AuthorTopic: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....  (Read 29275 times)

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What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« on: January 08 2006, 10:31 am »
Yeah! Please sentences they'll never say!!! :D

Fye: Let's be serious!!!

Kuro-pon: ummmm.... yummy....chocolate....

Syaoran: I'm afraid.... this could be dangerous...we'll get that feather later!
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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #1 on: January 09 2006, 04:00 am »
Syaoran: I don't care about Sakura

Yuuko: I decided that I won't be making you pay for your wish.

FWR: Eh, I don't care about Sakura's power anymore, let's go have some tea.

Kurogane: I'm gonna give up using swords to fight and use bows and arrows instead

nah, they definitly wont' say that.  :XD:

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #2 on: January 09 2006, 05:08 am »
Kurogane: I would like to declare my undying love to Fai!

Fai: Isn't that right, Kurogane?

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #3 on: January 09 2006, 05:39 am »
Mokona: Mokona is not cute; Mokona is just annoying!

Syaoran: Ahh! A monster! Minna-san, run away!

Sakura: Syaoran, I don't want to help anymore, and I could care less about my feathers! I just want to go back home!

Fai: I'm sick of being happy! Everyone just leave me alone! Especially you Kurogane!

Kurogane: Good morning everyone! Does anybody want a nice cup of tea?

Touya: You're a pretty decent guy Syaoran. I give you permission to marry my sister! (He definitely wouldn't say that!)

Yukito: I hate being so nice and pleasant!

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #4 on: January 09 2006, 05:59 am »
Lol, months ago I thought of making this exact topic. So weird.
Heh, so I have a couple thought up already...  ^____^

Fai: No really, I'm not gay...

Kuro: Not tonight Fai, I have a headache.

Syaoran: To hell with the feathers, I'm going home.

Sakura: Suddenly I remember everything...

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #5 on: January 10 2006, 08:27 pm »
Lol this thread is awesome!

Sakura: Ohhh now I remember who you are...I hated your guts

Kurogane: So Carol said that Tom said that Judy said that I look terrible in this outfit...I mean come on!

Mokona: With Your powers combined I am Captain Planet!

Syaoran: Ooooo Those feathers are pretty I think i'll keep them for myself!

Fai: Seriously though, I think we should talk about how we should overthrow the dimensional witch, I want my tatoo back!

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #6 on: January 12 2006, 04:12 am »
Yuuko: Hey, Fye take! *gives him his tattoo*  ^-^ and it's free you don't have to pay ;D

Mokona: Mokona hates everybody ¬_¬

Sakura: I won't smile anymore >_>

Syaoran: I'm tired -_-' maybe I can sell the feathers So I'll earn good money $_$

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #7 on: January 12 2006, 04:16 am »
Kurogane: I baked pancakes for everyone! Dig in!

Fei wong: Awww, Sakura and Syaoran are the cutest couple ever! ^___^

Fai: Hey, let's all go to my dimension for a party! And I'm sure that if we wake up Ashura, he'll want to join in too!

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #8 on: January 12 2006, 04:18 am »
Syaoran: Hey! Sakura-chan whats going on!?

Sakura: *gloomy eyes* with all these powers... I could... RULE THE WORLD(s)!  Muahahahahaha

Kurogane: Hey there is a karaoke shop....HURRAY!!!

Fye: Hi Kuro.... Kuro.... *WAAAAAAHHHHH* I don't know more names for you!!!
Kuro...: What??? Oh noooo...
Mokona: Oh you're such childs...*sigh*
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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #9 on: January 12 2006, 04:26 am »

Fai: Ashura, mah man! How's it hangin'!
Ashura: Are you fo' real? You sealed me in a pond man!
Fai: The past's in the past, Ashura mah man!

Kurogane: Look at this lovely new dress I found! It matches the purse I bought at Harrod's the other day!

Sakura: Screw this, I'm off to las Vegas! With my incredible luck, I'll get filthy stinkin' rich! :D

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #10 on: February 05 2006, 06:18 am »
Hehe, funny... I like the 'Mokona is annoying' and 'Mokona hates everybody' the most. Here are some of mine:

Fye: *whistles*

Mokona: Come to the dark side of the Force...!

