AuthorTopic: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....  (Read 29274 times)

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #60 on: May 14 2006, 07:53 pm »
Sakura:  OMG LOLZ! Dat Orlando BLum is soooooo hotttt! Isnt he Kowaiiiii! im gona strat a fanklub. It wil be cold THE ORLY FANKLUB OF TH WORLD Lolz! Its gona hav a "Y ORLY" sextion and a "Y ORLY IS SO KYUTTTEEE" sextion, an its gona hav a "Y ORLY IS MINNNNNEEEE" sextion an an "Y U SHUD KEEP AWAY FROM MY ORLY" Sextion. Am so exsited! LOLZ! xxxooooxxxxoooo

Me: I hate Orlando. Orlando sucks.

Sakura: If u wana flayme my webpayge den u must be jelous of me CUZ ORLY LUVS me! An I am gona mary him and u ar noting but a sekond rate trying hard hard COPIKAT!

Me: Right. What about Syaoran?

Sakura: Ciaowron cant take my Orly away! ORLY is MINE He is my litle CARE BEAR LUVE BUN FOREVAH!
 If u tink Ciaowron or Fy or Kurowgane can take my precius away den u are DED RONG!  OMG!  So jus giv up nw!

Me: ...whatever.

Sakura:  LOLz! hugs an kises,
"Da sexyest gurl of ORLY B!" xxxxooooxxxxoooooxxxxxooooxxxxooooo
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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #61 on: May 16 2006, 12:25 am »
LOL these are so funny, especially the ones about Mokona! Please keep them coming, can't think of any of my own at the moment.
Also that pokemon one, so funny!

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #62 on: May 16 2006, 04:17 pm »
I decided to post another one since this thread is becoming a fast favorite of mine. Okay here goes....

Fai:: Don't stare. That's rude.
Kuro: Well...
Kuro: Oi! I told you not to touch *THAT*!!!!!
Fai: *smile*
Mokona: Fai is getting uncontrollable these days! Hyuu!
Syaoran: Sakura, what do you say we have a look at yours.
Sakura: No way!
Syaoran: *smile* Come on, just a LITTLE peek????
Fai: Waiii! Me too!
Kurogane: ........
Sakura: *blushes* Well.....

*Places her cards on the table*

Fai, Kuro, Syaoran:....................
Sakura: Go fish. ^^

well, i was not happy with that. maybe the next time.
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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #63 on: May 19 2006, 06:55 am »
Syaoran to Sakura: "Wanna see my weaponry and battle skills?" :hehe:
A good friend will bail you out of jail.....but a best friend will be sitting next to you saying, "THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" XD

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #64 on: May 19 2006, 11:30 am »
Haha, that was so funny! Okay, I'll try again.

Fai: Damn it! What the f**k are you thinking?????!!!!!!!!!! You damn b***ch. Just give the dang tatoo back already!!!!!!!

Kuro: Now, now bad language is not the solution to everything Fai. Shame on you. Bad kitty.

Yuuko: ......... I will curse you.

Fai: Oh yea? Why you **** ***** witch!

Sakura: Say, miss Yuuko, why don't you do what Fai-san says already. Oh, and while you're at it, give me back my missing memories too.

Kuro: Yeah and my sword too, please?

Syaoran: What Sakura said. Yawn.


Watanuki: Um, Miss Yuuko, here's the rug you asked for.

Yuuko: ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's it! I quit.
CLAMP has good fashion sense.....e_e

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #65 on: June 01 2006, 01:32 pm »
kurogane:Mokonas sooooo cool

syaoran: lets ditch this world because the feathers are too hard to get

fai:lets meet ashura YAY!

fei wong reed:let them get all the feathers im too lazy...

sakura:and why am i w/ syaoran again??

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #66 on: June 01 2006, 02:21 pm »
I posted this somewhere, but...

Dark Syaoran to Syaoran: "You're nothing but a second-rate, trying hard copycat!" (splashes red wine on his face)

Sakura: But memory enhancers don't work on me!

.... Uh, mental block. I'll think of something....

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #67 on: June 01 2006, 02:40 pm »
I posted this somewhere, but...

