AuthorTopic: CapturedWings Diary 2006  (Read 27903 times)

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #20 on: January 09 2006, 05:00 am »
January 6

I got up at about 2PM, feeling pains~... Made myself some breakfast,
and took some medication to get the pain down... I had hidden the connection
to the computer, to stop myself from jumping on it first thing as I woke up.
Worked nice, so I took my breakfast and coffee and sat in front of the TV instead,
watching a program about dragons. Interesting. So I sat there until about 3.20, when
the doorbell rang... My mother and brother.
"Hi, we're here to take you home! Start doing the dishes!"
...A lovely greeting, mom.
My brother asked if we had gotten any e-mail, and I answered that I didn't know
since I hadn't been online today. So I turned on the computer and checked our mail.
Nope, no new mails. I figured the dishes could wait until my mother was done
making sandwitches for her and my brother in the kitchen. So I surfed here, of course...
I didn't have time to do much until my mom got mad and said that I've been sitting there
for an hour... when I had been sitting for 20 minutes... Irritated, I thought I'll make the
f*cking dishes then. I forgot to log off. And when she was about to get on the computer
to surf the net for something, she saw my wallpaper(the one with Spider, I've posted it
in "Let's see your deskop") and said "What the hell is this shit?!". That made me more
angry than I already was, and answered "That's my shit, you can log of from my
shit to your shit instead.". So I made the dishes, wishing that no one would say a word
to me, since I probably would've hit them with the newly washed frying pan. :shifty:
No one said anything, not even when I was done with the dishes.
I went to pack my stuff. When I was done packing, I read some Tokyo Babylon to
stare at Subaru. When my mother and brother were done, we went home again.

At home, my dad greeted me with a hug. "I really like you my pretty girl..." he said.
Naaaw~ X3 Tessaiga felt lots better.
DINNER! Namnamnamnam... What did I do after that? I guess I jumped around,
still happy, squeeking "Kyuu~ Subaru~ Waii~ Nyuu~" and so on... :tard: I do that quite often...
Mom fixed some potatochips for us all. I thought I would get to sit with my brother and
watch TV while eating them, instead he went to the other room to talk to dad about cars.
*-S-I-G-H-* I placed myself in front of the computer to delete some unnecessary files...
And to finish my new AMV. About an hour later, mom came and began talking about that
I didn't think about anyone except myself, because I've "been sitting in front of the computer
since we got home, and all the time at the other place". Which is a lie, but anyway.
Mad about this, I asked if someone wanted the computer. And NO. No one wanted the computer,
and no one was especially interested in speaking to me, so why should I sit there and listen to
car-talk? She kept nagging, until I turned off the computer and went into my room.

I can't wait untill I get to move out. I've been tired of this since autumn 2005.
Then I'll get to do whatever I want, whenever I want. I feel no need of having someone
tell me what to do anymore. I can take care of myself.
I was angry as hell, and just laid there in my bed for a while, thinking about how and
when I would be able to get a place of my own. So I wrote down all expensive stuff I'm
planning on buying this year or the next. Then my mother came in, and was suddenly
very kind. :dodge: "Aw, you just overreacted..." Sure hell, you're the one overreacting.

When she left again, I had a pen in my hand. And with it, I began to draw all over my
hand, to calm myself down or for reasons unknown. Turned out pretty...
Mom and dad went to sleep, so I was up a bit with my brother. When he went to bed
as well, I went on the computer again. I can't get online here, so this is written in
Notepad. :heh: I'll copy it and paste it on CW later.

Now, I'll finish my AMV and watch whatever's on TV.
Tomorrow, I hope that I'll have inspiration to draw a new picture... That cheers me up.
I'm almost starting to feel depressed again. This winter vacation was hell.
Too many people around me for too long. School will start on tuesday the 10th.
Perhaps my friend can make me feel better. I'm feeling lonely.
January 7
A very calm day. Nothing to complain about or anything. Actually, it was really good!
I finished the AMV with everything done and blahblah... Then I felt like drawing.
Something I havn't felt for these past weeks. :cry: And somehow, it looked really pretty!
Whoohoo! Happy~
...Not much more to say about that day.
January 8
I drew the same picture as I drew yesterday, two times. Tomorrow I'll make the last copy...
...Went back here to post some, though my headace is killing me.
I was glad to see that I had gotten new replies to my thread! :keke: *points at signature*
And now... I dunno what to do. I have to rest, because this headace is insane! >.<
Quote from: French Soldier of Monthy Python
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I f-a-r-t in your general direction!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

I would tell you Sei-Sub fangirls the truth about the "couple", but since I've got more life than that, I'll allow you to be inzane. And I lol at you. Lololololololololol.
And with this, I leave. Fohevah

Det är så härligt att gå i solen, och äta hallon med dig~ Men det vet du inget om, för du förstår inte svenska!... VA?! Du fattar? Hej! Kul för dig!

