CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Favorite TRC character

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Lols.... *hands icepack to Yuki-chan*

You know, I forgot who I voted for. o.O I think it was Syaoran or Sakura. :sweatdrop: I cant remember but Im too lazy to remove my vote. xD


--- Quote from: Angelic-Essence on September 20 2005, 08:50 am ---Lols.... *hands icepack to Yuki-chan*

You know, I forgot who I voted for. o.O I think it was Syaoran or Sakura. :sweatdrop: I cant remember but Im too lazy to remove my vote. xD

--- End quote ---

*whimper whimper* ... *takes icepack from A-E and presses it to her forehead* A-arigatooouuuu.... *sniff* Hmm? *looks up at poll* Awwe, Chii-chan and the lovely Yuuko-sama have no votes! >_< But the "others" option has two, I wonder who the people were voting for? (Did they ever say?) Hmm... *goes to read thread*

:keke: My vote went to Fai. I've never known a character so cute and captivating... and such an enigma.

Aww...I would've voted for Kuro-mu too. ^__^-

~anime spirit~:
I just have to say that my fav is SYAORAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Syaoran is the coolest one  :D
sorry Kurogane but you get a very good second place :cry:


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