Dark Syaoran to Syaoran: "You're nothing but a second-rate, trying hard copycat!" (splashes red wine on his face)

Sakura: But memory enhancers don't work on me!

.... Uh, mental block. I'll think of something....

wahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this reminds me of the movie, My First Romance! Squeal!
CLAMP has good fashion sense.....e_e

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #68 on: June 02 2006, 01:01 pm »
Let me try again...

Fai: "Oh, what a beautiful day! Pyuu pyuu pyuu (whistles, buildings start to fall down)..."

Yuko (in an infomercial): "Travel to different dimensions and see different worlds with Mokona, the creature with 108 secret techniques! He can sing, dance, imitate voices, and can fit anything into his mouth! He's valuable companion in times of trouble, and can chase troublesome blues away! Works as a plush toy, too! (flashes "CALL NOW" signboard)"

...Uh, mental block.

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #69 on: June 04 2006, 03:25 pm »
These are all really funny! I love these "what they would never say" things. Here's some:

Anti-Syaoran: Hey, Syaoran, let's be friends.

Sakura: Syaoran, does this dress make me look fat?
Syaoran: O_o ...
Fai(hanging a Snickers bar to Syaoran): Need a moment?
Syaoran(stuffs Snickers bar in mouth): Mmrf, mff, muh.
Sakura: Aw! You're so sweet!

Fai: Hey, Kuro-chewchew!
Kurogane: Ooh! Kuro-chewchew. That's new. I gotta write that one down.

(Syaoran is currently being beat up by a monster)
Kurogane: ....
Fai: ...
Mokona: ....
Sakura: ... *yawns*
Syaoran: Why isn't anyone calling my name in distress?!

-If only the sun could give light to those burnt out stars, even for only a moment, so that they can say good-bye.

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #70 on: June 05 2006, 06:41 am »
~ Thread cleaned up a little. Lol, let's try not to get *too* out of control...  ^____^;

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #71 on: June 06 2006, 12:16 am »
Fai: *sends interdimensional post-it note*
Dearest Ashura,
We are currently in Outo country. It's very lovely.
Come over some day for some chocolate cake. It's delicious.

OH WAIT, YOU CAN'T! Nyaa nyaa! XP
Love, Fai

Kuro: I'll get your tattoo back, Fai. No matter what. This is something I must do. He is the most important person to me *stuck on loop*

Yuuko: *sells Ginyruu to a Japanese museum*

Mokona: I want to watch porn!

Sakura: One day, when I grow up I will surely achieve my lifelong dream of being a sumo wrestler.

Syaoran: I hate books. Let's play videogames.

Sakura: I love you.
Mokona: I know.

Kurogane (covered in body glitter, lands in Yuuko's shop): You mean this isn't a gay bar?
Yuuko: No.
Kurogane: TOMOYO YOU B***H! And I spent hours getting ready too *pout*
*looks over at Fai*
Kurogane: Are you sure this isn't a gay bar?

Fai: I hate you all *uses magic and kills everyone*

Syaoran: I want gender reassignment surgery.
Mokona: Me too!

*group lands in Celes*
Fai: Yay, home sweet home!
(everyone looks in the pool)
Kurogane: What... is... that...?
Syaoran: No, it can't be...
Sakura: Why is there a giant sushi roll in the ice?
Fai: I'm keeping it fresh, duh! I love sushi!

Fai: Let's go to group therapy!

Mokona: Mokona Modoki is not excited at all.

Sakura: Tomoyo is my most treasured person. I'm leaving you guys and staying with her, I don't care about my memories.
Syaoran: Cool. See ya.

Mokona: Who farted? That was my mouth you guys were in, btw. *gags*

Kurogane: Okay Fai, you can be on top this time.
« Last Edit: June 06 2006, 01:01 am by meliwan »

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #72 on: June 08 2006, 10:45 am »
Watanuki: Yuuko!! My love do you want some more sake?
     Yuuko: naa..... That stuff kills you.

    Syoaran: I'm tired of working for this  Sakura girl..... i'll use the feathers to rule hte world!!! Muahahahahahahahah.....

