CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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Yeah, I'm more for the "S+Sness" than the actual characters :lol:  Although if I were to choose, Syaoran definitely has to be my favourite character :D *Poor Fai, Kurogane, and Mokona - I love you all too, don't worry!*


--- Quote ---Yeah, I'm more for the "S+Sness" than the actual characters
--- End quote ---

Tsubasa for me is all about Kurogane and Fai. We know how Sakura and Syaoran will end up, so I'm hoping us Kuro/Fai fans end up happy too!

S. Espoire:

mmm S&S always! xD although we know that they'll be together forever and ever xD
i love them >.<
well... also... fye and mokona x)

Mokona is cute & I like the Mokona in TRC better the Mokona in MKR. I think is because the Mokona in TRC actually speaks unlike in MKR (s)he can only say "puu." It's cute though in MKR the way Mokona says "puu", but its fun in TRC when Mokona talks as you get to understand everything (s)he is saying ^_^

I also like Sakura, she seems much prettier and lovely in TRC, however much cuter in CCS
Ohhhh..... I also like Fye & Kurogane because they have a funny relationship ~ lol, also the relationship between Mokona & Kurogane is funny too!

I love all the characters, but my overall vote goes to Mokona as you guessed ^o^


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