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #21 on: January 10 2006, 03:30 am »
Nothing special happened today, I just spent the afternoon sketching and played "Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life Special Edition" on my PS2 afterwards, has anyone here played this game before  :keke:.

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #22 on: January 11 2006, 02:05 am »
January 10

When I woke up, the first thing I thought was "...I won't go to math class this morning." With that said, I had a calm morning. I could even get online here and wish Vex a happy birthday.
After that, I went to school for the first time in weeks(because of the holidays). Looked around for a while, until I found my friend~ (who I call Xena, by the way) So we danced around a bit until we went to english class. That was inzane... ^^''
Moving on to P.E. I didn't participate today... And now there's a risk that I and Xena won't get passed in that class. Didn't bother too much about that, I knew it before. I got operated last year, so I think the teacher could understand that I couldn't participate then, and that I can't do much now either.
Math class(yes... AGAIN. Two math classes on one day kills you). Saw the test I did last year. Didn't pass that one either. I'm getting totally retarded.
German class! GAH! That has to be the most boring german class ever!
Teacher: "Talk about what you did on the holidays!"
Student: "...Ich habe geschlafen."
Student: "...Ich habe geschlafen."
Student: "...Ich habe geschlafen."
Student: "Es ist kallt."
Tessaiga: " ^ :tard:"
And later on, a girl asked the girl next to me if she had a boyfriend, and she
answered "no...". And of course she had to ask me too!
Girl: "Do you have a boyfriend... Terese? If that's your name?"
Tessaiga: "Um... No I don't. (I have a husband, a catboy, Link, three bodyguards and some fanboys here and there)"

And Mega Man X Collection wasn't in the store... yet. He didn't even have it ordered. I think I'll get it faster online.
So now I'm just waiting here... for nothing.

AND!!! I got comments about my work in school. We sometimes have one week only for making pictures, from 8am 'til 3PM. The teachers' comment was written on a piece of paper, saying something like this:
"You are skilled technically and you have a certain drawing style but where is your own expression, what do you want to explore in your creating. You describe the technical part of your work but doesn't reflect about what the picture shows or what it tells the looker."
Which is... bad. I did describe what I wanted to tell everyone with my picture! :angry: Did the teachers even LISTEN?! "A certain drawing style"... M-A-N-G-A is a drawing style, yes, but they probably wouldn't see any difference between CLAMP and Akira Toriyama. When I draw manga, it's either my "own" style, or it's pure fanart(which means I draw to make the character look as much as the original as possible). PLUS, the picture I drew for that week wasn't even in manga-style! Sure, the handsome man had long hair and a small nose, and not a flat chin, does that make him MANGA!? NO! Idiots! I'm mad!
I'll ask them about it all tomorrow, or later this week. I won't tolerate that they see all of my works as copies of Sailor Moon!

The rest of the day, I spent here... And bouncing around the house. And cleaning my room...
When it was bedtime, I continued on my latest picture. Still not done! This will be pretty~ X3
Tried to sleep, but couldn't, so I read some in my german Tokyo Babylon books to stare at Subaru-kun! Waii~
...Then I could fall asleep peacefully... :hehe:
« Last Edit: January 11 2006, 04:56 pm by Tessaiga »
Quote from: French Soldier of Monthy Python
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I f-a-r-t in your general direction!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

I would tell you Sei-Sub fangirls the truth about the "couple", but since I've got more life than that, I'll allow you to be inzane. And I lol at you. Lololololololololol.
And with this, I leave. Fohevah

Det är så härligt att gå i solen, och äta hallon med dig~ Men det vet du inget om, för du förstår inte svenska!... VA?! Du fattar? Hej! Kul för dig!

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #23 on: January 11 2006, 10:01 am »

Wah, I haven't posted here for awhile.  Homework, projects, tests, argh. -collapses under weight of backpack- . If I hadn't switched from my old messenger bag to a backpack, I think I might've had shoulder problems now.^^; NHD is finally over, yosh! Getting our grades tommorrow...-shudders-
Nn, woke up, my eye hurt again...haven't told my parents though. Went to school, Japanese, science (I have doubts about this Friday's test), art, history, PE (did Tae-Boe! Lol, it was interesting), lunch, orchestra (eternal hatred for my teacher -_-" she always neglects me), Pre-AP English, Algebra...went home.
I can't believe it's only Tuesday. Still so much to do...there's a break Monday though, I'm glad for that.
Argh, we're doing something about the Holocaust again! Why did I have to choose Adolf Hitler for my project? The materials will all be the same, iiyaa...><"
Omg, someone's selling Tsubasa doujinshi on ebay! @_@ Will have them all...
'right, I've rambled enough  :sweatdrop:

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #24 on: January 11 2006, 10:09 am »
Januray 10

I got to sleep in a bit today because my dad offered to take me to school a bit later. ^_^ I'm not as sleepy anymore now...An improvment in my opinion. I barely had breakfast this morning despite the fact I woke up late: An egg tart and milk.

