my Wireless Receiver for my Wireless Keyboard and Mouse (seen at the bottom of the screen). Just to the left is my box of Jelly Bellys (a Christmas Present from Alaina's Mom and Brother) And on top of the box is my Griever Necklace that Squall wears in Final Fantasy VIII. To the left of those two is my Toblerone Bar (Christmas gift again, This time it was from my Parants) And Just Behind the Toblerone is my Remote Control for the VHS/DVD Combo. Behind all those is my Moniter (BenQ T701 17" LCD Monitor, Res: 1280x1024). To the left of my Moniter are 4 PC Games (Worms Armageddon (Doesn't work because my PC is too Powerful and I couldn't be bothered to take it back), Command & Conquer Generals, Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun, The Sims 2) and just in front of those Games are my SD Cards (1x512MB, 3x256MB, 1x128MB), Then my Torch (In Case of Black Out), Then a Bottle of Red Ketchup (I had Sausages In my Room and I Forgot to Bring it Back Down).

The Media Center Pulled Back
A View of the Media Center from a slightly Higher Angle than before.

The Entertainment and Media Center
A Shot of how they both look in my Room Combined.
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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #22 on: December 27 2005, 05:30 pm »
You're very welcome for the gifts and your room does look cleaner. 
That Toblerone looks yummy!   
And you really should go put the ketchup away...

I'll put pictures of my room up when
1.  The ghosts leave
2.  I actually clean it
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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #23 on: December 27 2005, 09:02 pm »
You all have awesome rooms!
I'll take pics when I find the camera from my mum...~.~
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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #24 on: December 30 2005, 05:04 am »
@ Vexnet
You got some cool stuff in your room, I reaaly want your computer games, DVD's, posters etc... lol
Do NOT under estimate the powers of strawberries

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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #25 on: March 28 2006, 03:02 pm »
reviving this thread  :sweatdrop:

here's my room...covered with Tsubasa and books and work  :sweatdrop:
corner one
wall, manga lot
corner two, bed
corner three, bookcase
tsubasa bookcase^^;

don't want to see my desk  :sweatdrop: ...


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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #26 on: March 28 2006, 04:14 pm »
Sugoi Okamirei-sama! I want your room!

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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #27 on: March 30 2006, 09:56 am »
Wow... everyone else's room puts mine to shame...  :sweatdrop:
I hardly have any anime dvds (only about 4 or 5) ...  :sweatdrop: i don't have any mangas... Imagine this: Pink room, All i have are a couple of plushies, video games, artbooks, a bed, a dresser, and a tv...
I need to buy some manga, but  :sweatdrop: i can't afford to right now... Hopefully, i can get some on my birthday...  :keke:
*too embarrassed to show pictures of room*

Anyways...  :sweatdrop: your room is awesome Okamirei! I wish i could have your room, too! ^_^
« Last Edit: April 01 2006, 01:57 pm by wishingstarx »

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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #28 on: March 30 2006, 10:59 am »
Waaaiii, Okamirei your room is so cool!  I wish I had all that stuff!  I just kinda stared at your Tsubasa stuff for a while and then promptly smacked myself back to consciousness.  And I really like the color of your room!  Mine's this REALLY vivid light blue.  Mockingbird blue.

Queensized sleigh bed and two windows with silk star and moon covered curtains, my manga filled bookshelf and a desk.  Radio on bookshelf and a bulletin board filled with random scribbles and drawings and a broken door hanging thing-a-ma-bob.
[ - Without a p a s t, and unable to see the f u t u r e, I am here in the p r e s e n t, believing in m y s e l f. - ]

The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #29 on: March 30 2006, 11:39 am »
my bedroom is a small squared room.
with a blue bed with snoopy sheets ^_^
a desk...a closet, and yah, that's about it...xD nothing special

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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #30 on: March 30 2006, 12:47 pm »
reviving this thread :sweatdrop:

here's my room...covered with Tsubasa and books and work :sweatdrop:
corner one
wall, manga lot
corner two, bed
corner three, bookcase
tsubasa bookcase^^;

don't want to see my desk :sweatdrop: ...

