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What's the most beautiful thing you saw today?

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--- Quote from: Zettai daijoubu on September 02 2006, 02:18 am ---actually this is the most beautiful thing i've heard today...
"mina yashashi eh.."
after all that direction giving, the wife said lotsa stuff to her husband in Japanese of which i only understood.. "mina yashashi eh" (everybody's so kind!) and that really made my day..

--- End quote ---

it's so good to feel useful  :keke:

a wonderful artwork of "Zelda twillight princess"  :wink:

This cool Fan Art of Fai~sama

Tatasenko's icon of Fai

My new cat


--- Quote from: Airashii on September 03 2006, 05:55 am ---Tatasenko's icon of Fai

--- End quote ---

oh thanks my dear strategist  :wink:
i'm starting to wonder what will be my new banner,i'm working on it  :keke:!

what i found beautiful today was my grandmother's garden after the lawn has been sheared  :okay:


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