School wasn't that great today, just like any other day. In challange today, Green team and Blue team had the lesson combined, and we got to build something that would transport a marble across the room without it rolling on the the ground. It was fun ^_^ CAPP was the best today. We got to learn about drugs and all the different types; fun eh? And people wonder what they teach kids in school these days...

French we have gotton the WEIRDEST assigment. We have to build a family tree about our family. I don't even know half the names of everyone in my family; how am I supposed to do this?! Earlier I tried to find a picture of a tree with lots of branches on Microsoft Word, but I couldn't find one! How in the world am I going to do this assigment..? I don't want to draw a tree out >.<

More bad news: I really, really want to sign up for basketball, unfortunatly, I have dance on the days of the basketball matches!  :cry: I don't think I can go to those, and I really want too! Raghhh!! Why is Tuesday my bad luck day?! I don't care what people say...I WILL sign up for basketball, and true I may be tired after for dance, but, I will survive!! (I hope....) On top of all this: The teachers are giving us SO much homework! Gahhhh!!! All of this due next week. I hate today...

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #25 on: January 11 2006, 04:04 pm »
January 10th

Nothing exciting has happened today. I couldn't sleep much last night, I was having little coughing fits. I hate those. Eventually I calmed down and actually slept for a while. It didn't seem like a long time, for I was awake and very tired. Still, I got up anyway and showered. (But beforehand I tried to stop my sudden bloddy-nose.)

After the shower, I felt much better. Once I got dressed; I waited for my mom to finish up an email so we could stop at the library. I needed to drop off some manga and then looked around for a bit. Checked out one book that looked kinda interesting.. it's a teen fiction book.. I'll see how I like it, I suppose.

Today was another rainy day. As usual. It's always rainy year around expect for in the summer day when it's actually nice out. I can't wait for spring/summer. They're my favorite seasons.

I chit chatted with Endoh-chan, Moezy-chan and Lika-chi on MSN. We didn't really chat that much actually. I was preoccupied with watching Full Moon wo Sagashite (and a rather sad episode at that. I cried.) But even so, I managed to chat with them a little bit. Mostly with Moezy-chan. Yeah.

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #26 on: January 11 2006, 04:35 pm »
January 10th, 2006
Nothing out of the ordinary today. Got up late. Made it to school just in the nick of time. Didn't listen to my teachers and didn't learn a darn thing.
I didn't have to go to my 2nd class, though, since there was a comedian performing in the theatre. He was kinda corny, but still pretty funny.
I finally got my Titus Seasons 1 & 2 DVDs yesterday. That made my day, especially since I was sick all of yesterday. Funniest stuff ever! I don't get Season 3 until the end of the month, since it doesn't get released until the 17th. Darn.
Went to dance and I had to help my teacher re-learn the last couple of 8 counts of our dance. That was kinda embarassing.
 I also learned that my dance studio is moving and taking over an Elementary school that was closed down this year (along with the other 3 they closed down. Now we only have one small elementary school to cram a thousand kids in. Dumb budget cuts). That's going to be . . . interesting. Apparently we'll get 5 studios (2 more than what we have right now. They'll be bigger too.) with a freaking ocean view! Bigger change rooms and Boys and Girls washrooms (no more sharing! Yay!). Seperate Office space and a bigger eating area (with a fridge, stove and microwave. Sweet!). And of course the huge gymnasium. We move in after Spring Break once they renovate. That'll be pretty sweet!
Whew. I need a shower now :tongue3: I'm off.
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
-AV NOT made by me. Creater unknown.-

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #27 on: January 12 2006, 03:58 am »
January 11

A kind of calm day.
I got to talk to my teacher about the comment I saw yesterday, and was glad that she understood. She even wrote an extra thing to the note! :happy4: So that was nice. After that I went to draw some flowers. Pwetty flowers~...
At 11.00 school was over(aaah, lovely day).
I went to the gamestore again, and asked him about MMX Collection. He made a call, and after that he told me that he will have it in during the next week! WAII~!!! *dances*

On my way back home, three people were walking on the bike-road. I couldn't get past them... Idiots. And they saw me too!!! I managed to slowly get past them, the guy closest to me saying "Can't ya get past us?" in a AAARGH-awful tone. I was close to screaming "Well, it's kind of hard to do so, since you're blocking the whole f-cking road with your fat asses!!!"

