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What's the most beautiful thing you saw today?

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the "video games A-Z" game master list topic that i have embellished with colors  :keke:

piccie!!! riku!! KH!!! drool! body! back! tattoo!! *licks* eyes! looking at me! do you undersatnd me?!?! XDD KAKKOI!!!!!!!


--- Quote from: ~Forgiver's Sign~ on October 30 2006, 12:10 pm ---piccie!!! riku!! KH!!! drool! body! back! tattoo!! *licks* eyes! looking at me! do you undersatnd me?!?! XDD KAKKOI!!!!!!!

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don't worry,between crazy fans we always understand each others  :wink:

the most beautiful thing i saw today is Fai's bottom ...
no really,i'm not joking  :haha:


--- Quote from: Tatasenko on October 31 2006, 03:45 am ---

--- End quote ---
O_O AAA!!! cool!!! eyes! looking at me!! kawaii!!! majestic!!! ancient!! OMG!!! that!! beatiful! saw today!! OMG!!!

and our CD burner too


--- Quote from: ~Forgiver's Sign~ on October 31 2006, 02:11 pm ---O_O AAA!!! cool!!! eyes! looking at me!! kawaii!!! majestic!!! ancient!! OMG!!! that!! beatiful! saw today!! OMG!!!

--- End quote ---

now it would be cool to see him frontally  :haha:

the most beautiful thing i saw today is Moon Li new set,her "golden Shaolan" is radiant  :wink:


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