    Mokona: Everyone, i have an announcement to make.
         Sakura: get on with it you white manju bun!
     Fai: Anyone want sushi!
         Kurogane: Fai-poo plz don't interuppted Mokona.
       Syoaran: SHUT UP!! hes starting
   ( spotlight goes on mokona)
    Mokona: I am a .............  Girl!
                            : Everyone gasps:  :icon_pale:
~Regular occurences at my School~
Friend:" You do know that your not sopposed to read magna for your reading list?"
Me: " Um.... um.... yea, but what they don't know can't hurt them!"
    Art teacher(with german/french accent)" NO!!! No Anime eyes! I hate them! Make recular eyes on your kite!"
Me: Grumble....Grumble.... Art Teach:" What was that!?" Me: "Nothing..."
        ~ When kite is done~
Friend:" thats anime eyes on your kite, Kelley." Me: " You know that, I know that, But she doesn't!"
 ~ this happens alot at my school~

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #73 on: June 08 2006, 10:49 am »
Fai: Syaoran is a good boy :p
Syaoran: NO, I'm a rebel *puts on his shades*
Kamui:Oh syaoran, you are the best in the world. Lets go shopping some time ^^;
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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #74 on: June 10 2006, 12:32 am »
dark syao: hey, brother syaoran! do you wanna play with me?
syao: yeah!!! I wanna play with you...I'll be the prince and you the princess!
sakura:what!!!!! I'm your princess!!

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #75 on: June 10 2006, 10:13 am »
Buhuhuwahahah. Suu has been inspired by chappie 118. ^_^ I'll put it in spoiler tags, incase people haven't read it. (If you haven't, you should. *cough* NOW.)

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::ichi-ban no taaaku::
(wapanese! Fear it! :XD:)
Yin-Syao: (in Yang-Syao's body) *sing-song* The arm bone's connected to the shoulder bone~ Oops! Not anymore!! bwahahahah....
Fai: O_O! Syaoran-kun?
Yin-Syao: mwa ha ha.... oh. *pretending to be Yang (badly)* Hello, Fai-san! What ever might you be doing here?
Fai: What are you doing in Syaoran's body?! I get first dibs! Then the princess, then the ninja, then the manjuu, if the kid hasn't died yet... *mumble mumble*
Yin: Err..... what do you mean, Fai-san? I'm Syaoran.
Fai: Are not. Syaoran may be emo, but he's not that emo. And violent. Yeah. You just made that hot guy over there armless.
Yin: ....Okay, so you're observant.
Fai: Fangirls are more observant, He-who-is-in-Syaoran's-body.
Yin: Please, the name is George.
Fai: .....Oh...kaaaaay.... George?
Yin (George): Yes.
Fai: How the hell did you get a name like that?
Yin (George): Fei Wong-sama got a little uncreative after he named the first minion/clone.... I was the second. *siiigh*
Fai: So are there anymore of you, Syaoran-but-not Syaorans?
Yin (George): Yeah, we had a 3rd, but Fei Wong just named him Syaoran again, and stuck the word 'Li' on the end of his name. He was a short one. Never knew what happened to the kid....
Fai: *blink* I see. Err.... Have fun, then. *leaves* 
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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #76 on: June 10 2006, 10:17 am »
Buhuhuwahahah. Suu has been inspired by chappie 118. ^_^ I'll put it in spoiler tags, incase people haven't read it. (If you haven't, you should. *cough* NOW.)

