CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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Little Wolf:
I like commenting. :D especially if it's about CCS/TRC/S&S...

Yay~ so i'll add one later on...if the TRC commenting thing turns out good with loads of ppl commenting XD

Even though I admire Syaoran 'cause he only can recover Sakura memories and even they're like heaven and earth in the storyline they still the essence of their relationship!! :okay:

Miss Jenni-Maie:
I love Syaoran.
Simple as that.

When Sakura woke up and didn't remember him, I actually cried. Oh man, I'm gonna be balling my eyes out when they show it in the anime . . .  :cry: poor Syaoran, how could someone forget him!!!  :hmp: I wouldn't. :hmp:

it's not like she had a choice ^^ and besides...she is SO going to fall in love with him again


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