CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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I adore Mokona and Syaoran. :3

Then again, I like all the characters. :sweatdrops:

Fai is starting to catch up  :lol:


--- Quote ---Fai is starting to catch upĀ 
--- End quote ---

He sure is!!
Keep voting for Fai!

Ooh, tough. I like most of the characters. Sakura's so Kawaii, Syaoran is really cool (I like him better in TRC because I personally thought he was kinda bratty in CCS, I still liked him though ^_^'), Kurogane has anger management problems, wich are SO funny!!!!!! Mokona's cute and Fai! He such a comic relief!

If I were to choose one though, it would definetly be Fai-kun!!!!!!!!!! I like him so much! he's so funny! I voted for him. He made it to my top 7 favoite male characters! (inwhich Yukito and Yue are on the list too) I like it when Fai teases Kurogane! :D

Yup! Fye has a especial personality x)
he's so funny *.*

(but i always prefer shaoran >______< he's my dream *-*)


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