General Discussions > Chains Board

New Rules for Chain Games


In the interest of keeping our games board from getting too out
of control, it looks like we need to have a few rules.  ^^

Basically it looks like we have two types of games on the forums -
Shorter, one or two word games.
And games that are more sentence type games.

I hate to put a post limit on the one word games such as 'the first word game' because
I know it's fun to go back and forth with a few people on those. But people on fast connections, please give others a chance to respond. Even just waiting a few minutes to let someone else put in a word would be helpful.

Post limit for sentence games such as "what's your favorite color of...." and especially "have you ever" is Five per day. I don't think anyone is going to be counting everyone's posts, unless it is getting really obvious, so again, common sense, and let's give other people a chance to play too.

Understood, and I want to apologize for getting out of control on the Chains Boards Sakaki-sama. I will follow the rules from now on.

Arigatou, moezy-chan! ^^
And I hope everyone still has fun and enjoys the games.


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