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What's the most beautiful thing you saw today?

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The stars, all bright an beautiful. They are bright enough right now that you can almost make out the Milky Way. It's mind-blowingly infinite.

Teacher's artworks

Most beautiful thing?
Well the architecture of some of the buildings around here I really like
(yea yea.. I'm lame...)

--- Quote ---The stars, all bright an beautiful. They are bright enough right now that you can almost make out the Milky Way. It's mind-blowingly infinite.
--- End quote ---
makes me want to get a telescope and check out our stars.. shame I'm in the UK and we get a ton of clouds blocking our view a lot -_-

Subaru-kun taking of his shirt in my dream this morning~ :inlove:

Princess Kakurine:
the wonderful flower table setting for a date, wish someone will invite me in a dinner/date in that beautiful setting  :tongue3:


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