Shaoran: ...Sakura, I... I've met someone else. Sorry, but I just don't love you anymore.
Sakura: Oh, that's okay. I was planning on running away with Tomoyo-hime anyway.

Kurogane: *humming* Salagadoola mechicka boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo...
« Last Edit: February 13 2006, 05:50 am by Ando »
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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #11 on: February 05 2006, 06:38 am »
Well here's some list what my friend (named Minako) invent:

Kurogane: "Kyaaah!! There is a big meanie-monster! Waaah! Please Fai-sama, come and save little meeeh~"
Kurogane: "Lalala-laaa~! It's such a wonderful day! It's sunny! There are flowers! And so many cute cute cute little bunnies!"

Syaoran: "Come to think of it... these feathers must be quite rare... Any idea how much money they would give me for this? 8D"

Mokona: "Syaoran, you know... this feather business is very troublesome... How about it? You and me? Tooogetheeer? ;D"
Mokona: "Puu!"         (Mokona haven't yet in Tsubasa sayed this word)

Sakura: "You know, Syaoran. You weren't my only one. I guess you didn't know about the thing with Yukito.... and my brother... and you father... and that guy... what was his name again...."

Syaoran: "Buuuhuuu, nobody loves me. I'm all alone. Buuhuu"
And here's some mine:
Kurogane: "Love and the peace!"  (just like Vash from Trigun-serie)

Syaoran: "When I get married with Sakura, I can rule the world with her power. Myahahahhahahaha~!!!"

Fai: wuh wuh (bark like dog)
Life is out of here....

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #12 on: February 05 2006, 06:00 pm »
Waaiii, these are hilarious.

Mokona: Mokona is lying!  He actually has two secret techniques, the ability to annoy and the ability to eat you out of house and home!  Why do you think Yuuko let me go with you idiots?

Sakura: -frowns eternally-

Syaoran: Oh, a feather...waii, but I'm sleepy...I dun wanna go get the feather!  YOU CAN'T MAKE ME GO!

Fai: I want to kill you all.

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #13 on: February 07 2006, 02:50 am »
Kuro: Like, oh my gahhh. *flaps hands*

Fye: Shut it Mokona, you irritating little pork bun. Dx

Thanks babypiggy for the set!! <3

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #14 on: February 07 2006, 04:45 am »
Mokona: Mokona is lying! He actually has two secret techniques, the ability to annoy and the ability to eat you out of house and home! Why do you think Yuuko let me go with you idiots?

Kuro: Like, oh my gahhh. *flaps hands*

Cannot stop smiling! :D

Kurogane: Oh my god, look! A candy shop! Oh, let's go there! I need sugar!!!

Fai: *smoking a cigar* Soon... Soon the world shall be mine! Muahahahah!

Syaoran: Face it! She's never coming out of that coma! ;_;
*Syaoran points to Sakura, who is just sleeping*

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #15 on: February 07 2006, 05:56 am »
Syaoran: I am just SO flipping emo right now!!
Syaoran: Sakura? Who's she?

Kuro: Fai!! *glomp*
Fai: damn ninja! >.<

Sakura: You know, Mokona, I've been thinking. You're so cuute and fluffy, I'm starting to like you very, very, much...
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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #16 on: February 07 2006, 06:17 am »
Kuro: Like, oh my gahhh. *flaps hands*

Fye: Shut it Mokona, you irritating little pork bun. Dx

XD Hee! Those are so funny...
I'll try, but remember, I just woke up... XD

Kuro: Truthfully Fai, do these pants make my *ss look big?
Fai: And since when do I look at your *ss, Kurogane?

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #17 on: February 07 2006, 08:44 pm »
Syaoran: sorry Sakura but i'm gay :rotfl:
Fai: i like guns!
Kurogane: i'll do the dishes today :lol:
Sakura: i don't need your help Syaoran with collecting feathers, i'm better swordfighter than you
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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #18 on: February 08 2006, 08:12 am »

Kuro: Wait! Is tuna a chicken? Like, I know its a fish, but is it a chicken?

FWR: *sits down with guitar and starts singing Cumbahya (sp?) *

Thanks babypiggy for the set!! <3

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #19 on: February 13 2006, 03:48 am »
Kurogane: Mokona getto daze!