General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's the most beautiful thing you saw today?

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--- Quote from: .:sightless:. on July 05 2006, 03:37 pm ---OMG!!! KuroFai!!! Official KF thread! ch. 121!!! preview! Kuro-tan! Fai!! precious thing!!! OMG!!!

 did anyone understand what im saying? ^^;;

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Oh my goodness, you beat me to it! XDDD Yes, that was the most beautiful thing I saw today!

And second to that were the fireworks at the top of the hill. ^^


--- Quote from: hoshisenshi on July 05 2006, 04:06 pm ---Oh my goodness, you beat me to it! XDDD Yes, that was the most beautiful thing I saw today!

And second to that were the fireworks at the top of the hill. ^^

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Yes, me too! I think we are spazzing all over the whole board with this :x

I also second the fireworks. The ones I saw were very beautiful, especially the ones that looked like stars.

*points on the upper posts*

KuroFai-ness! :XD:

Kina, The Dark Keyblade Master:
:sweatdrop: out of place... :sweatdrop:

umm...Time-Machine's siggy...


--- Quote from: Sayuhiro on July 05 2006, 09:09 pm ---:sweatdrop: out of place... :sweatdrop:

umm...Time-Machine's siggy...

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Glad you like it!

My brand new toothbrush!


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