WOW! Okamirei-chan! I love your room! I love the color. Blue is my favorite color. ^^ You have so many cool posters and stuff of Tsubasa!

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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #31 on: March 31 2006, 06:13 am »

okay, here's my room.

Note: It's not usually this clean. I had to clean it for my brother and sister-in-law who have come to visit, and who are stealing my room from me ^_~

My "front door/entryway"

My turntable/stereo, armoire where I keep all my CDs and DVDs, dry erase board, and shelves

close-up of shelves

poster I still need to hang, and vinyls in the background


area beside desk


posters (don't you love that hanging picture frame? My mommy bought that for me! )



papasan chair and reading corner


entertainment shelves(you can tell I just cleaned because normally there's a slew of wires and connections with my camera to take notes on footage for editing)
« Last Edit: March 31 2006, 07:02 am by Time-Machine »

Special thanks to Kiramiki for the pic in my siggy and avatar!

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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #32 on: March 31 2006, 06:24 am »
Awesome room Time-chan! And so many books! It makes me want to go on a reading frenzy!

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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #33 on: April 04 2006, 09:25 pm »
Really really love your posters, Okamirei-chan!
My bedroom looks so boring compared to yours :cry:
bedroom view from door
bed and bookshelf cum cabinet
For the left cabinet, the top part is stuffed with stuff toys, bottom part is here I keep my comics. The right cabinet is also cramped with stuff toys I don't like. XD
Computer area
My comics. :) (Incomplete set because I forgot the put Tsuabsa bk1 back :heh:
Edit: 0.o I just realised I forgot the put back my Tsubasa bk 1 into the cabinet. :sweatdrop:
Ack! no matching sig. x_x
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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #34 on: April 05 2006, 06:48 am »
Well...I should really get someone who has a digital camera over so I can film my's a written (and slightly weird I predict) walkthrough of my room.

Outside: Top of the stairs and WHOA! What's the point of having a beaded curtain in front of my door if my door is always closed...? Oh well. Whatever. They let me know when people are about to enter my room. Haha. In we go...

Inside: Hey look, you're immediately faced with the side of wardrobe and a frontal view of my dressing table - which, when it's clean enough acts as a desk as well. Somehow. I have random jewelry, and a mirrow with belts slung across it and stuff...kinda cluttered. And, OH MY! Is that what I think it is? Why yes. It is my Edward Elric action figure. I'm very proud of it, but the mature side of my mind keeps telling me to leave it in the box, while my childish side is going: I WANNA DETACH AND RE-ATTACH HIS ARM. Whatever. I have a couple of little Chi figures too.

Walking forwards and looking to the right is the front of my's all nice and pine like...but if this were a film I'd show you that if I pull the left door handle it falls off. A wonderful example of the procrasination gene that my father passed down to me. I can't fix things, so Dad said he would. Two years ago. Ho hum.

Walk forwards, still looking to the right, and there's my bookcase! The top shelf is reserved for game guides, and fantasy/sci-fi books which I love. I've got Douglas Adams up there, Terry Pratchett...Jonathon Stroud...Clive Barker...

Down one level is my manga shelf. Which is beginning to overflow. I have FAR TOO MANY books. I really should get rid of them (but not the manga) *reading obsessed*. My mangas are in alphabetical order, because I got bored. Look, I have Saiyuki. Saiyuki makes me grin :D

Then the last three levels are just...random books.

Turn to your left and you get a lovely view of my bedside table, TV Cabinet, window and bed. Firstly, my TV cabinet has a smallish TV, and a little videogame rack on it. Note the fact all my PS1 Final Fantasy's are in front of it as the stack does not compensate for games more than one disc long. Inside the little shelfy bit under the TV is my DVD player, and on top of that, my PS2. To the left of that are my PS2/Gamecube games and DVDs. Films and anime ones. And FIREFLY has pride of place floor...for easy reach. (Yes, I'm that obsessed.) It's next to my Gamecube.

My bedside table has my SECOND PRIDE AND JOY that I did rip out of the box, and that's my Zell (FFVIII) figure. I love Zell. Go figure. I have a radio/alarm clock, and a lamp on my table, along with some bracelets and an FMA pin badge. The inner part of my bedside table is a mess, so let's not go there.