My brothers where at home when I came back. Fun at first but after dinner it got annoying... I cooked for them, but when they had eaten it all upp, they were still hungry. -_- Not my problem, I told them they could do more if the wanted. I took a look on the net, and found something I REALLY want to buy... but they totally spitted at it, and said it was too expensive. I was mad, and went into my room, and continued on my picture(which STILL isn't done, no). Mom got home...
About an hour later I got out. By then, it was time for one of my brothers to take the train home.
And this is where I am now, 6.58pm...

NOW! My other brother has left too. Just me and mom... Mom is reading, and I'm sitting here, looking through old threads because I can't come up with a good topic on my own. Hope the mods won't get mad at me~ :sweatdrop:

Spend quite a lot of time in front of the computer today... again. Damn, why are you all so nice?! *hugs* Oh well, worked with my new set(I'll use it later :wink:) and made a new avatar for this set(AAAAH! Spider-sama~ :inlove:). Not too special, but me like it anyway... Good card, ey?!

I guess this will be the last edit for today. =3 I'll be up late, drawing that picture! After all, school starts at about 2pm tomorrow... :hehe: GAAAH! I just remembered I got homework for tomorrow! *panic* Oh, oh, oh... well. I guess I can do it before school tomorrow then... :sweatdrop:
« Last Edit: January 12 2006, 07:41 am by Tessaiga »
Quote from: French Soldier of Monthy Python
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I f-a-r-t in your general direction!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

I would tell you Sei-Sub fangirls the truth about the "couple", but since I've got more life than that, I'll allow you to be inzane. And I lol at you. Lololololololololol.
And with this, I leave. Fohevah

Det är så härligt att gå i solen, och äta hallon med dig~ Men det vet du inget om, för du förstår inte svenska!... VA?! Du fattar? Hej! Kul för dig!

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #28 on: January 12 2006, 01:58 pm »
January 11, 2006

Been a couple days since I typed in here. Didn't help that the most exciting thing was staying home all day, typing in here, watching CCS and finding more pictures for my photobucket, but today was different! I truly had an exciting day that didn't consist staying on the computer and watching televison.  First, I woke up at 11:00am, lazy I know, and had breakfast, or more like brunch. My dad made eggs over-easy, and I had 2 slices of sourdough toast, and a cup of coffee. My beloved coffee!

Well, getting over breakfast, I went on here, surprise surprise, and posted when the man for UPS delivery service came. Very rare because we don't get many packages. It turned out to be dishes for my aunt. Don't ask why they were sent here; too long a story. My mom called my aunt, aka her younger sister, and said about the dishes. That's when my aunt told my mom the good news! My cousin, after being married for 5 years is finally pregnant! She's been pregnant for about 6 weeks now, give or take. She found out about a week ago! I can't wait to see what the baby is, and what he/she looks like!

Since I was pretty bored, I asked mom if I could go with her; daddy didn't want to, and my mother has a hard time staying awake while driving!  :( Last thing I want is to see her get in an accident! She said yes, and we drove the 45 minutes to my aunts house.

On the way over mom and I talked. I was telling her that she should make me caretaker for my brother. As some of you may know, he doesn't live with us anymore, and he has problems. My brother suffers from various mental and physical problems. He has bipolar, paranoid schizophrenia, aspergers, diabeties, high blood pressure, and an over-active thyroid. (If you don't know what any or all of these mean, just PM me  :okay:)

When my parents die, hopefully not soon, I'm worried that they'll place my brother in a home that won't give him the proper care he needs. By this time I'll be a teacher, and I'll have influence on the types of homes he could end up in. By allowing me custody in my parents will, I can ensure that he'll be properly looked after. Mom said that the only way she'll do that is if I visit my brother.  :sad5: I may want to help my brother, but I'm still iffy about seeing him. I don't know how he'll react, and if he turns on me. It's because of me that he left home after all.

Straying away from that until a later date, we eventually arrived at my cousins house, her son. Not the pregnant one, obviously. She was babysitting her grandson, my adorable little 1 year old second cousin! Unfortunately, he was taking a nap, so I couldn't see him. We talked for the next 2 hours about a very interesting subject. :coughs*xcough:

It got very interesting, despite the fact that momma was uncomfortable. She doesn't like talking about it. Well, we eventually had to go, and mom used her cell phone to call daddy at home. She always does it. Turns out I got my last paycheck from my job, and my money left over for my loan! Well, since my money came in, momma, my sister (whom we picked up at the store) and myself went to my college to get my final books! We were going to a high school concert later that day, so it seemed a better compromise to bring my sister. The other had to work, so she couldn't come.

