Well, Syaoran is also cute in his own right as a 10 yeard old boy. He's just plain adorableness. Just saying. CCS characters are SO good, that it's hard to choose.
Usually, I like character with
flaws (because people aren't perfect, and is more realistic for me to bond with the said character) and character growth, which is why I go for Syaoran, who made an apparent changed as the series went on, yet still has those quirks (or faults/flaws) from the beginning (hot-tempered, selfish, envious, the "glare", etc.). From a jerk, to the loyal and sweet Syaoran of the end. Even so, he's also very mature for a kid his age and can take care of himself and the ones he treasures. And judging from the little that we see of Syaoran's past, he didn't grew up like normal kids would, and missed out on a lot of things (and Ieran...she seems kind of cold to her son in the movie, or is it me?). Anyway, that's why I love him so much. The kawaiiness is only a plus.
If it wasn't for Syaoran, I'll go for Meiling. How she was some Syaoran clushing-vain-of-existence, that went to a very mature character and even supported the couple after growing up about it . The
only moment where CCS made me cry was when she was letting everything out in Tomoyo's lap about her heartbreak. So sadÂ

Sakura is the heroine and all, and she's all cute, but I don't go only for cuteness, or depending on the guy, hotness. She's sweet, kind, cute, selfless, strong willed, the most powerful magician in the world at the age of ten (or is it universe now?

). The only thing I see wrong is that she's quite dense (that only adds to her, so I won't put it as negative), and that sometimes she cries and doesn't have much confidence. But the fact she grew from
that, to a better magical girl, makes her my third fave (even though it was expected due to the genre).
No offense, and sorry, but Tomoyo is just a huge Mary-Sue to me. Don't hate her however. She's not irritating as the rest.