Buhuhuwahahah. Suu has been inspired by chappie 118. ^_^ I'll put it in spoiler tags, incase people haven't read it. (If you haven't, you should. *cough* NOW.)
::ichi-ban no taaaku::
(wapanese! Fear it!

Yin-Syao: (in Yang-Syao's body) *sing-song* The arm bone's connected to the shoulder bone~ Oops! Not anymore!! bwahahahah....
Fai: O_O! Syaoran-kun?
Yin-Syao: mwa ha ha.... oh. *pretending to be Yang (badly)* Hello, Fai-san! What ever might you be doing here?
Fai: What are you doing in Syaoran's body?! I get first dibs! Then the princess, then the ninja, then the manjuu, if the kid hasn't died yet... *mumble mumble*
Yin: Err..... what do you mean, Fai-san? I'm Syaoran.
Fai: Are not. Syaoran may be emo, but he's not
that emo. And violent. Yeah. You just made that hot guy over there armless.
Yin: ....Okay, so you're observant.
Fai: Fangirls are more observant, He-who-is-in-Syaoran's-body.
Yin: Please, the name is George.
Fai: .....Oh...kaaaaay.... George?
Yin (George): Yes.
Fai: How the hell did you get a name like that?
Yin (George): Fei Wong-sama got a little uncreative after he named the first minion/clone.... I was the second. *siiigh*
Fai: So are there anymore of you, Syaoran-but-not Syaorans?
Yin (George): Yeah, we had a 3rd, but Fei Wong just named him Syaoran again, and stuck the word 'Li' on the end of his name. He was a short one. Never knew what happened to the kid....
Fai: *blink* I see. Err.... Have fun, then. *leaves*Â