I got all my books, and as I was paying for them, I found out I was $70 short! Kuso da ne! I had to put one book back, and ended up paying $323.83 for most of my books. College is far too expensive! Luckily my class, that I need that book in isn't for 1 more week, so, with my mom's help  -_- I'll be able to get that book. I was hoping that I could get all the books myself! So much for that. I got out of the bookstore to find my sister crying her eyes out. She lost a $20 bill. We looked, but they we couldn't find it. She was a bit unpleasant for a while, but with a little of my lecturing she calmed down.

Afterwards the 3 of us went out to eat at a coffee house. I had brocolli and chedder soup in a sourdough bread bowl, and a cup of coffee. After going to the coffee house, we went shopping for school supplies, as I said college is expensive, and arrived at the concert. It was a lot of fun. The students were very good singers.

Then, when the concert was over, we went to Wal-Mart for, guess what, more school supplies. The store I went to didn't have everything I needed. Now I only have that 1 book, and I'll be all ready for school, which is in 6 days! Yatta! Then, I'll be typing in this thread nearly everyday! Looking forward to it! And if you think this post is long, wait until next week. It'll be much longer!

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #29 on: January 12 2006, 05:01 pm »
January 11, 10:58PM PST

I think the question is, "Why am I awake?". Sure, it's still early for me, normally, but I've been so tired lately! Today, I flaked out in the middle of that ridiculous "responsibility" project for social studies, and saw my teacher dock my grade a letter, the moment I went "uhhh...". Oye.

Something prompted my friend to ask me to sing today, during gym class. She love singing and I'm so... gosh-darned SHY! I seriously wanted to sing "Loop", as it's the perfect song, right in my range, but I couldn't! She's anti-anime, and that made me chicken out. Why am I so self-concious about my anime-fandom to my friends? Ugh... makes me want to cry...

So, I'll go to bed. Nihongo class in the morning, bright and early. Maybe sleep will make me feel better.
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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #30 on: January 12 2006, 06:32 pm »
January 11th, 2006.
Due to the fact that I was up until about 2am watching episodes of Titus (Best. Show. EVER!) on my PS2, I ended up sleeping in today and was late for school. Go me!
Well, I hate being late because my English teacher always hassles me and makes a big scene infront of everybody and I'd rather not have another panic attack over it and pass out (err again). And she'd make an even bigger scene because I didn't have a novel to read (we always read the first 15 minutes of class), so I stopped by the library first and grabbed a book, using that as my excuse. It worked (thank God) but she still freaked out a bit.
So then gave me an "I" report. Meaning I'm not even passing the course. Which, in mine and my mothers opinion, is complete BS since the assignments she's claming I never did, I sure as hell handed in. Geez, even one of the assignments my mother turned in at the office and had put in her box! A freaking month ago! Each time she tells me, "Oh, you haven't handed this in." And then I show her the work, AGAIN! And she laughs it off and says, "Okay, dear, I'll just mark it down in the computer." Two weeks later: "Where is this assignment?!" Gosh, I just wanna strangle her!
So here I am, printing out this project for the third freaking time! It says on the date that I did it December 1st and she has yet to give me the marks. Psycho. She also lost a visual assignment that I had stayed up until 3 in the freaking morning on just to finish it on time! And she goes and freaking looses it! I'm so peeved. I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from screaming at her. But I did sigh in annoyance which caused her to freak out at me like I triggered the freaking apocolypse saying I have an attitude problem! AHH!

Anyways, enough complaining. About her anyways :tongue3:
I was such a klutz today, more than usual. I crashed into people, I dropped my books (one I accidentally kicked across the hall and another kid tripped over it. Hehe. I'm bad), I tripped down stairs, ran into desks, ran into the wheelchair lift and my MP3 player ended up flying into a crowd of people and almost got trampled! It was crazy! I was glad to be out of there at the end of the day, ahha.

It was weird when I got home I actually finished my homework! And then some! I did a whole unit of math! It's . . . shocking. And I also got my last unit of math homework back. 100% Go me! That ought to boost my mark up quite a bit. It better!  :angry:

Then I went to you-know-who's house at 7 [coughJoshcough]. I basically just wrestled with Jonathon the entire time for eternal reign of the couch (he wouldn't stop sitting on my legs, Grr.). I dug my non-existant nails into his arm so hard he started to bleed! Not serious, but enough for him to complain about it, haha. Everyone laughed, and he hid from Karens camera. Amusing. After everyone went home, I was the only one left with, you-know-who. Can you say silent, much? We just cleaned up the place the entire time, haha. I think his mother was quite pleased to see me folding blankets (they're always just thrown in the back, haha.). My mom finally came and the two of them wouldn't stop talking, haha. Me and Josh just sorta sat down and decided we needed to get some duct tape for the two of them, hehe.
So the day started off pretty crappy, but I was cheered up in the end. That guy can fix anything! Wonderfull!

