I'll just cross-post here this article from my blog...

The second episode was, in my opinion, not as good as the first episode. It starts off by showing a few scenes already shown in the previous episode. I think they decided to show those scenes again probably because the next scene is all talk, talk and more talk. cough.hack//SIGNcough This scene took about half of the whole episode. I’m not really complaining. I’m actually happy they did that because it’s important to the story. And I just can’t believe how Bee-Train had managed to draw Yuuko so incredibly ugly! Well, they did make some effort though when they showed her poking Kuro-poo…

Anyways…after the talk, they’re transported to another dimension… and wow! I just love so much those cool animation effects! Great job there but…
The first scene at Hanshin Republic isn’t entirely the same as the manga,
if I remember correctly.

I’m still quite disturbed that Kurogane isn’t acting the same as he does in the manga. Why does he always look so angry?
I was shocked when Fai reached out inside Syaoran’s coat and then Syaoran made a funny sound. what the.. he sounded like an old man there! The dubber could have done a better job there if he just imitated Syaoran’s shocked reactions in CCS. [nods]
The next scenes were “okay”... I like that scene where Syaoran tries to catch the feather. Really cool. However, I find the Kudans of the two gangs sort of funny. They looked like thick laser beams to me. XD oh well… at least Syaoran’s Kudan is hot. XDD I just didn’t find the animation convincing though.. I expected more. The other guy’s Kudan? Nevermind.

And I’m not finishing this post without mentioning this… there’s no Sorata and Arashi! Are they even gonna show up? I didn’t see them in the next episode preview. [sigh] Seriously, they shouldn’t have edited that one out. Their visit to Hanshin (wait, it’s spelled Hansin in the tower there! o.O) would be much more enjoying to watch with those two around. [sigh again]

Anyway, still looking forward to the next episode… Kuro-pi’s Kudan will show up but no sight yet of Fai’s. Also, Sakura will get her first feather. Not that it’s really important cos she’s still not gonna wake up. She does in the second feather.. no wait, am I actually right about that? haha! I really should re-read the manga. But I’m still in chapter 50 something, oh whatever…