Finally, my bed <3 It's a double bed - hand-me-down mind you - that my parents set-up for me as a 'coming home' present from when I had my spleen removed. It's lovely and comfy, and...yay <3 Above my bed is my NINEYEAROLDLIEKWHOA!Stereo with a LOT of CDs. The last one I was listening two Kingdom Hearts soundtrack.

Posters? I have a Pirates of the Caribbean one, a dolphin one above my stereo, a Marvin (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) one on the wall to the right of my more that I really can't remember. Brain went blank.

Well. That was not fun. I'll try and get some pictures up soon. (Whilst my room is kinda tidy. I tidied it this weekend 'cause I XD)

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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #35 on: April 29 2006, 02:07 am »
This is what my room look like :D

The entryway

The computer corner

My 2nd favorite corner of my room - The Makeup Things :inlove:

My computer and my drawings

And.. ermm.. random pic of my room lol
« Last Edit: April 29 2006, 03:16 am by Aya-Chan »

Set feat. Me and my boyf <33
So k i s s me and s m i l e for me. Tell me that you'll w a i t for me, h o l d me like you'll n e v e r let me go.

x____ ;{When it's time for bed.. I wonder if you ever find time to think of me.} - Sakura

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___ImOUTO.; bie liao,-=kuro_woof=-,Cherry-chan, wishingstarx
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· {x__FakeTheWay.<<__x} ·

HIATUS for a bit. .

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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #36 on: April 29 2006, 02:18 am »

okay, here's my room.

Note: It's not usually this clean. I had to clean it for my brother and sister-in-law who have come to visit, and who are stealing my room from me ^_~

My "front door/entryway"

My turntable/stereo, armoire where I keep all my CDs and DVDs, dry erase board, and shelves

close-up of shelves

poster I still need to hang, and vinyls in the background


area beside desk


posters (don't you love that hanging picture frame? My mommy bought that for me! )



papasan chair and reading corner


entertainment shelves(you can tell I just cleaned because normally there's a slew of wires and connections with my camera to take notes on footage for editing)
that's a huge room o.o you even have a bathroom, lucky duck.
This is what my room look like :D

It looks like this when we enter my room

The computer corner

My 2nd favorite corner of my room - The Makeup Things :inlove:

My computer and my drawings

And.. ermm.. random pic of my room lol
that looks like a digimon drawing, cool room!
@ Vexnet
You got some cool stuff in your room, I reaaly want your computer games, DVD's, posters etc... lol
haha, pay me lots of money then!
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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #37 on: May 05 2006, 07:48 am »
HAHAHA! Yes my room is clean! I now finally have some pics. Although some are blurry. I don't know how to get them to be little thumbnails.... hopefully the links work. UM.... some of them came out gigantic.. I don't know why...hehehe sorry.  OK, this is the view from my door.  This is the back of my door and poster This is my floor and puppy More posters and My book shelves. I like horses. A close up of my board, I put everything on this board. That's why it looks like a mess. Then My manga. It's blurry, cursed camera.

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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #38 on: May 07 2006, 04:45 pm »
HAHAHA! Yes my room is clean! I now finally have some pics. Although some are blurry. I don't know how to get them to be little thumbnails.... hopefully the links work. UM.... some of them came out gigantic.. I don't know why...hehehe sorry.  OK, this is the view from my door.  This is the back of my door and poster This is my floor and puppy More posters and My book shelves. I like horses. A close up of my board, I put everything on this board. That's why it looks like a mess. Then My manga. It's blurry, cursed camera.

First of all, I love the giant Narnia poster.

Second, Good to see another avid Lord of the Rings fan!

Third, either your Mormon, or you know some Mormons who gave you little cards, because I recognised way too many of the pictures on that corkboard. If you are Mormon, welcome to the club!


Special thanks to Kiramiki for the pic in my siggy and avatar!

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Re: What does your bedroom look like?
« Reply #39 on: May 07 2006, 05:44 pm »
Yeah, I'm Mormon. Hehehe guess my little cards gave me away. Glad you're a LOTR fan too, it's nice too find people that I have things in common with.  :keke:

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