Whew. It's the 12th already. I need to go to bed so today (err yesterday) doesn't repeat itself.
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
-AV NOT made by me. Creater unknown.-

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #31 on: January 13 2006, 04:03 am »
January 12

My friend Xena wasn't in school today! :cry:
Oh well, we quit quite early anyway, so it wasn't a big problem.

Went to the gamestore again. I knew he wouldn't have MMX Collection in, but still wanted to check :heh: I'm glad I did, I got a Mario Kart stylus!!! *dances* *poses* *shows the stylus* I'll try it out later today, perhaps with Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow.

Now~ I'm looking at E-bay, for a certain anime pin my friend has wanted for ages. Hopefully I'll be able to order it to him! =3 He'll be soooooo happy! :happy4: Asked my brother about it in an e-mail, I'll see what he answeres...
He sent me a mail later, saying that it was impossible to order since he doesn't have PayPal. Sad, but can't help it. I wonder what I should give my friend instead...

I don't know if anyone noticed my sudden log-off?
Well, my mom got mad. And I mean MAD. Yelling at me about that I always sit in front of her computer, doesn't talk or play videogames anymore. I explained that this place is too fun, I was having fun PM'ing and answering posts(How well do we know each other was really fun! :XD:) and of course, Zeldi was online. She was still mad. So I went to my room, hoping that she would calm down. NOOOOOOO. She had to bark at me more for not communicating with her. And that went on for... I don't know, seemed like forever until she finally went to bed. Three letters: P-M-S.
I don't remember seeing her so mad. So I started to :cry:. But then she called me back into her room and apoligized, when her mood went back to being... mom.
Still had trouble falling asleep.
« Last Edit: January 13 2006, 08:40 pm by Tessaiga »
Quote from: French Soldier of Monthy Python
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I f-a-r-t in your general direction!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

I would tell you Sei-Sub fangirls the truth about the "couple", but since I've got more life than that, I'll allow you to be inzane. And I lol at you. Lololololololololol.
And with this, I leave. Fohevah

Det är så härligt att gå i solen, och äta hallon med dig~ Men det vet du inget om, för du förstår inte svenska!... VA?! Du fattar? Hej! Kul för dig!

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #32 on: January 13 2006, 04:21 am »
January 12

This morning was the worse ever.. -_-
When i got to school First Lesson was English. [ I like English :3 ]. My teacher KNOWS that i am good at it and i didn't get any of the questions. I want harder words and things to do, I get soooo annoyed when she treats me like Crap. She always do. Because even I can much more than her >_<. I was a little bit happier when Dai-kun[You know that Japanesse guy my bf] called my on the break. Njuhuhu! :3 . Rest of the day was okay except the Last lesson! P.E. It was wonderful :XD: . I was rather Evil~. The thing we were going to do was~ Jump on a thing.. O_o. Swing ourselves in a rope and do a vault in the air after we let go of the rope! ^^;. I was surprised that i liked it~. I was Evil to the boys becasue.. i was :XD: .. You don't want to hear why.

I got home and was just randomly wanted to do a Fan dub O_O.. :XD:

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #33 on: January 13 2006, 10:46 pm »
FRIDAY 13th :evil4:
School began at 8am... I was tired, and stayed in bed longer than usuall. Then I felt an awful headace~
So I didn't go to school. I stayed home.
A repair-man came up to look at the radiator in my appartment, which only works on one side. I had just gotten up, so I was glad I was dressed when I opened the door. :sweatdrop: He looked at it, and said he would talk to someone else about it.

I sat down and ate breakfast, and then I went on here! And I've been here ever since :hehe:
And I've made a new avatar! *points* Spider's cute, but I think he scares people... *hugs Spider* Now, it's Cinnamon instead! She's cute. Indeed.

Now, mom has gotten home(and yes, she's in a much better mood than yesterday... I hope) and we will soon drive to my dad and brother! Waii~ So, as usuall, I won't be online until Sunday evening(evening in Sweden, that is...). Perhaps I'll post a new AMV then. We'll see. Havn't seen Monse-chan for a while now... :shifty:

Love ya! :angel1:
Quote from: French Soldier of Monthy Python
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I f-a-r-t in your general direction!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

I would tell you Sei-Sub fangirls the truth about the "couple", but since I've got more life than that, I'll allow you to be inzane. And I lol at you. Lololololololololol.
And with this, I leave. Fohevah

Det är så härligt att gå i solen, och äta hallon med dig~ Men det vet du inget om, för du förstår inte svenska!... VA?! Du fattar? Hej! Kul för dig!

