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CardCaptors Sakura Continues....

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I'm checking in again. Eriol is ready to start RPing. ^_^
Is there anyone else we're waiting for?


--- Quote from: Sohru-san on February 01 2006, 01:14 pm ---No I didn't forget anyone. Did you read through this whole thread? I warned you guys in this thread that if you didn't respond or you weren't going to be active that your characters will be given up. I didn't get a response. If there is no response, it only gives me the assumption that you guys forgot or lost interested. Therefore, I handed the role over to someone else. If you can be active (activity is one of the rules so...) then you can have Syaoran back.

--- End quote ---

Sorry for not noticing, but normally when somebody says they will take a character, assume they are going to.

And yes, I will have the character of Syaoran :D

great makes my life all that much easier ^^ so are we ready to start minna?

Okay everyone! Anyone is welcome to start.... It's a good idea to contact each other through PM's or messengers to properly plan the role-play.

Now here's what i'm curious. Are we continuing the manga version or the anime version? The manga would probably be Meiling and couples were much more obvious. Then again, the anime has more cards.


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