CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

why did Fujitaka die? Did clowreed and he know before?

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why did Fujitaka die? Did clowreed and he know before?
has annyone an idea?

Syaoran mentioned he died during the evacuation of Clow's ruins in vol. one. Exactly how? It's not explained...

-sudden fanfic inspiriation-

Maybe because of an illness! Because he saied he was happy with his life and so on...I expect that someone who is ill would say something like this when he is lying in his bed.

Something may have fallen on him? :sweatdrop:


--- Quote from: suu_no_clover on January 10 2006, 02:42 am ---Something may have fallen on him? :sweatdrop:

--- End quote ---

Outsch!!! >.<
Jep...I think something like that could let a guy die...^^"


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