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #34 on: January 14 2006, 08:19 am »
January 13th, Friday the 13th, deux mille six

Hmm. Woke up today at around 7:10AM. Made my lunch. Ate my breakfast. Got changed. Left for my best friend Nabeela's house so we could walk to school together as always. I went to her house, went inside because she had to put on her shoes, and her mom said hi and was dressed a bit too young for her age. Me and Nabeela left her house, and headed to school. Since we became friends in grade two, we've been inseperable and the best of friends. Now our friendship is drifting away... it's quite sad.

We went to school, talked to my friends, went to my locker, went to homeroom, scribbled answers on the french homework i had left at school the day before, and made it through my morning classes no problem.

Lunch was rather dumb. My friends, as always, were being crazy and weird, and today they acted drunk. Teachers were shooting us odd looks, and I think they really did think that they were drunk XD

Afternoon classes... I had a project in geo that I hadn't even started, and my former best friend stole my brilliant idea and acted so innocent. what a b**ch. I hate her. I went home with Nabeela and complained the whole time about my former best friend and the idea she stole. Grr. I was mad.

We dropped by the convience store, because Nabeela had to buy some twix bars. After that she ranted on and on about her crush with the curly black hair and I was evil and tricked her about some things like how he talked to me that day ("Oh my gosh! He did? Next time say, 'my best friend has a crush on you!'), with hilarious responses.

I, shamefully enough, was locked out of my house. I don't own a key (my parents say it's "unnecessary"), but today just proved how I needed a key. I waited for 15 minutes until my mom came home after picking up my younger sis and my cousin from school. I went in, had a snack, and had my younger sis burst into tears after I accidentally ate the last hot dog... :sweatdrop:

I went onto the computer... found my crush, whom I know now will never notice me or like me, online on MSN. So... technically he's my ex-crush. But I still have lingering feelings. Now I'm thinking of all the crappy homework I have and now I have to go to the guidance counsellor about how I'm always stressed because of schoolwork (my homeroom teacher is a psychic, I swear :D), and how we should, "work on overcoming it". My parents were shocked. Now they think I have some sort of depression problem and let me do pretty much the things I enjoy, and pay lots of attention to me. Great. I think they just might give me a cell phone so they can call every five minutes and ask me how I'm feelings.

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #35 on: January 14 2006, 10:51 am »
January 13, 2006; AKA Friday the 13!

Well, the last couple of days proved to be extremely interesting. Yesterday I went to my job, but it was different this time. I used to work in a mall, but that restraunt is closed now. Instead, I worked in my college. That was extremely strange. Also, I wasn't scheduled for it; I was actually called out for work, and when I arrived, it was very obvious that they didn't need my help. It was dead.  -_-

I soon realized why they called me out. They were training me. I'm not really complaining. I did have some trouble adapting to the new environment, so this helped. The first day of school will be extremely busy. Last year I was a part of that hype, and now I'll be serving it! This should be very interesting. I'll certainly have a lot to talk about on Tuesday. Besides that, I came home, and I was exhausted.

I talked to moonflower18, and lika-chi for a while, but I was starting to fall asleep at the keyboard.  :sweatdrop: They both told me to get some rest, and I did. 3 hours. That seems to be my number. 3 on everything; besides that, I woke up at about 12:00am. I couldn't sleep after that, so I went back on here. I stayed up for about 2 hours, and went to bed around 2-3am. I always have trouble sleeping. Could be stress; I don't know.

Besides that, I was driving home with my parents when this sudden pain when through both my ears! I was so dizzy, and I wanted to scream! I didn't though, but I told my parents, and my mom wanted to rush me to the doctors office that very minute! They didn't have any openings, so I made one for today at 11:15am. The doctor said that she couldn't see what was wrong with my ears, so she referred me to a speech and ear doctor. They'll call me to set up a date, and hopefully figure out what is wrong with my ears. I hope they can, because I need to hear. I can't become a teacher if I can't hear.

I have realized one thing, I've learned to accept it. 3 months already, and I've gotten used to it. I guess that's a good thing. Besides that, I went home and watched Inuyasha on the web! It's such a great anime! I love it! Anyways, I got off, went on here but didn't stay on too long. It was dead on here. People really need to come on more often! Since it was dead on here, I watched Card Captor Sakura; surprise, surprise.