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::ichi-ban no taaaku::
(wapanese! Fear it! :XD:)
Yin-Syao: (in Yang-Syao's body) *sing-song* The arm bone's connected to the shoulder bone~ Oops! Not anymore!! bwahahahah....
Fai: O_O! Syaoran-kun?
Yin-Syao: mwa ha ha.... oh. *pretending to be Yang (badly)* Hello, Fai-san! What ever might you be doing here?
Fai: What are you doing in Syaoran's body?! I get first dibs! Then the princess, then the ninja, then the manjuu, if the kid hasn't died yet... *mumble mumble*
Yin: Err..... what do you mean, Fai-san? I'm Syaoran.
Fai: Are not. Syaoran may be emo, but he's not that emo. And violent. Yeah. You just made that hot guy over there armless.
Yin: ....Okay, so you're observant.
Fai: Fangirls are more observant, He-who-is-in-Syaoran's-body.
Yin: Please, the name is George.
Fai: .....Oh...kaaaaay.... George?
Yin (George): Yes.
Fai: How the hell did you get a name like that?
Yin (George): Fei Wong-sama got a little uncreative after he named the first minion/clone.... I was the second. *siiigh*
Fai: So are there anymore of you, Syaoran-but-not Syaorans?
Yin (George): Yeah, we had a 3rd, but Fei Wong just named him Syaoran again, and stuck the word 'Li' on the end of his name. He was a short one. Never knew what happened to the kid....
Fai: *blink* I see. Err.... Have fun, then. *leaves* 
OMG, I can't stop laughing!!!! george...:lol:
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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #77 on: June 17 2006, 06:08 pm »
Buhuhuwahahah. Suu has been inspired by chappie 118. ^_^ I'll put it in spoiler tags, incase people haven't read it. (If you haven't, you should. *cough* NOW.)

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::ichi-ban no taaaku::
(wapanese! Fear it! :XD:)
Yin-Syao: (in Yang-Syao's body) *sing-song* The arm bone's connected to the shoulder bone~ Oops! Not anymore!! bwahahahah....
Fai: O_O! Syaoran-kun?
Yin-Syao: mwa ha ha.... oh. *pretending to be Yang (badly)* Hello, Fai-san! What ever might you be doing here?
Fai: What are you doing in Syaoran's body?! I get first dibs! Then the princess, then the ninja, then the manjuu, if the kid hasn't died yet... *mumble mumble*
Yin: Err..... what do you mean, Fai-san? I'm Syaoran.
Fai: Are not. Syaoran may be emo, but he's not that emo. And violent. Yeah. You just made that hot guy over there armless.
Yin: ....Okay, so you're observant.
Fai: Fangirls are more observant, He-who-is-in-Syaoran's-body.
Yin: Please, the name is George.
Fai: .....Oh...kaaaaay.... George?
Yin (George): Yes.
Fai: How the hell did you get a name like that?
Yin (George): Fei Wong-sama got a little uncreative after he named the first minion/clone.... I was the second. *siiigh*
Fai: So are there anymore of you, Syaoran-but-not Syaorans?
Yin (George): Yeah, we had a 3rd, but Fei Wong just named him Syaoran again, and stuck the word 'Li' on the end of his name. He was a short one. Never knew what happened to the kid....
Fai: *blink* I see. Err.... Have fun, then. *leaves* 

XD XD XD I liked this one a lot!

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #78 on: June 17 2006, 06:56 pm »
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! soooo funny!!!!!!!!!

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Re: What would a Tsubasa chara never say....
« Reply #79 on: June 20 2006, 02:33 pm »
These have all been so great!!!  I'm enjoying myself immensly. ^_^

*Begin Scene*
Syaoran:  *low and seductive* Kurogane, I want you badly.
Kurogane:  *blushes* Shh!  Not in public.  You know I'm shy.
Sakura:  Can I please join in this time?
Fai:  This world has camcorders we can use to tape it!!
Syaoran: No one invited you magician!  Go away!  And Sakura, you can watch this time.
*End Scene*

*Begin Scene*
Syaoran: *talks for 30 minutes about the history of the world they just landed in*
Kurogane:  Really?  You're so smart Syaoran!  Tell me more!
Syaoran:  Actually, I just made all that s*** up.  We haven't even met anyone yet from this world.  So how the hell am I gonna know anything about the history?
Kurogane:  *sniffs*
*End Scene*

*Begin Scene*
Fai:  So, we have to see into that top window to find out who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
Syaoran:  That's right.
Fai:  Ok.  Kurogane, come give me a boost.
Kurogane:  Ok. *speaks slowly*  You are a good person and people say nice things about you.
Fai:  Not a moral boost, you idiot.  A physical one.
Kurogane:  Oh.
*End Scene*

Kurogane:  Oh crap, am I home?  I don't wanna be here.  Those damn creditors are gonna come after me once they know I'm back.  Quick Mokona!  Get us out of here!

Sakura:  *sings*  I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts!!!

Mokona:  Eat me!!
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