Afterwards I wanted some M*A*S*H episodes, had my self a good laugh, and then came on here to type this thread, talk to lika-chi, again, and to Director of Music. That's been my day so far.

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #36 on: January 14 2006, 11:06 am »
January 13th

My day has been alright today. I woke around 10ish, but slept for a little while longer because I was tired. Then once I did awake, my usual rountine kicked in. Although I went grocery shopping with my mom not to long ago. I was glad to get out of the house for a little while. Especially since
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I've been having nosebleeds for the past two days, and that alone was kinda draining. Despite the blood lose, I'm still rather genki! So, thats good, right? Today I didn't have a nosebleed which I'm so thankful for. If I did, I would've needed to see a doctor and that scared me. I didn't want there to be something wrong with my nose!

Heh. Haft of what I just wrote is under a spoiler cut. I don't want to gross anyone out and originally I hadn't planned on mentioning it here in a public diary, but anyway, thats the whole reason for the spoiler cut. So, yeah. That's been my day so far. Now I'm just writting this pretty much.

I really want to purchase the anime series, Full Moon wo Sagashite, on Ebay and I hope that I get it. But there are other people bidding on it and there is a possibly that I might not get it. Makes me sad since I've come to really like the series (to the point that I'd like to own it.)

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #37 on: January 14 2006, 02:38 pm »
Friday the 13th. January 06
- Nobody ever said it was hard. Nobody ever tells you how much it hurts. It just falls down like rain, takes you with hell below hell...where the pain is so strong you can't even feel it. I give up on love, I give up on life

 -- never too far.. no matter how far ..
twinKITTY;; Zeldi
bigKITTY;; pretty,Quimmy,TimeMachine,Nyoko,Møon Li,sofiacardcaptors,Moezy-chan,-=kuro_woof=-,Sya0ran,bLuetopaz,Shuinu,bie_liao,aishiteru,Ashlee
bigPUPPY;; vexnet, Kasawa Lanford
littleKITTY;;Fai, Cardcaptors_Ria, baby.piglet

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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #38 on: January 16 2006, 07:37 pm »
January 16 1:32AM PST

Mehh.... I'm doing that weird insomniac thing that I do on weekends, and it's really bugging me.

Today(or rather, yesterday) my dad woke me up and announced that we would be moving all my stuff out of my room, and repainting it at LAST! We bought this fantastic shade of blue 3 months ago, and then flu season hit. Ha. It took a good portion of the day just packing up everything, (and by packing, I mean tossing all sorts of sh** into random boxes :XD ) and hauling it out.

The rest of the day was spent peeling glow in the dark stars off the wall and patching holes from old faded sailor moon posters, and drawings I'd traced of myself when I was 8. It was really weird, how I was having flashbacks through it all. Creepy.

We're still not done, so I'm sleeping down here tonight in the good ol' family room, nearby compy-kun, hee hee. It's not too bad. I'll finally get to watch some D.N.Angel on the big screen, and pretend like it's not dubbed, imagining how it actually sounded with Irino-san voicing our Daisuke. I think I can officially call myself a Miyu Irino fan, now.
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Re: CapturedWings Diary 2006
« Reply #39 on: January 16 2006, 08:28 pm »
January 16

Those fangirls were born to ruin my life.
And it doesn't help that nobody cares either. Where the h*ll did all my friends go?

But who cares! Like Fye-chan's title, "I respect your opinion, I just don't want to hear it!". But why do I always manage to read it?... Ah, well! CapturedWings is comfy anyway so it doesn't matter... now.

SO! Today, I have been to the gamestore again.
No Mega Man X Collection for me yet... Can't wait!!! *bounces*

Back home, I uploaded my latest AMV. Mwohahaha, I'll see what you all think about it later! :XD: And, I made some different sets for Zeldi. I wonder which she'll pick... :shifty:
AND ALSO! Suu_no_clover is officialy my Sumeragi Onmyouji Chibi, to join my Forum Family! I welcome thee with a --> :keke:

And then! I colored some on my picture... and finished inking the big picture I've been working on so long! YAY! Two more pictures to post before you'll see any of those I mentioned, though. :wink:
« Last Edit: January 17 2006, 06:23 am by Tessaiga »
Quote from: French Soldier of Monthy Python
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I f-a-r-t in your general direction!!! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

I would tell you Sei-Sub fangirls the truth about the "couple", but since I've got more life than that, I'll allow you to be inzane. And I lol at you. Lololololololololol.
And with this, I leave. Fohevah

Det är så härligt att gå i solen, och äta hallon med dig~ Men det vet du inget om, för du förstår inte svenska!... VA?! Du fattar? Hej! Kul för dig!

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